Income from Affiliate Marketing


Income from Affiliate MarketingToday’s ecommerce landscape has evolved to include a growing population of content owners relying on affiliate marketing to generate residual passive income.

The Emergence of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing platforms use websites and blogs as publishers of marketing content. The publishers serve as affiliates of the marketing company and receive a commission every time a product or service sells online. Advertisers offer commission of sold products to publishers when items sell. Affiliate marketing programs run by organizations serve as the middleman between the advertiser and publisher. The publisher creates a website or blog where HTML embeds code from an affiliate program represents the ad from the marketer. Many website and blog owners rely on affiliate marketing programs to generate passive income. After the initial set up, income becomes residual and ongoing. The cost and effort to maintain an affiliate program shows a significant return on investment. The only investment of concern has to do with the time to select an affiliate program and implement it on a website or blog. Some good affiliate marketing programs include ClickBank and Digiresults.

Passive Residual Income for Content Owners

Businesses wanting to sell products or services use affiliate marketing as a way to hire a sales team to market and sell goods and services. The work done online has the incentive of a commission payout to owners of websites and blogs. No shortage of publishers exists. The trend of affiliate marketing to sell products and services continues to grow. The ecommerce landscape will evolve to a much larger arena as more publishers relish in the incentive of passive residual income. As more consumers buy online, the trend for businesses to sell online through affiliate programs continues to grow. Taking advantage of affiliate marketing shares the same importance as other marketing programs. An online storefront generated through affiliate marketing has become more common and a normal way of doing business. Large box stores also take advantage of affiliate marketing to offload sales traffic from their website and increase opportunities across the web. With affiliates growing to help sell products, ecommerce continues to grow overall. Affiliate marketing help serve as the engine of ecommerce.

The Content Developer’s Design for Affiliate Marketing

Publishers taking advantage of affiliate marketing to generate revenue create websites and blogs through a simple process. A domain name for a website or blog identifies the name of a publisher or publishing element. The domain name paid for at Go Daddy represents the home of the published content. Publishers of affiliate marketed products need to have three web pages. The squeeze page visitors see first. The second page, called the confirmation page, thanks the visitor after an accepted email used for signing up. The final page for download provides the consumer a downloaded free offer that serves as a lead to a product for purchase. The free offer is what anyone will accept. Anything that costs money to buy without trying first has a sense of hesitancy attached to it. The free offer helps introduce consumers of products or services available for purchase. Many people use WordPress to create websites and add squeeze, confirmation, and download pages through WordPress Plugins.

Making Affiliate Marketing Work

When a website or blog has the squeeze, confirmation, and download page in place and the affiliate marketing mechanism ready to go, the last part involves distribution. The published content distributes with aggregators such as Hoot Suit and Tweet Deck that allows scheduling of posts across multiple social media platforms at once. For example, one post scheduled in advance used for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest saves time. Many posts scheduled evenly throughout a week or the course of a month saves a lot of time. This high volume automatic posting ensures greater contact with a larger number of consumers. Distribution includes posting to forums as a subject matter expert.