Fiverr & Craigslist Gold Mine


New member
Feb 7, 2015
If you are struggling in the internet marketing world, please take the time to read this! This is one of the easiest tricks in the book and can be scaled up within weeks.

The first thing you want to do is search Fiverr for a few different niches such as design and marketing. Find some very specific categories such as logo design. You will want to find a good reputation gig that delivers fast. Make sure to find some of their past work or samples and save them for later use.

Next you will do some searches on craigslist for that specific category, for this example, "Logo Designs". What you are looking for is people that are seeking a logo designer. You can find these type of clients in the Service Section under creative.

If you are having trouble finding clients, you can always post a few ads yourself offering your logo design service and wait for leads to pour in.

Once you capture some leads, send them a professional looking email and give them some samples or past work from the logo designer on Fiverr. Set up payments through Paypal so both parties feel safe. You can offer a half up front payment or full, some clients may be picky, so offer this.

Once you have payment in hand, go ahead and order that Gig for $5 or $10 whatever it may be. This way, it allows you to set the price at whatever you want letting you keep a huge commission for yourself. Most gigs will deliver within 1-3 days which isn't terrible.

Rinse & Repeat! You can earn upwards of $100+ if you find 10+ leads per day. When I first started out in Internet marketing, I used this exact formula and scaled up to the point where I was getting 20-30 leads every day and eventually created a website to show off all of my services I provide. I converted about 30% of clients by exchanging emails, and if we were to do a quick phone call, I would close the deal more than 50% of the time.

Think outside the box, Craigslist isn't your only avenue, but is always a good choice. The best part is that this method is never going to saturate due to how demanding this market is. There are millions of fresh ads per day on Craigslist.


New member
Feb 7, 2015
Yes, this method definitely still works and you can scale it up to the point where you can automate 99% of it. Find some good sellers on Fiverr and become acquainted with them and work out some long-term agreement. In fact, you may not even need to go through Fiverr, instead you could work together and make things a bit faster.

Now getting clients is the toughest part. You will need to dedicate yourself to replying to 20+ people per day on Craigslist who need design, writing, any type of service done. You can also looking into scrapers, but then you are increasing start up cost. You will need spinners and ip solutions if that were your strategy.


New member
Jan 27, 2015
This method has worked and will continue to work for years. Basically your just the middle man providing the lead what they want at a higher price. I've used this business model and it works.


New member
Feb 23, 2015
I think it was November of 2013 when I came across this method and bought it. But didn't put much effort to make it work, became busy on something else and forgot it.

After seeing this post I recalled it and think I could give a try. :)


New member
Feb 7, 2015
Yeah, some more advice from my end.

Look around for a good scraping tool, it will come in handy especially so you don't have to scroll through 1000's of ads in one area. The best way to find a good amount of leads is to search some of the top cities that have 500+ ads per day, search for keywords in whatever niche your trying to find.

Scrape that page, some will be craigslist emails and others will be their actual emails. When you go to email them, the best way I found was to personalize emails so that person won't think it is spam right off the bat which a lot of replies they get will be. Make yourself stand out and to make sure Craigslist doesn't cut your email off, try to switch it up word wise along with clearing cookies, using proxies, etc..

The first plan of action is to find a good reliable Fiverr candidate who is fast yet good. It may take some time to find the right one but once you have a few to fall back on, then you can scale from there. Set up a skype chat with them on a weekly basis and get to know them on a business relationship.

If you are getting 5-10 leads per day, you may have to find even more Fiverr guys to handle the work load. I no longer do this strategy, but in the past i couldn't keep up with my leads. You should be able to close a few per day no problem.

In design, you can make pretty good profit margins as well, I had many $100+ days even had a $500 day. Be creative and stand out when you contact these people. If you are targeting only a specific group such as design and content writing, make a website to show your professionalism. Use samples for a portfolio from the Fiverr gig you are working with. Once you have good testimonials, you will seem to find clients easier, and sometimes from google searches or forums as well. Don't limit yourself to Craigslist, even though it is a good place to start.

I remember paying my Fiverr guy $15 for 2 logo samples with unlimited revisions. I charged about $75, so you can see how this adds up really quick.


New member
Mar 9, 2015
This is a great method for newbies, there are also some great types of software that will automate this process for you. I think I used to make $50- $100 a day when I was doing this.


New member
Feb 23, 2015
Why don't you mention the name of those "great type of software" so people get benefited from this?

Thanks for this excellent post and explanation. It would be more newbie friendly if you elaborate the process in break down method.


New member
Mar 9, 2015
I did not mention any names because I don't want people to think that I am promoting anything. Since you ask, Arbitrage Underdog is a pretty decent piece of software for this.

The Overseer

New member
Jan 23, 2015
What about the fact that you won't get acceptable work from a designer on Fiverr for 5, 10, 15, or 30 bucks? Someone who is paying you 100-1000 for design work is going to expect a damn fine graphic in exchange...not a cheap one that looks like it was picked up from Fiverr. I have a feeling you are preaching theory here and not experience.

Playing the middle man can work sometimes...but not from Fiverr. You'd have to set up a team of skilled Filipinos first...not some college student on Fiverr who's selling their soul for $15.

Burden of proof is on you at this point. All hype in my experience.


New member
Feb 7, 2015

Yeah, like I said earlier, don't just just consider, "Fiverr". Expand and network and find other skilled designers that are willing to give you revisions at $50, $100 where you can resell even higher. But, I did intend on this being for newbies and anyone paying under $100 will not expect too much in regards to a logo. You can actually find some very good talent on Fiverr, and also some really bad talent. You are going to test this out by starting small and networking with the best.

Once you find a few good designers, create some long term work away from Fiverr altogether and network/partner with these designers and crank out leads.

You claim that I am preaching theory here and not experience. I used this method for a few years to be honest and like I said before, I found very good designers and created a long-term relationship with them, and fed them client after client. My experience with these (less than 10 designers) was nothing but good. I would have paid $100 for the logos they made me. Instead I paid $15 for 2 revisions and sold them to clients for $75. I would upsell them some banners/ads for another $50.

Since my advertising methods were bringing me pretty much unlimited needs, I did pretty well. Why don't I use this method any longer? I am now full time running a business of my own that can bring in more long-term passive income. Could i scale this Fiverr method up and make my current earnings, yes....

But this can be a very time consuming strategy if you want to make maximum potential. For newbies, it is gold!

P.S (Logos, 2 years ago when I was using this exact formula, sold anywhere from $25 to $75 for the most part if you have some good designers.)


New member
Mar 19, 2015
Personally I think you haven't had a good look at Fiverr. From your comments I think you are prejudging it, just as I did until one of my friends showed me the site he had had done. He'd paid $20 for a header, footer, buy button and ebook cover. I'd just paid $195 for the same thing and frankly his was far better quality than mine.

Don't knock Fiverr unless you have bought a few gigs. Of course some aren't very good, but if you stick to top sellers the quality you get for the money is amazing!

The Overseer

New member
Jan 23, 2015
See? Your retort was much more down to earth. The OP seems full of hype. In the future, please refrain from injecting too much hype into threads. "Gold Mine", "easiest tricks", etc. Thank you.


New member
Feb 7, 2015
I am sure many people can confirm they are seeing a return on profit with this model.

Not sure why you are getting defensive here. It is a great model for someone who wants to start a business.


New member
Mar 8, 2015
If you are struggling in the internet marketing world, please take the time to read this! This is one of the easiest tricks in the book and can be scaled up within weeks.

The first thing you want to do is search Fiverr for a few different niches such as design and marketing. Find some very specific categories such as logo design. You will want to find a good reputation gig that delivers fast. Make sure to find some of their past work or samples and save them for later use.

Next you will do some searches on craigslist for that specific category, for this example, "Logo Designs". What you are looking for is people that are seeking a logo designer. You can find these type of clients in the Service Section under creative.

If you are having trouble finding clients, you can always post a few ads yourself offering your logo design service and wait for leads to pour in.

Once you capture some leads, send them a professional looking email and give them some samples or past work from the logo designer on Fiverr. Set up payments through Paypal so both parties feel safe. You can offer a half up front payment or full, some clients may be picky, so offer this.

Once you have payment in hand, go ahead and order that Gig for $5 or $10 whatever it may be. This way, it allows you to set the price at whatever you want letting you keep a huge commission for yourself. Most gigs will deliver within 1-3 days which isn't terrible.

Rinse & Repeat! You can earn upwards of $100+ if you find 10+ leads per day. When I first started out in Internet marketing, I used this exact formula and scaled up to the point where I was getting 20-30 leads every day and eventually created a website to show off all of my services I provide. I converted about 30% of clients by exchanging emails, and if we were to do a quick phone call, I would close the deal more than 50% of the time.

Think outside the box, Craigslist isn't your only avenue, but is always a good choice. The best part is that this method is never going to saturate due to how demanding this market is. There are millions of fresh ads per day on Craigslist.
This sounds great. Can you please tell me how you determine the amount to charge the buyer?


New member
Feb 7, 2015
This sounds great. Can you please tell me how you determine the amount to charge the buyer?
With Craigslist users, it can sometimes be a negotiation deal which shouldn't really hurt your income too much. But for the most part, $75 was a good price to give them a few different concepts.

What I did was redirect people back to a landing page/ small service based website with a very intriguing sales content. This would have testimonials, logo samples and package deals. I then up sold them when I could.

Isn't this more or less outsourcing? It's a great idea don't get me wrong but it's very much out there and people do this on a regular basis.
Yeah I agree, this is basically a networking tactic, find a few good cheaper sources that provide an excellent end result and play middle man acting as the source. This gives you an advantage on time, more focusing being spent on marketing campaigns and finding new leads creating a funnel effect.


New member
Mar 18, 2015
The problem with outsourcing, specially graphics and from Fiverr, is that you are never sure where the graphics come from.
Some sellers are simply copying existing logos to create one for you. Or worse, modifying a logo found in a software and sell it as just mad efor you. And then you resell it to a company making you responsible for what could happen later. Be careful if your buyer notice it or if the company owing the copyright discover somebody is using their design.

But being the middle man is a very attractive method.


New member
Mar 18, 2015
What are the results you have obtained with Arbitrage Underdog?
Thank you.


New member
Mar 7, 2015
Thanks OP for this post. It remind me of my old days trying to figure things up. This is one of the fastest method on getting cash online. The better way to do this is by using software. One of it is "arbitrage underdog". Using software can help this work to be done faster & can scaling up more.


New member
May 14, 2015
Really nice easy laid out method which will work every time i feel not only for newbies but for advanced marketers also.Good share


New member
Apr 16, 2015
If you are struggling in the internet marketing world, please take the time to read this! This is one of the easiest tricks in the book and can be scaled up within weeks.

The first thing you want to do is search Fiverr for a few different niches such as design and marketing. Find some very specific categories such as logo design. You will want to find a good reputation gig that delivers fast. Make sure to find some of their past work or samples and save them for later use.

Next you will do some searches on craigslist for that specific category, for this example, "Logo Designs". What you are looking for is people that are seeking a logo designer. You can find these type of clients in the Service Section under creative.

If you are having trouble finding clients, you can always post a few ads yourself offering your logo design service and wait for leads to pour in.

Once you capture some leads, send them a professional looking email and give them some samples or past work from the logo designer on Fiverr. Set up payments through Paypal so both parties feel safe. You can offer a half up front payment or full, some clients may be picky, so offer this.

Once you have payment in hand, go ahead and order that Gig for $5 or $10 whatever it may be. This way, it allows you to set the price at whatever you want letting you keep a huge commission for yourself. Most gigs will deliver within 1-3 days which isn't terrible.

Rinse & Repeat! You can earn upwards of $100+ if you find 10+ leads per day. When I first started out in Internet marketing, I used this exact formula and scaled up to the point where I was getting 20-30 leads every day and eventually created a website to show off all of my services I provide. I converted about 30% of clients by exchanging emails, and if we were to do a quick phone call, I would close the deal more than 50% of the time.

Think outside the box, Craigslist isn't your only avenue, but is always a good choice. The best part is that this method is never going to saturate due to how demanding this market is. There are millions of fresh ads per day on Craigslist.

I understand you become the middle man..... however why not be straight up and "hire" a designer to create logos, etc... instead of taking their work to show case as your own. If i where the designer i would be rather upset someone showcasing my work for someone to benefit from it indirectly. if I can prove that my work was been shown off as theirs and also worth it, I would be be looking for legal advice.

I think it comes down to morals.... I would actually try build something legit since I believe using someone's work as your own is consider illegal. Just my two cents.
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