Nofollow Link, It still has got benefit for SEO?


New member
Jan 23, 2015
I have any checks with SEO tool and amazing when they still are listing nofollow links on the results.
I would like to know benefits of nofollow links for my site or they are benefit for increase traffic through refer sites or advertising purpose for your website?
what would you say?


New member
Jan 24, 2015
You are talking about "dofollow" links in your OP. It seems like you might have meant to be asking about "nofollow" links the way you describing your situation... Maybe I'm missing something here that someone else can help with.
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New member
Jan 24, 2015
Thank you for fixing that :) We have clarified which type of backlink you are asking about, "nofollow".

SEO wise nofollow links technically should not pass any link juice to your website. Some say that it's beneficial to have a mix of both follow and nofollow links in your "backlink profile" because it is what a natural "backlink profile" should look like.

Some reading for you on both sides of the question [URLnf=""]here[/URLnf] and [URLnf=""]here [/URLnf]from moz.
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New member
Nov 11, 2014
Nofollowed links do not pass any search engine ranking value for most of the search engines, including Google and Bing. You can have a nofollowed link on Wikipedia or even Google's main blog and it won't count in terms of improving your rankings. That doesn't mean the link is not valuable. Sites with lots of traffic with links on them, even if they are nofollowed, still can send traffic. That traffic can help with leads, conversions and even encourage other sites to link to you without a nofollow attribute on the link. When it comes to getting links and social media, it is more about creating awareness about your content or product. That awareness will lead to more link building opportunities and create even more awareness for your content.


New member
Jan 28, 2015
This thing is quite confusing because some people says that nofollow links passes link juice these days and what makes me more confused is that, I have some links from the blogspot I created and those links are appearing in the links to my site through webmaster tools yet we all know that blogspot links are nofollow. Now I don't know what to believe anymore.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
The above answers which state NOFOLLOW links do not pass link juice is correct!!!

Google state this publicly... Its not rocket science... NOFOLLOW links do nothing wrt ranking on search engines as they are ignored.... Yes so what if you can see NOFOLLOW links in web master tools or similar backlinking checking tools - you need to do your due diligence and check for the difference....

In addition creating a blogspot blog with links can be either be dofollow or nofollow... Blogspot links are not all nofollow - its up to you when you create that link either via the visual editor or text editor...

Finally regarding some people saying NOFOLLOW link passes juice are all talking rubbish!!! You can get some very good nofollow links which can carry a lot of traffic on social media, youtube etc.... so that may explain the confusion....

Think about this - lets say I placed an ad on CNN website, which of course is a nofollow link or ads on any given high authoritative site.. If that carried link juice my rankings would soar over night... Sorry to say its total rubbish to hear of such statements that nofollow carries link juice...

Nofollow links where created for the very purpose of not to allow passing of link juice and there are many reasons why that is a good thing and reasons to use that...


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
Although (and I've said this a buncha times) it does not pass link juice there are many ways that nofollow links contribute to SEO value and in the long run do end up resulting in passing link juice by visitors re-sharing content straight from the site to a blog, social bookmarking site, etc.. Also analyzing it on a computational end and where the search engines are heading with their updates, we are beginning to use data aggregators that the government uses (ikanow offers open source software that big companies pay 100k for, wink wink) to gather info on how Google's spiders are operating.

The fact is nofollow and dofollow were most contributing with the PageRank algo. I've noticed with death of the PR that social shares are having much more SEO value nowadays when mixed with a solid dofollow linking strategy. All of my niches are products in the "cool stuff" category, so social media has been one of my biggest strategies. It was better 4 years ago, but we haven't changed a thing and I am noticing our rankings climbing again.

The problems occur when novices hear that a social share is nofollow. So they get a ton of dofollow links, outnumbering their nofollows and boom, a fooprint. It varies form niche to niche.

Lets's use an easy example:

Site A: Funny meme site, tons of social engagement, but minimal dofollows. <<<< This will rank well.

Site B: Funny meme site, little social engagement, but a lot of dofollows <<<< obvious footprint

One thing to take into consideration is that Googles algo adjusts to human behavior and generalizes. So with all the info out on the web about dofollows being the way to go, you can guarantee novice marketers are going crazy buying backlink gigs that broadcast "dofollow" links. High quality or not, Google's behavior in the past indicates that we maybe heading for an update that slaps sites with too many low quality dofollows, whether natural or not.

Look at 6 months ago for instance when Press Release sites got slapped and lost over 60% visibility in the search engines. That was traumatic. But we saw it coming, because every blackhatter in the world was using press releases for ranking. It was only a matter of time before Google's algo adjusted to the "trend" of blackhatters and using PR sites for ranking.

SEO is a dodgy game and is changing all the time with blackhatter behavior.

That's the secret. Want to learn what not to do? Listen to what 90% of marketers are saying when they talk about "gaming" the system. i.e. link building.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
@Nytshade I just finished "thanks" on your post here!!

Where we basically said the same thing.

Thnx bro, it's all about authority signals :)

Does that implies that nofollow links like from Wikipedia can pass links juice? because I have hard it more frequently that some search engines like DuckDuckGo value them too.
No, they don't. Wikipedia is an authority website like Facebook, Twitter or Youtube so they don't pass link juice (page rank) instead they pass authority signals to your website.

To simply understand this, let me put it this way. Nofollow links from authority websites will improve your Domain/Page Authority, Citation Flow and Trust Flow (major authority signal).

A Dofollow link passes link juice, you also have to know that link juice is page rank, one and the same thing. So you decide which one you want to focus on for 2015. Link juice or authority signals.


New member
Dec 4, 2014
No follow links are not benefiting you. The website link to your domain must have the do follow link. if you use no follow link to your website, then google will not count it as link to you. So its better to use good strategies for the website optimization. [Removed By Moderator] is good in SEO services.

Moderator Note: Please refrain from promoting SEO services directly within posts. I suggest you use the sig box. Also please read the forum rules - you can get started by checking this out. Next time this will lead to an infraction!


New member
Feb 3, 2015
No-follow still matters not for website backlinks but may be helpful in traffic & branding. When we make comment, post with no-follow link other users click & come to our website. It's a best way to improve ORM.

But No-follow link in bulk may harm your website.

success druggy

New member
Dec 23, 2014
I have any checks with SEO tool and amazing when they still are listing nofollow links on the results.
I would like to know benefits of nofollow links for my site or they are benefit for increase traffic through refer sites or advertising purpose for your website?
what would you say?
Nofollow links are useless according the seo. They will not help you to increase the traffic of your site.


New member
Aug 11, 2014
You can benefit somehow on no follow link since it will attract do follow link pointing from same website. Thus, if your no follow link and do follow link is pointing to same website. It will give signal to google that your website have reason to be indexed.
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