Meta Description tag is hidden in the HTML description tag will not show the contents of the webiste, but it is beneficial to do SEO. Meta Description is like one summary about your site, Google will rely heavily on the Meta Description to display on the search results page. According...
Although called Meta Keywords Optimization, but this is the least important part of SEO. Similar to the Meta Description, this is one hidden card, the user will not see the content of the Meta Keywords, Meta Keyword use search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing ... Meta Keyword contains one...
Page title the most important part of SEO, is the first line you will click on in search results in Google. Page Title is the part is marked in purple in the image below. As shown below in the Google search results will include 4-5 line, the first line...
Web promotions, SEO services, are quite comprehensive and complex. By the algorithms of the search engines, SEO tactics are complex and constantly changing. For example, Google has hundreds of elements in the Web page ranking algorithm. Moreover, search engines consider the algorithm is a top priority for two main reasons: They...
Normally, a new article or a new site set up to Google index, it may take a few days, even a week. But the perennial site, prestige, most within 24 hours or lesser is normal. Therefore, the job of the SEO tips Google index as soon as possible is...
By submitting your websites to various directories will help get a lot of links quickly and easily. Register your website in directories that help websites get indexed sooner on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and more. You will receive visits and traffic as a result. This is an...
SEO for Bing
Recent studies suggest that the Yahoo and Bing alliance has managed to bag at least 30.5% of the marketshare. This figure is almost half of the marketshare that Google claims, which makes Bing and Yahoo all the more important. Just for your knowledge Bing has closed a deal with...
Robots.txt is used to instruct search engines to automatically discover your pages and then search the index page. Most sites have folders and files that do not need the search engine robots to visit, so creating a robots.txt file can help you with SEO. Robots.txt file is a simple file...
Compliance with the design and content of instruction, the Webmaster will help Google find, index and rank your website. Even if you do not apply regardless of the suggestions below, Google still recommend you should pay much attention to "Quality Directions ". Instructions only quality out the invalid tips that...
Link Juice is a term of Google. In other words, it's a secret that you can win the competition in the race rankings. Of course, there are several other factors that Google uses to evaluate the ranking, but Link juice is the most important aspect of Google and Google...