Do you need a website to have a leadpage or landing page?


New member
Apr 18, 2016

I am new to this site and hope that everyone is having a great day so far. I am trying to start my side business on the side with social media marketing. I am trying to understand leadpages or landing pages. Do you need a website to have a leadpage or landing page? Any suggestions on who to use for these and any good How-to video's on how it works and build them?


New member
Apr 18, 2016
Landing page is very important for your website. Not every-time you can decide on it. Google may bring visitors to a different page than planned page. But if you have control over it, try to make it give as much information as possible about your product / service. That one easy way to convert visitors into clients.


New member
Apr 18, 2016
Ok thanks! i will look into it a little more. Just trying to get a grasp on how it all works and a good step by step process on it.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
You don't "have to" have a website for leadpages or landing pages, but you REALLY should. You should because then YOU are in control over your stuff.

There are free hosting places where you can put up pages, but you are not in total control of those. Many autoresponder services will host your pages, but what if you market/promote/seo these pages then later need or want to move to another services, all that promotion is pretty much lost.

And frankly, hosting is so cheap there is no excuse not to hosting your own pages.

Landing pages is a pretty vague term and seems more a buzz word. It could be a page that collects leads such as email address, or visitors requesting a quote or asking for more information. A landing page could just be page that explains a product or service. It could be a pre-sell page. So many different options.

Of course lead pages are just as they sound. Usually to get an email address to build a list. Or maybe some one promotes a MLM program, they could use a lead page to get prospect leads.

It all depends on what you want to do. What your goal is. Same as for how to build them, no one can tell you without knowing what you want to do. Best any one can say is build a page that converts the visitor into something.

Web Marketing Tool

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Apr 30, 2016
Web Marketing Tool
I agree totally with Ron's entire post. A landing page is much easier and cheaper to get started with than a full website.

While you can rely fully on social media sites for your online presence, many people don't take them as seriously as a website. For example, if I'm looking for a business I'm much more likely to go with the one that has a web page rather than the one that only has a social site.

For $50/yr you can have your own web page or website as far as the hosting/domain expenses go. Then you just need to make your website which you can using many free tools or hire someone for $30-$150 to do a basic custom landing page for you. If hiring someone be sure to get all the files (including PSD files). You might not personally need the files or know what to do with them but if you later hire someone else having the files will give them a huge head start.

For services, there are many out there. I'm kinda partial to this topic as I am also a provider of such services so it's not really fair for me to do a comparison. Just be sure to use one that let's you access the html and other files.

Also, the biggest mistake I see new people doing is they pay $100's to get a design for their website done, sometimes pay more to have SEO or other marketing work done, and then 1 year later when it comes time to renew they don't pay the $50/yr to keep their site online. This is a HUGE mistake to avoid. It takes time to get your website out there, ranking and established (both in search engines and offline where clients are visiting it). To spend $100's or $1000's upfront and then to let all that work go 1 year later when things are ready to bloom is just crazy. It would be like planting an apple tree, waiting a couple years for it to bear fruit, and then after the first small harvest you get chopping it down. Just stupid. These are long term investments so if you do it stick with it as each harvest gets bigger and bigger as time goes by.


New member
Apr 27, 2016

Normally a landing page or leadin page, as they are sometimes called, is the first page that a user sees when they enter your website URL, the www address. This page is very important to your business as it is the first impression that a user has of your online business.

Depending upon the business you will want to make it informative on what you offer or the service you provide, distinguish yourself from other businesses that offer similar services and keep it uncomplicated. That last part can be tricky, as it is a fine balance between complicated and not enough information.

There are businesses that do nothing but build landing pages. That is their niche. Finding the right mixture, colors, fonts and graphics can be a process of trial and error starting out.

There are many good articles on the web as to how to structure a good landing page. A google search will find you many examples.

I hope this helps.



New member
Nov 4, 2016
Rons post was right on the money!

If I could take it a little step farther, there are some free hosting, cloud based programs that are very good and secure. First of all there is Amazons S3 program. If you can stay under 15 GB, it is free. All you have to do is register with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) and then download the S3 widget. You then create "buckets" which will store your web pages. I use it all the time and its very easy once you get past the registration and initial setup.

The next idea is with Cloud Flare. They offer free hosting. I was able to get my websites SSL through them - fantastic! I think there is information on their home page that will give a better explanation than I.

There are several very good landing page builders who will also host your landing page for you. The one I use, and like for its simplicity, is Landing Page Monkey. After creating your page - with either VDO backgrounds or static photos - you can download to your computer and upload to one of your free hosting sites.

All for now - let me know if you have any questions. :)
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