[Rant] You're doing it wrong


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Many are doing SEO the wrong way, treating it like any other marketing strategy.

If you need consistency in your seo marketing strategy then you're doing it wrong, period. If you need to keep updating your website/blogs with fresh content or keep building backlinks every day, every week or every month then you're not doing seo. You're playing marbles on the highway.

The most important question is why do we start online businesses? Freedom, time, family etc.

Many of us just want to spend more time with family and live life in our own terms, right?

SEO should be a set and forget system, yep I said it.

If your content is getting search engine traffic on a daily bases but not generating any organic backlinks for you then your content is crap. Yes you might think your content is good but why are people not sharing it if it's as good as you claim it to be?

For instance, the last time I updated my high traffic blog was last year but I'm still getting organic backlinks. Last week I just saw one online school who're using one of my blog post as an assignment for their students. I also have a few more reputable online and offline schools who use my content and they find the content via search engines since I no longer do any promotions for that blog.

Even big magazines use my content, and reputable online stores as well. I also got backlinks from big brands like yamaha, native instruments and other music brands that you guys might not know but are big brands. Not to mention other small bloggers, those are plenty.

I've never contacted anyone/brand I mentioned above to link to me, the search engine traffic and shares did all the hard work. The last time I did any seo for the blog I'm talking about was last year July and the traffic just keeps growing.

So getting organic backlinks will mostly rely on whether your content is good or crap. If your content is worth sharing then people will share it and create organic backlinks for you.

If you have tough competition then focus on getting some really strong links. That's it.

The more content you have on your site, the more backlinks or link juice you'll need. If you have a simple site with a few quality posts, you just need a few strong backlinks and you're good to go. With a few quality posts you can easily manipulate the link juice using a silo structure to rank most of your blog posts with few strong links. Meaning most of your content will rank even if the content doesn't have off-page links. Benefits of a silo structure.

My point is: There are many marketers who'll teach you that you need to keep your blog updated to get search engine traffic, their wrong. They'll also tell you that you need to keep your blog updated to get organic backlinks, again their wrong, I've already proved it above.

Some will tell you that your competition is always building backlinks so you need to keep building backlinks as well. hehe :DD:

No, their wrong.

Most people just keep creating weak web 2.0 backlinks. Backlinks from weak directories, cheap or free classified ads, blog comments, social bookmarking, profiles and forum links. If you're getting links from these places, yes you definitely need to keep creating backlinks because these are weak.

You're doing seo wrong, so yep you'll definitely need consistency.

But my main point to all the WMS forum members is: DON'T LET ANYONE FOOL YOU INTO BUILDING A JOB.

We all do this because we want something that is automated, a real business, not a job. Many so called "internet marketers" spend more time on their computer screens than their suppose to. Simply because they built themselves a job.

Don't fall for this trap, don't build yourself a job. Strive to automate your business.


New member
Apr 1, 2015
Nice rant we need more of these lol, thanks. How did you get magazines and online news papers to link to you without asking that must be difficult they don't just link to any new blog


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Nice rant we need more of these lol, thanks.
haha... Cool, you're very welcome :DD:

How did you get magazines and online news papers to link to you without asking that must be difficult they don't just link to any new blog
That's true, it can be a bit hard for new bloggers. You simply have to write content that is worth sharing, add your case studies and make sure your blog posts are really valuable.

Another trick is to use big brand products in your blog posts to solve a problem, don't make it a review type of post. Maybe showcase a neat trick that average users of the product never think about. Use their products like no one else and rank that content, as people keep sharing it online the people who deal with content for that brand will find your content and share it, if it's worth it.

But I don't have a specific formula, I think they were all impressed by the content.

I also have to mention that the traffic that comes from search engines shares the content like crazy. For instance, I get traffic from stumbleupon and I've never used that site for marketing, I don't even know how it works. I've tried checking it out coz I'm getting daily visitors from it so wanted to see who's sharing my content but I failed to do that.

So I just let the traffic keep coming and it hasn't stopped.

Same thing with pinterest, but at least on pinterest I can see who's sharing the content. However, I don't do any pinterest promotions for this blog, it doesn't work well with my niche. The are other sites like getpocket, reddit, and flipboard that also send me traffic even though I don't use them.

Same with forums I never joined, they always send me traffic.

So these shares also play a big role in terms of making it easy for people and brands to find my content. Shares are really important, not just social media but every online portal like the few I mentioned above.

I guess I can conclude this by saying it's the good quality content and shares. Maybe :DD: coz obviously there are other factors that I'm not thinking about as I'm writing this.

But hope that helps.


New member
Mar 5, 2013
If you need consistency in your seo marketing strategy then you're doing it wrong, period. If you need to keep updating your website/blogs with fresh content or keep building backlinks every day, every week or every month then you're not doing seo. You're playing marbles on the highway.
Well said, but how if you don't update fresh content and keep building backlinks to your blog every day/week? will you need other ways that better?

SEO should be a set and forget system, yep I said it.
Can you elaborate this?


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Well said, but how if you don't update fresh content and keep building backlinks to your blog every day/week? will you need other ways that better?
Thnx, but I don't understand your question.

SEO should be a set and forget system, yep I said it.
Can you elaborate this?
Set and forget, it's simply automation. You set up your business and let it run itself.
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