Article submission to one good article site or to multiple?


Feb 25, 2015
I can't understand why someone would submit the same article to many article submission sites, for sure you will have more links but that can get penalty for duplicate content affect how well those articles perform? What do you guys think it's better to do article submission to one good article site or to multiple?

Your comments would be appreciated.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
I am no SEO expert but I've always heard that duplicate content is only when the content is duplicate on the same domain. And many say is a complete myth.

Why not submit it every where you can? Some should be backlinks for your site.

Course, article marketing is not what it use to be. The directories don't get the SE ranks and traffic like they use to.


New member
Jan 6, 2016
Duplicate content is a conundrum at best. if you look at: and then scroll down about 3/4ths the way down you get to "Duplicate content on a site is not grounds for action on that site unless it appears that the intent of the duplicate content is to be deceptive and manipulate search engine results. If your site suffers from duplicate content issues, and you don't follow the advice listed above, we do a good job of choosing a version of the content to show in our search results." It wont hurt you, but if we deem it a scam it will.. and if you do have duplicate content we will select one for you.

I will say i play a bit cautious in terms of what I will do with SEO. When I am working with clients... I am even more so cautious. When Google says it wont hurt.. it can hurt and if all else fails we will list what we want to... I take notice. Its not just Google either.. there are reason that there are tags that are now for the most part universal. canonical linking, no-index, Author tags.. these are all methods that would be prefered to identify duplicate content be it on your own site.. or out on other pages.

So when we start talking about writing a piece of content. putting it on your own site,and then saying "Hey I should share this on other sites" there are a few things i do. I ensure there is an author tag on the page or post o my site. I ensure that the page is indexed on my site prior to sharing. I ensure there is a link back to that specific page on the other sites I may be posting this content. ALL of this is to ensure that Any search engine knows Whos content it is, where it came from and the fact thatthere are now multiple copies running around.

So now we can start talking about the reason for doing this... most SEO guys are doing this to create backlinks.. its kind of silly really if you think about it. If Google is going to index only 1 copy of this content,obviously you want to ensure it is the copy that is on your site.. right? So by sharing content across the web in the hopes of a backlink.. will it really count if the content is deemed "duplicate" The answer is "It Depends" and how exactly it depends, I still haven't figured out and may never.

The reason I use duplicated posted content really has nothing to do with SEO.. but has everything to do with direct flow of traffic into groups of users I would normally have the opportunity to share and communicate with. If they are on Site Z and see an article I have written they MAY click on the link ( that I ensure is on the page ) and check out more of my content on my site, Site A. So SEO aside... if the intent is using this content to increase your audience reach, I would say follow the rules and have at it.. If SEO is the intent.. again I would say follow the rules and it may or may not work in your advantage... and if you don't follow the rues, YOUR content may be helping the site you shared on and NOT yours.

Abhijit Sao

New member
Jan 12, 2016
I don't know about other company but in my city one article is posted or submitted on 1 site only otherwise it creates copywrite issues.


New member
Jul 15, 2015
Mass submission of articles in an effort to generate links that pass PageRank is an old school spam tactic that will eventually get you penalized in Google.

If you want to republish one article on a handful of places because it is a great article, and you hand select the places it is going to be republished on, and those places you hand selected are high quality sites, then it is probably worthwhile if those places want to republish your article.

It can also be worthwhile if you are submitting the article to somewhere where it is going to generate enough targeted traffic to your site to make it worth it.

The process of publishing one article in its original form to a number of different places is called "article syndication".

In general, article syndication is worthwhile for traffic (if and only if you can syndicate it to the right places). Article syndication is not particularly effective for building backlinks for SEO. In fact, if you are not careful about where you syndicate your article(s), you are increasingly more likely to create a Google ranking problem for the page you are building links to.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
I don't know about other company but in my city one article is posted or submitted on 1 site only otherwise it creates copywrite issues.
So you are going to sue yourself for a copyright violation... against yourself? :chair: WTH?

I can't understand why someone would submit the same article to many article submission sites, for sure you will have more links but that can get penalty for duplicate content affect how well those articles perform? What do you guys think it's better to do article submission to one good article site or to multiple?

Your comments would be appreciated.
It is not duplicate content. It is syndicated content. If that was considered "duplicate" content by Google and penalized, then every site that contains song lyrics, popular poems, and news articles published from the Associated Press would be screwed.

Now there is a chance that duplicates end up in the supplemental index rather than the main index. That is not a penalty though.


New member
Jan 9, 2016
I have a book review site which runs essentially on content that is already on other places, with exceptions. The reviewers share some of their content with me, mostly after publishing it first. Not all the reviews are indexed, but many are, and all the tag pages are also. The page is more than the article. We add other information, and there are the conversations that form on the comments section.
Would I prefer it to have completely unique content? Sure.
On the other hand. Hubpages will not let you post material that has been already indexed some place else.


New member
Dec 20, 2015
Syndication will not hurt you unless you are using low quality websites. People use sites like medium, or even linkedin and post their existing blog posts there for getting referral traffic. They are doing it not for getting backlinks, mostly for getting traffic and leads. These sites will not hurt you and also due to having nofollow tag, this will not pass SEO juice too. But there are a list of article directories, from where you can pass SEO juice. If the site is great enough, then mostly they will not allow you to post duplicate content. If they do so, then today or tomorrow they will lose their authority, and you may have some problem with them.
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New member
Jul 15, 2015
I'd like to see this list.

If you are referring to the popular article directory websites that everyone knows about or the ones that are listed on every list you will find by Googling "list of article directories", then I would like to point out that those common article directories are essentially juiceless. I haven't tested every single one of them, but I have tested the most popular ones like and And I tested them when was still dofollow and I tested before it was abandoned.

The links from articles on those sites (even before a site went nofollow) were not passing PageRank. (at least not according to what I saw). The reason I say this is because the links from those sites would not get a new page indexed in Google. Even when the article itself (published on the article directory) was indexed in Google and it had a regular dofollow link pointing to a page on a different website, the other page on that other website would not even get indexed. (I sat up a test with a couple sites of mine to determine this.) That tells me that (even though those links were dofollow) they didn't pass any PageRank. If they did pass PageRank, then the new page on the other site should have been indexed within a reasonable amount of time. Test it yourself if you don't believe me. I believe that in recent years, Google began dropping all of those links from the link graph when calculating PageRank. They must have kept them in the link graph when running algorithms like Penguin, but for PageRank purposes those links were probably dropped entirely.

Those links are worthless at best, and at worst they will contribute to a ranking demotion for the page you are building links to. Using article directory sites for link building is not a smart practice. And it doesn't matter if you are syndicating an article or spinning it or writing a new article from scratch. The links suck regardless.

To be clear: I believe years ago those article directories with regular dofollow links did pass PageRank and did help boost rankings (even though they were weak links). Somewhere in time (not sure when) (I know it has been a couple years now at least) those links quit passing PageRank. It might have been somewhere around the time of the first launch of Google Panda. Article directory links (at least the ones from those major article directories) were juiceless even before Penguin came out.


New member
Nov 19, 2015
I didn't realize people still used those, anymore. Maybe it's just that I got lazy - ha. If I were going to go that route, again, I'd just write a unique article and submit it to the best article-submission site (one with the most traffic I could find). Even when I churned out articles back-in-the-day, I always changed up the articles (did more research and such) before I submitted them somewhere. I never submitted the exact same article to more than one site. I just always thought it seemed spammy. Besides that, I noticed that certain article-submission sites worked better than others -- based on the niche.



New member
Dec 9, 2015
Hi Maxoq,

Earlier people use to do this, they submit same article on multiple sites. But since Google has updated its algorithms, it is not good to post same article on different article submission sites. So it is better to submit unique content on one site so that you would not face the Google penalty.


New member
Jan 9, 2016
This is an interesting conundrum, is it not?

We post an article in our site, after it's indexed we take pieces of it or the whole thing and post it as guest post or whatever in other places.

If those other places take our content, their rankings might fall and they could become bad neighborhoods, so our back link will play against us.

If those sites keep an eye on things, once they see our content is not good for them, they will remove it.



New member
Jan 4, 2016
I can't understand why someone would submit the same article to many article submission sites, for sure you will have more links but that can get penalty for duplicate content affect how well those articles perform? What do you guys think it's better to do article submission to one good article site or to multiple?

Your comments would be appreciated.
This is where Article Spinner Comes in and some people Say it does not work ,but it does to be honest if used smartly

Never use the spinner on your Money Pages but for backlinks just go for it

Here is my small tip to you
For article submission I write an original article then Try to get approval from Ezine Articles

Once I am approved i use the spinner to come up with 150 variations of it

Then make the articles readable (If you are using a good spinner then you dont have to make many changes) ,then add a little bit of different content ,Check it on copyscape

Here you go your article is ready for submissions to Different Directories

Hope this helps
Super Affiliate


New member
Jan 4, 2016
Yes Article Marketing is not dead and its going no where ,

Here are some of the good ones

What i would recommend also use hubpages for article submission ,It is a very high authority website ,

Let me know if you need any other help


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
This is where Article Spinner Comes in and some people Say it does not work ,but it does to be honest if used smartly

Never use the spinner on your Money Pages but for backlinks just go for it

Here is my small tip to you
For article submission I write an original article then Try to get approval from Ezine Articles

Once I am approved i use the spinner to come up with 150 variations of it

Then make the articles readable (If you are using a good spinner then you dont have to make many changes) ,then add a little bit of different content ,Check it on copyscape

Here you go your article is ready for submissions to Different Directories

Hope this helps
Super Affiliate
This is great advice... if you are trying to perform negative SEO.

Is it still 2008 and someone forgot to tell me?

Yes Article Marketing is not dead and its going no where ,

Here are some of the good ones

What i would recommend also use hubpages for article submission ,It is a very high authority website ,

Let me know if you need any other help

Ezinearticles and Hubpages are nofollow. I would imagine some of those other directories are too.

If you are going to build trash like this, just don't point it at any sites you care about.
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New member
Jan 4, 2016

Please do not think i am being bad or Rude ,Some people needs to be told few things

First of all i do not create any websites on my own these days

We have a team of experts who does it

No Follow - Heheee ,do you still follow this rule

Whenever we submit an Article if it is a High PR site like hubpages we post it straight away without even thinking if it is a no follow or do follow

There have been times when we have ranked on the 2nd page of google with out any backlinks whatsoever ,Just posting on Hubpages did the trick

This is not 2008 era,this is 2016

Yes we invest in Spinner which does a FAB job like Word AI ,yes it is very costly but does a great job

and you need to brush up your SEO skills BTW

Super Affiliate


New member
Jan 4, 2016
To me it does not matter what you or anyone else say

and yes i have never been picky on terms like PPC/Offer wall /PPV/Clickbanking et etc ultimately it means only one thing getting people to see your offer

The only thing that matters to me is getting the things done and i have been doing that for the past 4 years pretty successfully



New member
Jul 15, 2015
There have been times when we have ranked on the 2nd page of google with out any backlinks whatsoever ,Just posting on Hubpages did the trick
If you think it was because you got a link from a Hubpages article, I am convinced you are mistaken.

How do you know it was because of that link? Did you setup a test removing all other variables? - Not a chance in hell you did this. If you did, you would have discovered that link from Hubpages did absolutely nothing to or for your page whatsoever. At least that is the case if you did this within the last few years. If you are basing this assumption on something you noticed 5 years ago, then that is different. But based on your answers in this thread and others, I don't believe you have been doing this 5 years or more. It just doesn't seem like it.

and @SEOPub needs to brush up on his SEO skills BTW

Super Affiliate
As a self pronounced "Super Affiliate" I would assume you have a lot of experience with the things you are talking about.

If you did have a lot of experience then you would know that the information you are espousing is B.S.

In all honesty, you are dead wrong about the advice you are offering here on this page. I know because I have tested it personally. And tested it scientifically removing every other variable possible to remove. And that is why I have the conviction to come right out and tell you that you are just dead wrong.

The advice you are offering people here on this page will cause them to waste their time and hurt their site.

I challenge you to setup a scientific test (as best you can) and retest your theory about whether links from those article directories help you rank better or not. If you do you will discover that those links will not bump your rankings one bit. In fact, they won't even get a page indexed in Google. And at worst, the person who owns the site that you point the links at could very likely end up getting an "Unnatural links" warning from Google for the pages those article directory links point to if any of those links are regular dofollow links. And you know what happens a week or so after getting that unnatural links warning? Google Penguin plays whack a mole with your pages.

It seems to me that you are just offering advice based on what you have read somewhere. Your advice is not based on personal experience. Either that or else you are not good at setting up experiments to determine what caused what. You are just wrong here Chyanit. Dead wrong.


New member
Jan 22, 2016
If we post same content in various places, its penalized by Google, because of Google wants unique and fresh content. So don't try duplicate content as article submission otherwise its harmful for any website.
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