Do comments make more traffic?


Feb 25, 2015
I am very confuse about comments in SEO. Do forum/blogs/website comments make more traffic? or Backlink makes more traffic? Please share your comments, they would be very useful to e-commerce and bloggers in future.


New member
Nov 25, 2015
I am very confuse about comments in SEO. Do forum/blogs/website comments make more traffic? or Backlink makes more traffic? Please share your comments, they would be very useful to e-commerce and bloggers in future.
Well many people do it just to get another backlink. They can get you more traffic but you won't get much from them unless it's a forum, and then it will only get you a little more if you have lots of posts.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Yes, Blog commenting and forum posting does help you to get traffic, But you did not completely rely on this single method. Just diversify your traffic. It will help you gain high amount of traffic.


Active member
Dec 21, 2015
While SEO is NOT one of my specialties, by any means, I can tell you that YES, comments can greatly increase exposure to your website (especially through the use of links within your sig file) however, comments alone do not help if the comment you post is not of value.

Do not go blindly into a forum where you know nothing about the subjects they're dedicated to. Going into a "Bass Fishing Masters" forum and posting comments when you know nothing about fishing is not ideal, obviously.

The key is to find forums based around topics you are passionate about. Register to become a user (many forums have time delayed benefits, so it's best to register right away) and poke around for a while.

If the forum has a "Welcome" board, post a message announcing yourself right away, posting a few details about yourself, letting others know a little about you and what you plan to contribute.

Read through a slew of posts before making your initial comment posts. This will help you get a feel for the demeanor of the forum. Some forums are full of jovial people and some are full of "snobby, get to the point and get out" type of posters. (I am NOT saying that in a negative way, just saying).

Once you have a feel for the forum, the type of posters who hang out there and the way most of them present their comments, start posting and get involved.

If you're really passionate about the subject, you should first and foremost have a website with content pertaining to it as well, and when you're posting your comments, link to as many articles that are relative to your comments or the subject of the post, being careful not to look spammy when making your post/comment.

Using forums is one of the easiest ways, in my opinion, to draw attention to your site and any offers you may want to promote.

The people within the forum are already part of your targeted audience, as you KNOW they are interested in the same things you are... Once you build up a repore with other posters, it is so easy to make them a repeat visitor to your site and many of them will tell their friends and may even post links back to your site as well, thereby creating even more backlinks and additional traffic to your site...


New member
Dec 24, 2015
There is a lot to be said for commenting on forums, using signature links and just participating in general.

All of which can gain you some sort of traffic and as it was already mentioned, it works best with quality post's and comments that have something to do with your niche


New member
Dec 2, 2015
Blog Commenting and forum commenting is still used by 90% of online business executives just because it provide genuine traffic to there webpage.
what many take wrong meaning to that and just start coming on anything thats taken as spam by google

Be sure while you are commenting that your comment is solution to specific problem and it must not me promotional , try to indulge in discussion rather then just posting link


New member
Dec 9, 2015
Hi Maxoq,

It is not possible to judge from where you can get more traffic as you can get traffic from either ways but the thing which matters is the authority of website you are approaching.

If you are going to submit comment on blog/forum, you should participate on those forums/blogs of your niche where lots of people participating. Only then you can have the good traffic.

Back-links can get traffic only if they are made on high authority websites of your niche. So you should concentrate on quality of back-link than the quantity.


New member
Jan 6, 2016
This is a question that is asked and answered all the time ( most of the time not answered so well ). There is validity in no-follow link backs to being of some advantage - albeit from all the studies I have seen on the subject, the target terms are basically low laying fruit. But there is the undeniable gain from this strategy when you look at pre ranking vs page ranking after a period of steady no-follow link backs are developed.

Again a little reading on the subject, and terms such as "link profile" Sure you want to mix the good with the bad to show a more natural link profile... BUT I find this idea a bit lame... I have sites that have absolutely no no-follow link backs what so ever and they are ranking just fine. to be absolutely clear here.. I really am a big fan of no-follow links - It is my primary link back strategy in most circumstances. It is not effective in all cases but with the stuff I do, it works rather well.

So lets take this conversation up a notch and discuss a strategy I use with no-follow linking that I have found through testing to be fairly effective even in terms above the little to no competition level.

I personally use blog commenting as my primary source of no-follow links. As I get into this a bit you will understand a bit better why. Forum posting with a link to your site is simply not all that effective. On other forums that I have high post counts ( in the thousands ) that means that I would have the exact same link replicated from the same source THOUSANDS of times.. think about that for about 2 seconds, and you will understand that simply is not good for any "link profile" or any other matrix you think you may need to meet.

I want to say that in the spring of 2015 Google came out with one of their little scare bomb notices on back linking. ( I cant find it specifically right now, if I do I will post the link ) The line that grabbed my attention in regards to the link text was "When in doubt, use your name." Go back to June 2014 where Google laid Google Authorship to rest.. they want me to use my "Name", but there is no longer Google Authorship? HUH?!

So to understand this a little better.. when Google, Bing, or Yahoo drop a service or feature, there is usually a reason, and more importantly a more universal in scale replacement. All 3 and a few more are all partners in SCHEMA. When there is an announcement of a discontinued search feature or function, SCHEMA is a good place to hunt down the replacement. In the case of Google Authorship, there is indeed a replacement, and it lays within SCHEMA. So using an example from you can see a tag such as:

Jane Doe
<img src="janedoe.jpg" alt="Photo of Jane Joe"/>
20341 Whitworth Institute
405 Whitworth
Seattle WA 98052
(425) 123-4567
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
Jane's home page:
<a href=""></a>
Unless you are familiar with this stuff.. you are probably looking at this going, yeah and? OK, so on a blog you leave a comment, you have to leave a "Name" and then the name you leave holds or is the actual link text, to the link you provide. Having the above Person" tag on your site, you are taking OWNERSHIP of the blog reply by using the "NAME" and then linking to your site. Sure its a no-follow, but with Google and recently with Bing ( I have seen an uptick in positioning with this strategy since about mid November with Bing ) there seems to be some added value on these links.

When you are matching the username on the blog site, with the SCHEMA name on YOUR site, you are developing an authorship profile that can be followed ( via the "no-follow" links )

To cement this idea, lets look at how Google wishes us to tie our Social Media accounts to our site.. again using SCHEMA tags, you can see here: how they are doing this. Do they simply want to display your social links for you? OR are they continuing where they left off with Google Authorship, and developing a way to monitor and track an Authors contributions and value across the web?

All indications indicate the later.
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