Some important SEO Tips


New member
Jul 7, 2012
Everyone loves to be on page 1, but very few actually apply the appropriate tricks and tips.. Here is a list of few important to help you get going -
- Content is king, so be sure to have good, well-written and unique content that will focus on your primary keyword or keyword phrase.
- Do not run after the page rank.
- Make sure you are unique. Your website name, company name, website design, etc all must stand out.
- The content on your website should keep on changing... so the web spiders may crawl in well..


New member
Jul 31, 2012
Of course, content is king in SEO, there is no doubt about it, apart from working on content regularly, you need to build natural links regularly for better result from SEO..


New member
Oct 10, 2012
Here are the some most important tips on how to optimize your website and raise your search engine ranking:

1. GET BOLD. Put tags around some of your keywords once or twice on every page. But make sure not to overdo it, and start using the tags on all your keywords. One or two is good enough.

2. GET LINKED ON EVERY PAGE. Ensure that you have links coming in to as many pages as possible. When other websites are linking to different pages on your site, it gives search engines the impression that you have plenty of interesting and valuable content. But if all your links are coming in to the home page only, it means that your content is worthless and shallow.

3. GET TEXT LINKS. If you have image links in your navigation bar, also include text links. But always remember to arrange the source code in such a way that the text links show up first because search engine spiders will only follow the first link they find to any particular page.

4. GET YOUR ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN SOMEONE ELSE’S SITE. Article exchanges are similar to link exchanges, only much more useful. You post someone else’s article on your site with a link back to their site, and in return, they publish your article on their site with a link back to yours. You both have content and you both get high quality links.

5. GET TITLES FOR LINKS. You need to give titles for your links because some search engines translate these into their relevance for a page, and also help the visually impaired surfers know where you are sending them.


New member
Oct 1, 2012

Google have updated algo with respect to content, domain name and back links. You have to be alert for your web page. Fresh content are must as well as you can also add Infographics for your website for decrease bounce rate.


New member
Oct 18, 2012
Some important Off Page SEO Techniques
Plan a proper link building strategy
Submit Directories in Proper Niche
Use Name in Name area avoid using Keywords except if it is allowed instead use Name@keyword to take a link on keyword while blog commenting
Comment on the topic of the blog don't use spam comments like "I agree", "Nice Post" etc.
Use Proper Forum Signature Links and Post again related to topic discussed in thread
Make Proper use of Keywords while article submission or blog posting avoid keyword stuffing
Give Maximum 2 Links in an article or blog not more than that
Do Social Bookmarking for the sites to improve visitor count
Draw Proper Sitemaps for the site to provide easy navigation
Do not stuff pages with too much multimedia
Give attention to load timing of web page should not be more than 10-15 seconds
Keep regular track on bounce rate of website.
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