Five White Hat Link Building Tips for 2015 and Beyond


Link Building Tips for 2015White hat links building is an online marketing strategy employed to acquire backlinks for your website. In this process, you need to have linkable content that would be able to collect quality backlinks for your domain. Keyword should be merged in such way that each keyword can be linked to other page or website somehow. In this blog, we will discuss how to use linkable content to get more visibility and social followers for your site that will be further converted to quality backlinks required for your business.

1. High DA and SE price should be key metrics for your guest blog

The websites with high DA and SE price metrics are usually tanked better as compared to other sites. They have tendency to gain natural backlinks for any targeted niche. When your content is posted on these sites, there are better chances of getting more backlinks relevant to your business. Also, your visibility will be improved for popular search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing.

2. Track competitor’s site and discover links or keywords

Check out the competitor’s site and their content promotion tactics. Try to acquire natural backlinks in the same way as your competitors have done in the past. Technically, you can do reverse engineering to track the passive links acquired by popular sites almost every week. It will help in boosting up the overall traffic for your website.

3. Target the right audience and send email

Most of the link building campaign fails because they never target the right audience and mail is sent to wrong people who were not interested in particular niche.
For example: you are promoting a food product via online but you emailed to offer internet marketers on an internet marketing forum then no one will care about your product because they only involved to marketing online.
So what we should do to target the right audience?
Here you need to identify the correct person and try to grab his email address, once you have identified right audience then send email to him. There are plenty of ways how to target the correct audience. For this purpose, you have to make relevant search online and make little efforts to get the right answer.

4. Use productivity tools for link prospecting

Link prospecting is most tedious and time consuming task during link building. From link collection to filtration process for quality links, half of the time is spent over link prospecting. The best idea is to use productivity tools and enjoy time and cost benefits associated with the process.

5. Create linkable content pieces in low budget

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars to create linkable content pieces. You can any of these three techniques to create linkable content asset
• It could be a case study describing something interesting relevant for the users
• Educate audience with some interesting topic popular in that particular time span
• Use actionable content that can force audience to take immediate action
The white hat link building process is natural during internet marketing tactics. You don’t have to collect plenty of links. Only a small number of followers with potential background can help you in acquiring highly valued backlinks for your website.


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