Make Money with Google Adsense or Clickbank?


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Adsense or Clickbank? Just started to blog that sharing tutorials on how to make money online and blogging tips. Should I apply for Google adsense or simply use clickbank as money generation method?


New member
Jan 4, 2016
You Can do both

But personally i have used clickbank and have seen great results with that

To be honest i have never employed Adsense because it does not provide flexibility and you are under google's hand

Having said that my friend and business partner has seen great results with Adsense

Its up to you to decide which one best fits for you ,Personally i would never use Adsense



New member
Feb 9, 2013
But personally i have used clickbank and have seen great results with that
What makes you succeeded with clickbank? Using paid ads or social networks?

To be honest i have never employed Adsense because it does not provide flexibility and you are under google's hand

Having said that my friend and business partner has seen great results with Adsense

Its up to you to decide which one best fits for you ,Personally i would never use Adsense
What is the flexibility are you mentiong? Google AdSense policies?

I suppose that more people are earning good with GA but they never reveal real what you am afraid of using GA, if you join it, it can be a great source for income, right?


New member
Jan 4, 2016
Basically these days i have only been doing Paid Ads

GA-what i meant by flexibility is Since you r in MMO niche you will see all sorts of Ads like Binary trading etc etc and you have no control to remove them

and by using clickbank you can promote anything you like and everything you like

and with Adsense there is a change of your account getting banned if they feel any suspicious activity goining on

I know this does not happen to everyone ,but it can happen to some

Like i initially said yes there are people doing extremely good with GA

You need to decide what suits best for you



Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
AdSense is mandatory if you're gonna make money on the web. Why drive traffic and miss out on the ad rev share of 80% per click? People can argue why other ad networks and such are better but those other ad networks show terrible looking ads. Google is all high quality and people familiarize with the look of the ads. Visual recognition is huge for various marketing reasons.

Click bank would be a direct product you sell. Why not make money with AdSense on pages you promote CB products?

2 ways to successfully market a CB product.

1. Build a site/landing/splash page specific to the CB product you want to promote. Make sure the product is in demand and the gravity is low. Many may object but trust me, go with a low gravity. This site should have various incentives to join an email list, along with interactive features that interest your visitors. Run Bing Ads. Fill up a mailing list, build trust with those who submitted, then create an offer that they immediately want. Create the demand. Talk about problems the "product" relieves that your audience can relate to. Remember all products were created to solve some problem. Pin-point that problem and tap into your buyers emotions with content. You'll have them eating air out of the palm of your hand, because you say your palms are the fountain of youth.

2. Rank various Web 2.0s across the web with quick churn and burn methods. This works great with launch jacking. There are calendars when affiliate products are being launched. Look for leading edge products that address modern problems. Create Web 2.0s and videos all over the web reviewing the product. Abuse the hell out of your Web 2.0s. I use all SEO tools so I wouldn't recommend just one. I'd say get them all, or start buying some links and social signals. Figure out SEO and you'll forever have money. Unless Google flips the web into being a directory of authority sites, you're in the clear and can do this all day making money.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Guess other people have better experiences than most people.

Adsense is a terrible way to earn, unless you don't wan to make much.


Because you have NO control over what ads show on your pages, besides colors. This usually leads to very low performing ads and very low click though. This means your missing out on sales and alot of potential revenue.

Maybe not in every case, or every marketer, but for most.

Not to mention they can close your account for no good reason, or even give you a reason, they keep money your owed and you usually have no recourse of getting back in. When is the last time you've heard of some one losing their clickbank account of JVzoo account? Only when they are doing bad things.

When you pick your own stuff to promote YOU have complete control over the ads. You pick the ads and YOU can test/rotate ads to get maximum click-thru rate, and maximum earnings.

So many better ways to earn online than adsense.

I think most people use it because it's so quick and easy. Kind of lazy really.

As always, just my opinions. :)


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
I couldn't agree more. Unless the sole purpose of your site is information
ONLY, and you do not plan on doing any other type of promoting (affiliate
offers, your own products, etc.), then I really see no use for Adsense.

A few years back, I was the webmaster for a local community website.
The site received hundreds of thousands of hits daily. EVERYTHING that
was related to the city was tied into this site, so, it was very busy.

I had placed Adsense on the site and everything was fine for about 6
months. My client received checks well in excess of 5 figures several
times and then all of a sudden, G decided to shut our account down.

The mayor of the town the site was for even tried to contact Google.
After a few weeks, he realized it was a waste of his time and energy.
He either received NO response at all, or the standard "form" response.

In any case, if you are trying to make some serious money, there are
many many many other ways to make much more serious cash while
maintaining FULL control over what type of ads appear on your site.

If your site becomes popular enough to warrant a nice size check from
Adsense, then why wouldn't you consider selling ad space on your site
if you're not wanting to go the typical route of affiliate banners/links?

Now, before I get bombarded with "Adsense Rules" replies, LOL, I agree
that Adsense does work for SOME, however, if you're a serious marketer
of any sort (affiliate, internet, etc...) then, again, there are so many other
avenues, with much more control, in your favor, that you could and should


New member
May 9, 2017
I agree. Google is a king of everything. You dont get much control. You dont know when your site get hit by some new update and all of your effort become worthless. So , its better to put your focus on affiliate marketing and enjoy real reward of your effort.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
First off, and it's kinda sad a mod is commenting nonsense like this.

Is it true that Google has banned large accounts in the past? ABSOLUTELY

But we learn from those people's mistakes. I'm not sure what happened in the very elaborate story above with the account that was making "5 figures" (lol), but if the account was making that much and there was no illegitimate traffic, you should have contacted an attorney.

Also, if you were sending a large amount of social traffic then that would be a definite shutdown. Which again you should contact an attorney if that happened.

The problem with social traffic is, the source is unknown in analytics a lot of the time, appearing to be fake bot traffic.

Also registering the website as a business and obtaining a generic LLC (if you're making 5 figures) is completely necessary. Heck, if your account makes more than $4k a month you should register it. If you didn't do this, then it's your own fault that account was locked.

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
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Active member
Dec 21, 2015
Hey Eric, I'm sorry you feel this way, I thought everyone was entitled to their own opinions, not just
"globalmods". Guess I was wrong, huh?

Regardless of that, I am not exactly sure what all the talk about registering the business is about as this
was a site that was developed for a city/town. I am 1,000% certain all the legalities were in place.

Furthermore, whether THEY chose to contact an attorney or not, was solely up to them. I was merely their
webmaster, not their legal counsel or advisor.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
My issue was more with the fact that you were sorta bashing the highest paying ad network there is. It's also a bit hard to believe that a "city/town" site was receiving enough traffic to make 5 figures in adsense clicks, unless it was a major metropolis.That's neither here nor there.

The fact that you are publicly giving a bias opinion against the highest paying ad network and instructing to avoid it, is a bit puzzling. I've never had a problem with AdSense. We've had blogs that have made $10k in one day and things got a little crazy but situations were easily resolved.

the overall message you and the other fella provided was "Shoot yourself in the foot by completely missing out on AdSense revenues, because I and other people have had bad experiences."

You recommended "other avenues". What are those other avenues? Affiliate, CPA, what? And if you're doing affiliate stuff and CPA, why shouldn't you utilize Google as well?

You're gonna miss out on rev because things might go wrong? Well then every newbie should just give up on IM if thats the case.

Or you're saying that there are other ad networks that are paying higher than 80% of the click? Do these ad networks have a solid remarketing program like Google?


New member
Nov 19, 2015
Adsense or Clickbank? Just started to blog that sharing tutorials on how to make money online and blogging tips. Should I apply for Google adsense or simply use clickbank as money generation method?
Affiliate promotions pay more (based on volume of traffic) than adsense does. You also shouldn't put adsense on the same pages you're doing affiliate promotions. It sends traffic away from your site. The goal, with affiliate promotions, is to keep the visitor on there as long as possible (to either sign up to your e-mail list - should have one so you can promote to them down the road) or buy something. You also shouldn't go into the "make money online" niche until you've actually made money in a niche besides that one. That way, you'll know what a quality program is supposed to teach people.



New member
Jan 30, 2016
If i would starting out i would go with click bank it's much easier for me ;-) and you get paid much higher commissions for adsense you need to get a loot of views and clicks when on clickbank you just get sale and thats it ..

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
My post was not meant to bash. Guessing I am the "other fellow". You can say my name you won't hurt my feelings. It is a "discussion" forum after all. :)

Just my experience and what I've seen others experience. I stand by what I said.

Saying they are the highest paying network out there is great, it really is, but if the ads THEY serve, that you have NO control over, do not get crap for clicks, being the highest paying doesn't mean much to the affiliate. Doesn't put as much money in their pocket. Am I missing something?

I am not saying I am a pro at Adsense, far from it. But, how much can be done to improve clicks to a respectable level? Last I remember, there were so many restrictions as to ad placement. Sure don't want to break the TOS.

And let's be totally honest here... for those who have experience with the network, more so those who have had great success, will have to agree, that it takes strong traffic skills and SEO skills to achieve great success. Such as generating that high paying keywords traffic.

For a newbie, or those struggling, it is probably not going to be the big pay day. And I've made way more with regular affiliate programs, such as percentage, with much less traffic.

Maybe I am way off base. Could be I did it all wrong. If so, some one please open a new thread, explaining how we can make big money with Adsense. I am always open to learning. Always. :) Or, at least show how it is possible to get high click through rates without breaking TOS.

And frankly the other thing that bugs me about the network is the way they can shut down accounts with little to no reasoning. That's not right. It's the same type of thing Pay Pal got in trouble for. Just heard they settled a case action suit for similar practices. Well, they said it was cheaper to settle than fight, BUT, it seems they are going to be doing a much better job handling "problems" with accounts. That's a good thing. Maybe G will get a slap to change. They should.

Just my opinions :)


New member
Nov 25, 2015
I would go with ClickBank from these two choices because it is a lot easier to make good money using them over AdSense in most cases. AdSense is usually best when you have a very high amount of traffic and you won't get good income for your clicks most of the time.

Making good money with ClickBank will not be as hard as it is with AdSense in most cases due to what you can earn from sales. If you have low traffic then you are going to need a very high percentage of people clicking on you AdSense advertisements in most cases to make good money. With AdSense most of the time you are getting cents for your clicks but with ClickBank your potential is a lot better as long as someone decides to buy something.

Years ago AdSense was paying a lot better for your clicks and people were making real good money from it, I was one of them, but these days Google just doesn't want to pay a good amount for your clicks.

So between these two options, I would go with ClickBank

Of course there are cases where this isn't always the case but for the most part this is common.


New member
Jan 24, 2016
At the same time, if you noticed, the cost of PPC ad campaigns seems to have gone up dramatically. I remember just 3 or 4 years ago, PPC campaigns were fairly cheap. I spent maybe $45 on ads for "infographic design" a week and that turned into a few hundred dollars.

Nowadays most would probably have to do twice as much in the same time frame to get the same money back.


New member
Nov 25, 2015
LOL, so true! It's funny (not) how it works that way with Google. They raise their advertising prices and pay out lower to the site owners that are making them the money in the first place. You would think that it would be good to reward the people that are making you the money, the site owners, so they keep using you and don't turn to some other earning source. ;)


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
I have no luck so far with clickbank. I am using Google Adsense along with shareasale to my blog. The combination of adsense and affiliate marketing works well to me. I am making money from both sides, however the digits are still very low.

Adsense is very strict to their policy. so, if any one who are unable to compile with their terms get their account suspended. To prevent your adsense account being banned, you have to regularly monitor your site traffic. If you find any suspicious activity and start working on that. Always drive traffic from natural and organic sources.


New member
Jan 24, 2016
I guess when you own the internet you don't have to care about people anymore :p


New member
Oct 13, 2016
With clickbank the commission paid is very high that with just few hundred visitors each month you can make much more money than Adsense which pays few cents each click. Whereas clickbank lists products which has right price in the market and they gets converted well.


New member
Oct 18, 2016
Adsense policy works both ways. Both publishers and advirtesers must meet certain criateria (most often iab standards) to serve or receive ads. This means that even though you are making less money, you probably wont destroy your user experience by serving ads with malware, popups, popunders,etc.
Adsense also opens the door for a lot of other companies that pay more but have same standards as adsense. So if you are banned from adsense you will probably miss some other great opportunities in the future with other good networks.
There is also one more thing that is great with adsense. It has almost 100% fill rate.
Having said that, there are better payed networks then adsense, but adsense is always good as backfill.

That is, if your site is normal. If you do porn, piriting, gray/black area stuff, forget adsense and look for networks that can monetize that kind of traffic.


New member
Sep 28, 2016
If I were to choose between the 2, the I'd pick Google Adsense because I was able to had success with it in the past. But as what @itsmechyanit has posted, you can also do both to get better results...:)


New member
Nov 4, 2016
Google AdSense is a free simple way to earn money by displaying targeted Ads next to your online content; you can show relevant and targeted ads to your website’s visitors and get a small amount of money when a visitor clicks on an Ad.

clickbank is one of the biggest Affiliate Networks on the Internet. It deals only with digital product's like ebooks and software which can be downloaded right after the payment. On Clickbank vendors can offer their products to affiliates and affiliates have a huge platform where they can find products they would like to promote.

I think its obvious that the real money is with Google. They pay out over $8 BILLION a year and Clickbank has only paid out less than $2 billion EVER (in over 12 years)! Comparing Clickbank’s annual payout of $151 million to Google’s Adsense payout of $8 billion is not even close. Clickbank only pays out about 2% of what Google pays out each year – according to these numbers. So, the Google Adsense “pie” is so much bigger than Clickbank that its almost laughable.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
Because you are talking about two different companies. Of course google adsense is going to pay out more, they are a MUCH bigger company. You can't even compare the two.

But, it does NOT mean adsense is the better platform, or that there is more to be made with adsense. Has nothing to do with the "pie" either.

If your looking at sales conversions alone, clickbank is going to be a much better opportunity in most cases. More income for the traffic. Plus with clickbank you control the ads, so you can tweaks them. Doesn't take much to get better click through rates than adsense. Sure there are some exceptions, but probably not many.

Course just my opinions :)


New member
Oct 24, 2016
Adsense based website:
You create your website with minimal/just enough info so your user got frustrated and click on the ads to navigate away from frustration.
Bounce rate might be higher if only minimal content provided.
Normally, few articles are interlinked together to reduce bounce rate.

Affiliate product:
You enforced subliminal tactic on every AIDA funnel unto them to make purchase.

Depending on your desired result, the approach might be different.
And GA pay less compared to affiliate based product/offer.

Nick Kar

New member
Nov 21, 2016
My AdSense account was closed without any explanation, and I cant recover it.
Now I use ClickBank and JVZoo, and I am satisfied. The main thing – is to learn how to select profitable products and services!


New member
Nov 28, 2016
Different niches and marketing strategies are best suited for one platform or the other. I personlly am an Adsense kind of guy, but not because I don't believe Clickbank won't make you money, because we all know they will. The sites I develop are best suited for Adsense such as tech, smartphones, and many more which are best suited for Amazon which are all strengths of my writing methodology and reseach abilities. I'm not exactly good with SMM and PPC, but this is me, so the best answer for everyone individually lies within...
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