5 Signs You Need A Website Redesign


This is the advice for customers who already have websites. If you encounter any problems about SEO in this article, you need to deploy a website redesign or optimize the website; That gives your potential revenue.

Can you design a beautiful website with success, but it was not up to the principles of search engine optimization (SEO) or an old website, works well, tell everyone about your company of you, but slow loading and less content update. In this case you need to redesign your website.

The two websites will “struggle” to get traffic. Well-designed website can gain traffic, especially those who directly access the page, but for those who use the keyword search for products and services you can not find the it.

An older website with outdated content will fail by the search engine that it does not exist or has stopped working (for lack of news). The two sites have great traffic and increase profitability in the business, but without SEO will reduce a portion of the revenues can. Need design element on a website?

1 – All Flash

Despite significant advances in our Search Engine and start reading several types of flash, a site full of flash can not be Search Engines search indexing. The website is very nice, but the search engines will not appreciate them because this content can not be read. So big companies with high ranking sites contain flash? These sites have a high level links should contain our Flash content that should not cause any problems, if you are not a big company, a website full of flash is not good for google, bing & other search engines to find you.

2 – Frames

The frame on the Web site that will make search engines have trouble indexing your website. Furthermore, visitors are often not very popular these frames because they make them hard to read and is not impressed with your site. Some browsers do not support frames cause potential customers to fully read your site.

3 – The Splash page

Designers use splash pages to create a visual impact on visitors. Imagine that the entire webpage as vivid animation page. It’s impressive. Unfortunately, according to the perspective of SEO, they’re terrible. In general, the splash page contains very little or no text content and has no links yet contain many flash page and other software. This makes the search engine is still difficult to rank for your website. So, you can impress your splash page but they do a lot of potential clients “deny” your site or can not find you.

4 – Loading slowly

Slow loading website can not dominate the customers to visit your site is a part, but the problem is more important for the search engine index. You just try to imagine your life ever open all sites on the network and turn them off. The other search engines when looking for your web link as well, they also have a certain limit to scan through your website every day, but we can not wait for your website to load as too slow touching.

5 – Outdated content

First of all, the search engine will be completely unaware of this site if it does not exist. Before it may still be accepted even if not monthly content updates, but this time it will be ignored if the content is not updated regularly. By the old content will not attract your visitors.

If your website having any issues about SEO as above, then you need to deploy redesigned; That gives your potential revenue for online customer & competitive position for you.


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