XRumer - 30% Discount


New member
Feb 1, 2015
New Xrumer 12.0.9: efficiency growth + super discount 30%

Dear webmasters!

1. Good news for all who plan to purchase [URLnf="http://www.botmasterlabs.net/xrumer/"]SEO/SMM-programs "XRumer + SocPlugin"[/URLnf], but have not decided yet:

"XRumer 12 Lite": (Old price $290) NOW - $190
"XRumer 12 Standard": (Old price $650) NOW - $450
"XRumer 12 Business": (Old price $900) NOW - $700

All updates are for free.

On questions about the purchase of XRumer software contact:
1. [URLnf="http://www.botmasterlabs.net/contacts/"]Feedback Form[/URLnf]
2. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
3. ICQ 111892
4. Skype botmaster.net

Also we Present NEW Unique Revolutionary technology in natural building backlinks!

Many SEO – experts knows,
backlinks still plays an important role in SEO,
in special backlinks from most trusted (with High PR) resourses,
which are highly ranked by search engine, and search engine spiders often visit those sites, this mean that any link placed on them are fast indexed and begin to bring benefits to you.

As results, “white” SEO-experts work on the same methods:
- Buy backlinks on marketplaces (sometimes – expensively)
- Buy links on specific sites, directly from site admins (expensive, labor-intensive)
- Use obsolete automated methods (cheap but ineffective)
Of course, it would be extremely useful to have a tool,
that can help to do all everything about what was talked as indicated in these points, but for free!
Same as, such backlinks increase should look maximal naturally (as posted by human and not by tool).

Now such tool exist : we are pleased to present technology
[URLnf="https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fxrumerwiki.com%2Fru%3Aantispam&edit-text="]"AntiSpam 2.0"[/URLnf]:
this is innovative technology of automated posting of any text and links on trusted, high visited
recourses – is fully automatic, and can be used for any language (English, Russian, German, French, Arabic etc…).

Simple demonstration of work of "AntiSpam 2.0" thematic posting technology:

Neutral post -
[URLnf="http://www.cumonprintedpics.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=122007&p=1126443#p1126443"]Sexy and Sixty1[/URLnf] (used nick Michaelkl);
[URLnf="http://www.1stmsob.com/foro/index.php?topic=335.new#new"]Un saludo del Omega Force[/URLnf] (used nick MichaelQuob, text in Spanish);
[URLnf="http://trackday.info.pl/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=806&p=12549#p12549"]Rozrzad[/URLnf] rodzaje napedu[/URLnf] (used nick MichaelPet, text in Polish);
You can use our powerful Antipsam tool to promote ur videos, it will be posted to thousands of sites automatically and always will look like naturally posted messages...

Added text with promo to topic -
[URLnf="http://www.backlinksforums.com/topic/4877-waste-of-time-and-effort-vps-with-backlink-tools/?p=14556"]Waste of time and effort (VPS with backlink tools)[/URLnf] (nickname MichaelPof);

Link and anchor is added automatically to text -
[URLnf="http://gamestylerz.com/index.php?topic=62.new#new"]Camera + Screens to watch the camera[/URLnf] (used nick Michaelma);
[URLnf="http://forum.moneytoplist.com/index.php?topic=86.new#new"]Affiliate Program vs referral link[/URLnf] (used nick MichaelJak);

As you can see, the system is completely independent from the subject of the forum and the language in which there was used.
The lexical analyzer "AntiSpam 2.0" is universal, and it depends only on the specified settings, and the size of indexed database.
This system is a component [URLnf="http://www.botmasterlabs.net/xrumer/"]of XRumer program[/URLnf],
and is actively developed: in the future is possible to implement this technology for social networks and blogs.

With all questions, please contact US!

New Hrefer 4.6 was released!
List of changes and improvements:

- Parsing of Yahoo was significantly increased
- Added support of HTTPS
- Added support of proxies that needs authorization, format
- Updated algorithm to bypass Yandex-captcha

- Adjusted the work of tool Engines Tuning for work with macros [[PAGE]]
- Adjusted display of threads table
- Updated googlehost.txt
- "Sieve-Filter" is renamed in “Filter”
- Now, as in previous versions, software is doing additional queries without proxies, if all proxies are banned.
- Added new option “Enable proxy if SE banned local IP” – it will use proxy for threads only if local IP is banned.
- Updated templates “all forums”
- Added logs \Debug\!FilteredButProbablyGood.txt – it may help to add new rules in Filter
- In debug mode is implemented logging GET- and POST-requests in Debug folder, analogically with XRumer.
- Internal timeout to GET- and POST-requests is changed from 60 to 5 seconds
- Due to specifics of bypass of protection on some search engines, now UserAgent is permanent – Firefox. To return UserAgent on random value enter in hrefer.ini in section [Search Engine options] parameter OnlyFirefox=0
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