How to get your guest post approved?


New member
Jan 22, 2013
What is the best way to get your guest post approved? I should email to website owners with an email like this to ask them for guest posting on their sites.
I received an email from a person with following content. I should learn this way to start asking guest posting on websites?

Dear Reader,

After reviewing your Website, I just found it’s an ideal place to learn and share.

I am Maggie Sawyer, associated with MHQ. as a professional web developer and a blogger by hobby. Being a blogger, I would like to share some innovative and useful tutorials on your website. If you are accepting guest posts, then I can contribute with some valuable content for your site. I assure you that the article is informative & unique and it will not be published anywhere other than your site.

I can provide you content related to WordPress,Magento, Joomla, Drupal, HTML and CSS etc. Looking forward to hear from you.

Best Regards
Maggie Sawyer
Sr. Web Developer

Rob Whisonant

May 24, 2016
When I approach a new blog or site, I usually go ahead and write an article for them and send it to them with my introduction email. This seems to work better than just sending them an email asking if they want a guest post writer.



New member
Jan 16, 2017
This is the really the only thing that will be guaranteed to give you a huge advantage from the get-go. If you're going after a well respected and established blog, that blogger is likely limited on time and already receives many requests from guest posters. Save their time monkeying around back and forth talking about what you want to write about and instead show them what you already have, ready to publish.

Nothing shows commitment like doing all of your work up front. Brown nosing or referencing specific posts of theirs that you like is wonderful, but they've heard it all before. Keep it short and simple. Tell them you've got this post you'd like to publish and you're ready immediately if they approve of the content. They'll appreciate the no-nonsense approach.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
Trying to shove your request down their throat without getting to know them is not the best approach.

Connect with them over social media. If they allow comments or have a forum participate on their website. Get to know them and let them get to know you. Build a relationship.

Then you can talk to them about link building opportunities and working together.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
I must quite agree with SEOPub about this, obviously you had great experience on asking guest blog posts for your sites. Almost people will ignore emails as The OP is asking because they will provide you really bad articles with tons of backlinks on it when you agreed. You need to build trust first that's why SEOPub suggested to chat with them via social networks.


New member
Nov 13, 2016
What is the best way to get your guest post approved? I should email to website owners with an email like this to ask them for guest posting on their sites.
I received an email from a person with following content. I should learn this way to start asking guest posting on websites?
This is not a good email to get a guest post opportunity.

Although @SEOPub said you need to build relationships with them (which I agree) there have been times where I reached out cold and got an opportunity.

Here's an outline I've used before:

Subject: Possible Contribution to [Site name]

Hello [Their name],

Hope you're having a great day.

I've been reading [Their site] for a while now and I love [insert what you love about their site]. I especially love this post you wrote [name of post] because [give reason].

I'm writing you because I'd like to make a pitch for a post that hopefully your blog community would find interesting.

The working headline for the post is “[name of post].” This is a working title and could easily be changed.

The basic break down is this:

[point #1]
[point #2]

Here are a few links to some guest posts that I wrote:

[link #1]
[link #2]

So, let me know what do you think?

I look forward to hearing from you.

If possible though, build connections with them first. Comment on their site. Sign up to their list. Get to know what type of content they write and their audience likes to read.

Good luck.

Thalea Cruz

New member
Jan 17, 2017
Based on my personal experience, I always ask permission first if they allow guest post on their blog. Well unfortunately not all websites allow it for free. Once they said yes, I am sending a follow up email for the proposed topics. After they can choose, that would be the time I am asking the owners if they have a guidelines for guest post. This includes number of words, images size and how many external links am I allowed.

Guest posting on high quality sites requires patience and time. No shortcuts for it.


New member
Sep 28, 2016
What is the best way to get your guest post approved? I should email to website owners with an email like this to ask them for guest posting on their sites.
I received an email from a person with following content. I should learn this way to start asking guest posting on websites?
1. Send an email proposal letting a site owner know of your intentions to write a guest post article to his/her site and wait for his/her reply. If you get rejected (which is likely to happen based on my experience), then you should never give up and move on to other prospect sites.

2. Make sure to follow the guidelines given to you by the site owner (and be very careful with the details).

3. Before you start writing anything, submit some topic proposals that you are planning to write about to the site admin and wait for his/her go signal.

4. Submit a well-written, interesting, and seo-optimized article according to the topic you have both agreed upon.

Hope this helps!:)


New member
Oct 27, 2016
As you can see there is a lot of different approaches people use.

Personally, I like to send a pitch first to check if they are interested in the subject matter and to sort out any guidelines if they don't have any clearly stated somewhere on their site.

How effective your outreach is going to be depends on a lot of different factors, quality of your pitch e-mail, did you target their audience well with your topics, do you have good examples of your previous work etc.

I do not like to write the articles upfront because if they decline it you either have to rework it or find another interested opportunity. And you are kinda limited now because the article you wrote surely doesn' fit everywhere. On the other hand, if you write really great articles and your targeting is on point I see it working well.

Every approach has its drawbacks. It is probably the best to try out a few to see which one works best for you.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
What is the best way to get your guest post approved? I should email to website owners with an email like this to ask them for guest posting on their sites.
I received an email from a person with following content. I should learn this way to start asking guest posting on websites?
I think it's REALLY funny, they start it with "Dear Reader". Doesn't even really make sense. With an email starting like that, I'd guess they've never even visited the site. Worst... I want you to do something for me, but I'm not going to take the time to know or use your name. Delete.

Like SEOPub said, build the relationship FIRST. And yes, commenting can go a long ways. When you leave genuine and quality comments and become a PART of the conversation (not just going off on your own tangent), you get on their radar, you get known and you will of course have a much better chance of getting approved when you do ask.

And when I say, being a part of the conversation, I mean, acknowledge what they said in their post/article and what other commenters have said. That is were you can REALLY build a good relationship. So much so, it can have people coming to you asking you for guest posts. It's worked for me.

Yes, commenting can be quite time consuming, when you do it right, but it can pay off quite well in so many different ways.

Maybe it's just me, but when people talk like I loved your post, loved your blog, it's a bit too much, like kissing up. But maybe that is just me. I'd rather have some one say I enjoyed your post, and maybe way, just seems more genuine.

I also have to agree, I'd wait to see if they are interested first before I'd send anything, might not know exactly what they are looking for. But, hey if it works, it's all good.

Just my opinions of course :)
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