Increasing Listbuilding Opt-in Conversions

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Thought I'd share some tips that could help you increase your optin conversions. These hold true for squeeze pages, opt-in forms and boxes and often landing pages. I say they "can" increase conversions, but only if you take action and put them in place, at the very least test them.

Simple Works

Some of the best squeeze pages and opt-in forms are as simple as can be. Often a powerful headline, email box and submit button can bring in good conversions. Think about it for a minute, if we give them too much to think about, they might doubt, change their mind or get over whelmed. Make it easy.

Ask For Less

The more you ask your visitors to input into a form, the more you'll lose. Either they are lazy or they don't like giving up their private information. It's been proven time and time again that an email address box only out performs other options.

Again, the best converting opt-in forms only ask for the email address. The most important piece of information you need.

CPA marketers know this, the longer the form, the lower the conversions. Reason longer forms generally pay out more.

Don't Give Them Reasons

Many marketers want to do things on the up and up, so they often put the text lines of "We never spam", or "We hate spam as much as you", or "We never sell our rent your information".

While it's good intentions, did you know that just using that text can actually decrease conversions? It makes sense, because they probably didn't think about spam until they read it on your squeeze page. You gave them a reason to doubt, you gave them something to "think" about.

No Distractions

For the best chance of getting the subscriber, there should be ONLY one course of action for them to take, either opt-in or leave. Putting elements like social buttons on the form can be a distraction, another choice, something that could take them away from the intended action.

Some might argue, social buttons can promote my squeeze page and get me more subscribers. It might. This is not a rule that is written in stone, so test it for yourself, you may get more subs in the long run. I only bring it up to make you aware.

No Traffic Leaks

As I've already mentioned, there should be no distractions on a serious opt-in page. No navigation links, no side bars, not footer links. Every one of those give the visitor a way out, a way to leave your page and never return again.

Put Some Effort Into It

If you're really serious about building a list, you need to put in the effort, to create an opt-in page that converts. I've seen so many REALLY bad opt-in boxes, it's just amazing.

How many people do you think are going to sign up for your "newsletter" or your "updates"? What are they even? Seriously. Tells the visitor nothing and very little reason to sign up.

Give them a compelling reason to sign up. Something they can't do without. Something they might miss out on. Something they need to get right then and there. Make them want it bad enough and you'll have high conversions.

Always In Test Mode

Here's another one that shouldn't need to be mentioned, but it does. We all work hard for our traffic, some work very hard. So it only makes sense to make the most of the every single hit we get. Right?

So, it's in your best interest to have your opt-in pages in constant test mode. They can always be improved. When you hit 100% then you can quit testing. And when you do, email me so I can see your masterpiece.

There is no reason not to test these days. Most quality autoresponder services offer options to test your forms. Google offers experiments in your free adwords account where you can test split pages.

Many good opt-in or pop-up plugins have split testing features. Use them.

No excuse.

It also never hurts to test everything. Try different size text, font's or text color. Test different opt-in buttons, most importantly, the text on those submit buttons.

Most guru's will tell you to test one element at a time. It's sound advice and it works. Another idea is to test radically different versions, it "could" get you to higher conversions faster. Your choice, just an idea.

One last thing on testing, make sure you actually test your form, by signing up yourself. You never know when you might have messed something up. I do it all the time. Nothing worse than finding out days or weeks later that your form doesn't work. Ouch.

Final Thoughts...

There is no doubt that the relationship with subscribers and more important potential subscribers can begin before they even visit your opt-in form or squeeze page.

If you want to increase conversions, conduct yourself as someone who has knowledge, that adds real value and has something to offer. Do it through your forum posts, blog posts or social media. Do this and they will be looking for your opt-in form and happily giving you their email address. They'll do it without even reading the text on the page. And they can be raving fans that buy everything you put out or promote. Just an idea :)

What do you think? Comments? Something to add?

Let's hear it...


Active member
Feb 9, 2013
Nice post Ron!

Some of the best squeeze pages and opt-in forms are as simple as can be. Often a powerful headline, email box and submit button can bring in good conversions....
Could you please tell me how to make a powerful headline for opt in form? what are the secrets or formulas to create a strong headline?

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
Thank you, glad you liked it.

It's really copywriting headline basics. Same thing for a sales page headline. I am sure no copy pro. You need to come up with a big benefit, what they will get if they take action. What's in it for them. Better if you can hit emotional hot buttons. Better if you can make it believable. Better if you can make it detailed or give some numbers... Lose 5 lbs in 5 days. It also comes from knowing your customer, knowing they as well as you possibly can.

Most importantly it's absolutely about testing. Testing different headlines to find which converts the best.

Like I said, I am no copy pro, maybe some one with better skills than mine will chime in :)

Plenty of books out there on the subject. Bob Bly, Joe Sugarman, David Garfinkel, John Caples, Eugene Schwartz and so many more.
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