freelance writers

  1. Vanya Walker

    How to get freelance job without any experience?

    Hello Guys, Is it possible to get a freelance job/work without any experience? Do you have any tips on it.
  2. UmairHussain

    UK or USA English?

    Hi everyone! Being from a non-English region and wants to pursue Content Writing freelancing, which English should I go for to receive project orders? I heard that mostly the freelancer's buyers want UK English while some might give you lots of edits as your English is not according to the US.
  3. I

    Freelance Writers: Do you often ask for upfront payments?

    Freelance writers have to make a mark for themselves before asking for payment. Create a demand and then ask for the payment. You will be better paid. You can create a fan following by guest blogging. This is another way to create a demand. Be sure to have a blog or so for your fans to contact...