Onpage SEO Overview


New member
Jun 6, 2012
Here are the factors that stand out in the course of the on-page for one site, so read through the articles discussed on the seo forum, you knew that: onpage = Title, Description, URL is good - it is a very wrong perception. Therefore, my hope that this article will help us better insight into the process of On-page site.

Detailed Analysis On-page factors of one websites

The crucial factor

Appropriate use of keywords in the text seo: Content writing is very important for the SEO process. To optimize your keywords rank higher for targeted keywords, you should use the target keyword at least 4 times. Currently, there are forms to trick bots, users read the text first, bot read one text, however, you should not be in this form.

Avoid keyword stuffing: use too many keywords in the text can seo negative keywords rankings. Even with the use of target keywords more than twice in the title tag can be seen as keyword stuffing. The keyword stuffing (if any) must be a bit tricky to avoid falling into the state of spam.

Avoid more title page: this means that one site only a single title, for both users and search engines. Or acquired case if you code the meta description and meta short description properties are located in the meta tags, to cleverly put in the code

Use correct keyword in the title: Search engines consider the title element is the most important place to identify keywords and web pages associated with a topic or set of terms. Ranking results are significantly affected by the use of keywords in the title tag.

Keyword position in the page: the page using the target keyword in front of the title tag is very large in the rankings. Priority important keywords will go from left to right.

The important factor

Website must be indexed by search engines : This means that the site can not crawl or index will not have the opportunity to rank in results. Before refining keyword targeting or take advantage of other optimization techniques, sites need to ensure access. After the first time, if the website is not in the index, please email for Google to index your website because of the possibility of penalty is very high. In webmaster sun has 1 article How to solve this situation.

The keywords used many on-page seo: search engines and users to reach both target search keywords in the text of the page. Use keywords in the document element (text) to DC users attention, and that is an essential part of SEO.

Keywords used in the title of the page: Search engines consider the title element is the most important place to identify keywords and web pages associated with a topic, charts affected by the use use keywords in the title tag.
Use the "Rel Canonical" appropriately: If the standard tag is pointing to a different URL, it will not count this page as the source of reference so will not DC rated.

Medium Factors :

Use the correct keywords need seo in text: eg, you seo "website design" is not necessarily everywhere to write "website design", we can write "web design services", "tourism website design" etc. and Google still understand and index your keywords. In addition, the broad keywords is also a priority in the ranking.

Keywords used in the Alt tag: Keywords used in the alt attribute of the images used have a positive effect on rankings. It also significantly improved the ability to search for images, one common type and is often used in the search system.

The number of keywords in the content: The search engines find pages containing the content that their users are looking for. Your content is the site for "website design" can not index the content include "adult film" DC. Best seo text should be limited to about 300 characters.

Avoid keyword stuffing in the URL: Keyword stuffing in the URL can be considered spam and will also have the ability to lose potential customers to see in the search results.

How to use keywords in the URL: Keywords in the URL string help for more information related to page rank on search engines, users looking for support in determining the content of the page when viewing the URL and provide value when used as introduction text links.

Low important factors

Use keywords in the H1 tag: Although the targeted keyword in the H1 tag is not correlated well with high rankings, but its presence also provide some small value in the ranking. It is considered to be a point of access and describe the content of the page.

Length appropriate title page: The part that we read of the search results page title in 66 characters long, then it will be truncated to a three dots. Therefore, to optimize the best title we should be for the title less than 66 characters, the number of characters close to 66 characters long, the better (That's the way that the WebmasterSun is conducting SEO <= "title term will be paying more attention ")

Keywords used in b, I, strong: The search engine for the priority use target keywords with one of these factors. It is also valuable to the user itself when the priority keyword prominence. Therefore, we should focus on using add the <b>, <strong>, <em>, or tags <i> to target keywords stand out on page seo.

Keywords used in the Meta Description tag: Use the query keywords in the meta tag des helps give it a better chance to be used by the search engines and be considered as the code of the page. It creates the prominence and visibility to search engines, we can see the keywords in the description text will be bold when search on Google.

Avoid too many internal links, external links: External links are generally a good thing, but as with many optimization strategies in SEO, moderation is the best way. Using many external links can reduce the value of any website link (especially if the link does not come from high quality links of trusted sites). But with an excessive number of internal links, can not directly harm the value of a page, but it can affect the quality of the link and reduces the ability to collect data , indexed and ranked by search engines.

Appropriate length URL: Search engines often shortened URL displayed in 76 characters. Therefore, let the length of your URL in the appropriate range.

Restrict subfolder in the URL: The number of subdirectories in a URL, the less it will be more preferred. In addition, there are many subdirectories in a URL string can be a signal that this site link structure is very deep, it will negatively affect the process of data collection, indexing and ranking rating.


New member
Nov 22, 2012
Very useful tips and when tweaking HTML codes of websites and editing their on-page elements, such matters can be remembered. The fact is that although nowadays many webmasters look for ways of adding newer and better links to their web pages, but what actually goes on within the codes of sites and on pages can be extremely significant.

Title plus description tags, making use of a few H tags per page and covering the primary targeted keywords via using them, writing compelling contents that catch attention of the readers, using reasonable keyword densities and at the same time trying to write contents on a unique and original way can be important when doing on-page tasks.
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