Can you really Make Money Online?


New member
Oct 26, 2017
Yes! We can definitely earn money online as big as earning from physical businesses/jobs. I know a lot of single mothers who raise their kids just thru online jobs or online selling. Nowadays it is important at least to know how to execute (legit) cyber professions because we never know the things that could prevent us from going to offices.

And what's more to it, is that there are various jobs online that we can really enjoy as they are in line with our passions (e.g. writing, teaching, service, designing). I believe it doesn't really depend on the generation. It depends on how practical a person is.

Let us not wait for online jobs to become more of a competition like the real companies that has certain standards to employ to who can meet them. And also, let's value the family time which definitely online jobs can give.

michelle camo

New member
Oct 29, 2017
I believe you can really make money online. We know that mobile phones are a necessity nowadays and a lot of people are using there mobile phones online, so this is really the best place to sell and advertise your products because a lot of people can see and can check your stuffs. I am also working online and I am actually happy with my income so far. A lot of people prefer to work online because it is more convenient, easy and you can in the comfort of your home. You just need to be very careful of choosing the online jobs that you need to work with or you may scammed.


New member
Oct 29, 2017
Yes! there are lots of ways of earning online using the skills and efforts that you have. You can apply as home based Virtual Assistant, Online Teacher, Data Encoder and a lot more. We do also have legit online paid surveys and other sites that pays when you do some tasks. Earning online is what we love and what we enjoy specially when we do these home based.


New member
Nov 1, 2017
Of course you can! There are hundreds of ways to make money online. If you're a good writer you could always try transcribing or freelancing, there are also multiple survey and task sites. You can also try microjob sites such as Mturk (if you're a US citizen) and Microworker if you're european. If you're experienced in any field, such as coding, or art then you can definitely try and find a full or part time job online.


New member
Oct 27, 2017
Yes you can! I am into crocheting and most of my friends in the business are all selling their stuff on line. Yes I have a co-member in the group that is very much younger than me.. She is just a high school student and she looks so familiar on on line marketing. She is so smart and so it's not too late for us to use social media in selling our products as long as we know the world of online marketing.


New member
Oct 24, 2017
Yes you can really make money online. But the thing is that you must be knowledgeable in a lot of computer stuff. MS office and photoshop are the basic. But you must extend your horizon because there are lot of competition and the employers are very picky when it comes to their selection of employees. At least you must be knowledgable in web hosting, word press, SEO, graphics design, etc so they may choose you. But all of these are worth it for many people really earning a lot of money because of their skills.


New member
Oct 27, 2017
Nice topic and very interesting to give our opinion to this question. My answer is yes, because I knew that many website earn money of website and that is legit to give your money. One of the website is instagc, this website is very popular in many country especially in our country Phillipines. This website you only need to take a survey, to download their recommended app or software and they give you points to earn the money, example the minimum paid is $1 you need 100 points to give you payout and this is legit. Because philippines have many applicant but the jobs are very limited, filipino think what jobs can he/she earn money so they found in they social media online. And the other website I join is Global Test Market, this website is only you need take a survey same in the instagc...but in this website you can earn your first payout is 100 points equivalent to $5.


New member
Sep 12, 2017
I now can personally say that you could really earn online. I am a content creator and i have already received my first payment after a couple of months of starting out. It's not much but it helps with the bills and all. So i intend to keep this up with the hopes of generating more income with the use of creating contents and putting them up online. So yeah, you could really earn online and i am happy to be a living proof of that. :)


New member
Nov 6, 2017
It is possible to earn money online but if you're looking for a serious job that'll help you pay bills online job community isn't for you because it'll take time to earn money like for example this website called "" requires you to watch 5 videos in order to have a ticket in a lottery. Imagine 5 videos? yes I know you'll think lottery is not a job but come on if you're finding ways to earn money online it is also one of the way. Try this website "usertesting" you'll just record yourself testing someone's website you'll say your opinion; on how will they improve it. "GlobalTestMarket is really interesting you'll just answer few survey and earn points that is transferable in dollars. So yeah, I guess I hope it helps you.


New member
Oct 31, 2017
Yes of course, actually the thing that you are here in the forum/post loop you are now making making money by just sharing your thoughts and posting some reactions.There so many ways to make money online example for that is online tutor and typing captcha and many more.


New member
Nov 6, 2017
Yes, making money through the use of the internet is possible. In fact there are a lot of trusted sites that will actually pay you for your time and effort. All you have to do is to be patient with locating an online job and make sure that they are legit. One site that you could actually trust is UpWork. That website really pays you for your labor and they provide a good service as well.


New member
Nov 1, 2017
If you really want to earn money online you can try doing online jobs by registering at Fiverr, Freelancer and Upwork. There you can find full time or part time home based online jobs for different skill sets. While you are finding a job you can also try doing website usability testing like Usertesting, Utest and TrymyUI also you can try reviewing calls by joining Humanatic. Always remember this sites cannot make you rich but it can provide you extra cash while doing other stuff online.


New member
Nov 6, 2017
Well, that seems to be the question that first came into my mind a year ago because I haven't got a single clue back then. And then I heard about E-commerce from a friend, and then I heard about Affiliate Marketing, and Drop shipping. I was so overwhelmed with the terminologies that I thought to myself, where have I been all this time? I mean there are people who is not even allowed to have a Driver's License but can afford to buy a car with what they are earning online, I was flabbergasted with the idea that someone who is 10-15 years younger than me, is now earning so much. How? I want a slice of that pie as well. Although I know it is a bit late in the game so they say, but I am working online now I guess and I have earned a few here and there so, I think to answer the question that I made myself I think, yes you can make money online you just have to persevere and think of new ideas that will tickle the curiosity of people in the web.
Indeed. Making money online is becoming a worldwide trend. My Facebook "news feed" is bombarded by a lot of pictures of proofs from people showing that they really made money online. And I think, online job industry will continue to flourish. In a modern computer world, no one can stop it.

On the other hand, there are various ways to make money online. One example is making a passive income through YouTube by just posting your simple video in your channel. They called it video blogging. You can prank your naughty friends, you can display your colorful rooms, you can make video tutorials on how to whistle, or even just showing how your pet dog twerks.

Just like wishing to win a cash prize in a physical contest, you have to compete with others. And it is a very tough competition.
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