What is Secret to Adwords success?


New member
Feb 4, 2015
Fellow webmasters tell me what is Secret to Adwords success? I have tried Google adwords to boost my business but no success. I am feeling like I am wasting time and my money? Does it require some skills with google adwords?


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
Fellow webmasters tell me what is Secret to Adwords success? I have tried Google adwords to boost my business but no success. I am feeling like I am wasting time and my money? Does it require some skills with google adwords?
I am a Google certified partner, and I can tell you that advertising can be very lucrative depending on the niche and the competition.

So the strategy would vary depending on what you are advertising.

I'll give you my break down of what I do and a few secrets I've learned along the way.

1. First thing to do with any business is pinpoint your vertical markets. Who are your consumers? Categorize them in markets. For instance if I was a printing press company I would analyze companies that utilize printing on a regular basis. Business cards, conventional advertising with print media, promotions, etc..

Look at what markets go for this kinda stuff. Lawyers, small businesses, club promoters, etc...

Then examine the behaviors of each market. What do they primarily search for on Google when looking for the service you provide?

2. Then keyword analysis to look at CPC and comp in Google KW planner. If clients budget is large I don't worry about CPC in the beginning because Google is gonna stick it to ya with no lube, until you gain some Ad Rank (I'll get to that in a little bit).

3. After deciding my target market and demographic, and my target keywords, I come up with a negative KW list. Negative keywords are the KWs you submit that you DO NOT want your ads to show for. The example Google gives is perfect. If youre advertising picture frames you want to add "sunglasses" "glasses" and possibly various brands of glasses that sell a lot of "frames". You see Google can get mixed up when the word is close. It will think "frames for glasses" is relevant to "picture frames".

The best way to find negative keywords is to look in Keyword Planner and weed out irrelevant keywords. Or manually Google and find highlighted words that aren't relevant.

After you have a campaign running for a while, you can click on the keywords tab at the Campaign level to show all keywords. Then click the "Details" drop down and select "All".

This will show you where you got clicks and whats driving down your CTR. I go through here to find negative keywords, but this is after about a month.

4. After negative keywords are picked out, then I will break my advertising campaign into multiple campaigns. I will categorize my campaigns by themes. For instance if I work with a specific type of treatment center i might break my campaigns up like this.

-Disease Types
-Disease Type + "Treatment"
-Disease Type + "Symptoms"
-Branding Campaign
-Information Campaign

I would decide what keywords go in which campaigns.

5. Here's where the magic happens. Do not pile multiple keywords in to one Ad group. Select 1 keyword per ad group and make a few very relevant ads and include the ONE keyword/phrase in the headline. This increases your relevancy score, lowers CPC, and increases CTR. It's a bit more tedious process because now you're setting up 3 ads per keyword instead of loading all of your keywords up for the same ad.

MAKE SURE THE PAGE YOU ARE LINKING TO IS RELEVANT TO THE QUERY. On site optimization is important when advertising on Google. Also if your page isn't mobile friendly, just forget about it.

A mix it up with typing my headlines or utilizing dynamic keyword insertion (DKI). DKI utilizes spintax to change Headlines based on the users query. This usually looks like this (If my keyword was "print business cards".

I would set my headline up like this:

{KeyWord:Buy Business Cards}

If the user queries "Cheap business cards" google will then change my title to do so as long as the keyword im targeting is broad match and relevant.

Things to Take Into Consideration

Understand your keyword match types and how they work.

-Broad Match
-Phrase Match
-Exact Match
-Broad Modifier

Understand what Google looks at when ranking your ads and how it scores you.

Taking the AdWords Fundamentals exam and studying for it prior will do you a great deal of justice. It's not as advanced as all of the things i talked about and doesnt even mention shit like DKI but it does cover ad rank. The videos AdWords has on YouTube about the adwords fundamentals exam are great! The exam is free btw.

Also you may want to look in to a re-marketing platform. I DO NOT USE ADWORDS REMARKETING. THE CTR AND CONVERSION RATE IS GARBAGE!

I utilize AdRoll for retargetting/remarketing. The results have been pretty good for the lens company I advertise for.

Well i hope this helps a bit and answers the question. Yes if done right, AdWords is very effective.


New member
Jul 26, 2015
Requires more research than skills. Here is an article I think you will find useful [URLnf="http://unbounce.com/ppc/doing-adwords-wrong-make-it-right/"]here[/URLnf] I know following his advice has improved my own adwords campaigns


New member
Jun 13, 2015


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
Probably the biggest moneysaving tip I would give to someone is a technique I call AIM (Analyze, Identify, Move). I've been doing it for years. Perry Marshall calls it something like Peel n' Stick.

It's a rather simple concept and I am not going to go into all the reasons why it works so well, but basically you identify your best performing keyword(s) in an ad group and you move the keyword(s) into its own ad group. In this way, you can write an even more targeted ad for this specific keyword.

The main benefits to this are that you will increase your quality score and you can write laser focused ads around your best keywords.

It sounds simple, but it is a goldmine if you learn to do it.

The other tip I would recommend is keep your ad groups small with tightly focused keywords. Big mistake I see when I do AdWords consulting is advertisers getting too broad. They'll have 50 keywords in the same ad group that are a part of the same niche, but not closely related enough. They have a lot more success breaking those 50 keywords out into 10 different ad groups of 5 keywords each.


New member
Jan 19, 2017
When it comes to AdWords, a few thought provoking questions can always leave you thinking! Will a click via AdWords bring in more sales to you? Who are the target audiences? Is your brand at risk if you fail to uphold the number one position of paid search? Will you lose out on reputation or sales if you stop bidding on your brand name? People’s mistaken belief on AdWords as a silver bullet solution will never be as effective as a company that recognizes the inherent complexity and limitations of a one size fits all approach.

However, dealing with AdWords definitely requires appropriate skillset.

Benefits of search engine advertising / Adwords

- AdWords are Cost Effective
- AdWords Ads are Highly Targeted
- AdWords are Measurable
- AdWords are Flexible
- AdWords Rank Faster than SEO
- AdWords Appear Before SEO
- AdWords Enhance SEO
- AdWords Ads are More Engaging
- AdWords Ads have a Custom Landing Page
- AdWords can Target Unconverted Leads

I hope this information will answer few of your questions.



New member
Mar 19, 2014
the only thing you need to know about PPC is the top keywords and if people are actually seeing your ads or theres actually more popular sites

i just started a bing campaign for designer perfume, i got a couple hits after a couple days. i tried another for my SEO blog and got hits the first hour

womens perfume, theres probably 20 huge sites that have ads, my ads werent even showing up on the searches theyre so big


New member
Jan 19, 2017
Hello Tunescool,

PPC is not just about top keywords, there are few important factors which affect the position of your Ads.

They are Quality of Ad, Relevancy of your Ad with the respective landing page, Bid amount, Competition, Keyword match types, and Keyword quality score.

Hope this is helpful.
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