Do I should join Yahoo! Answers ?


New member
Jun 6, 2012
Hi everyone,

I realized that joining Yahoo! Answers it best way to promote website to everyone and drive traffic to my website if i provide a good content and put the links on post content or its sources?

Does anyone have some advice?


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Yahoo question and answer is the best website to gain ranking in Yahoo.


New member
Aug 26, 2013
Yes, it's a great tool for freely advertising your company. Plus a great place to find answers to all kind of questions.

Anthony M. Dyer

New member
Aug 1, 2013
Hi everyone,

I realized that joining Yahoo! Answers it best way to promote website to everyone and drive traffic to my website if i provide a good content and put the links on post content or its sources?

Does anyone have some advice?
How we can promote our site through yahoo answer, need elaboration about this?i just know it's a best way to get a relavent reply for your querry?


New member
Jun 21, 2013
I am using Yahoo Answers. But I don't think it is the best way to promote a website.
It's just one of the means of reaching out to others and let your business or ideas be known.
It's a nice place to share and hear other people's ideas as well.


New member
Dec 15, 2014
Yahoo answer has a good ranking in google and yahoo-bing, so you can get targeted traffic on your keywords if you do it right way.

I think yahoo answer is better for promoting brand name then getting traffic from it.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Plenty of posts telling us how good it is but none telling us how to actually use it. Anyone have a system or strategy for marketing on Yahoo Answers that works today in 2015?


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
No one is giving a strategy because the strategy is obvious. You answer questions with thorough answers and leave links to your site, landing page, etc..

For instance I have a site that sells SEO.

I look for questions in Yahoo like "How do I get backlinks?"

I answer with an in depth answer, multiple choices, and my site outlined as the best option.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Obvious to who? None of this is obvious to a newbie! You need to feed us. But it needs to delivered in a certain way that we can understand and without assumptions. Take a look at post #5. Wasn't obvious to that guy. If I had the answer for him I would lay it out step by step so he could go away and actually do it. I wouldn't get on my high horse and assume he knows anything at all.

How does he sign up?
What user name should he be using?
How does he answer questions?
Where do he do this?
How do we look for questions in Yahoo?
What questions are we looking for?
Where do we find those questions?
How do we use the advanced search function?
What do we use now that the advanced search function has now been removed?
How do we get voted as the best answer?
When can we post links?
Where do we post links?
How many points do they need before we can post links?
How long does it take to get those points?
How do we create multiple accounts without being caught?

This isn't obvious to a newbie. These are newbie hurdles. These are the questions that a newbie wants and needs answering. Those answers need delivering in a step by step format without any assumptions being made. That is what a savvy internet marketer should be doing. Delivering those key answers that actually help. Most deliver crap PLR with throw away responses that assume too much. or is it that they don't really know the full answers themselves? I know which marketers list i'd rather stay on.

Didn't you know that this is how people learn?
Everyone knows that this is how people learn!
Everyone knows that this is how good marketers deliver email courses.

See what I did there? I made an assumption and I was wrong.

I take it that your niche has nothing to do with 'teaching'?

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
You can literally answer all of those questions in 15 mins by setting up a yahoo (if you don't already have one) and simply looking around. These are quite basic questions that could be answered by YOURSELF if you took 15 MINUTES OF INITIATIVE AND ACTUALLY WENT TO YAHOO ANSWERS AND LOOKED AROUND.

I mean really, "How does he sign up?" We are not a kindergarten class mate and you would sign up as you do for anything.
How does he answer questions? You type your answer into the box labeled "answer"!
What questions? Obviously questions that have to do with what you are selling!
Where do he do this? lol Already answered with "in the box labeled answer"
When can we post links? Whenever you get a funny feeling in your pants.
Where? Obviously within the answer you provide.
How many points 0
How long for points? As long as it takes you to produce content people actually NEED and like. Points = likes, votes, w.e.

I know I skipped a few, I got tired of scrolling to answer these very elementary questions.

POINT IS: No one taught me, I didn't have my handheld, or anything. I went to YouTube, Wiki, and everywhere else I could to learn what I needed to. YouTube has been my biggest mentor.

You see Steve, there are 2 people in this world. There are the people that, no matter how tough things get, they support themselves and they achieve great accomplishments in life. I was homeless living in a van when I started this venture. Happy to get a pack of ramen noodles and a cigarette. I scraped for my life with no one to tell me any of the complex stuff, let alone minimalistic knowledge that is easily obtained, through simply making the effort.

Then there are those that want everything handed to them, and they want to be told where to go and how to do it, and can't even figure out how to leave a link on Yahoo Answers on their own. These are the people that need to get a job. They can't think on their own and make rational decisions, THE MAIN CHARACTERISTIC REQUIRED OF AN Internet Marketer.

So I am sorry to say my friend but, you or anyone else reading this thread, who cant simply go to Yahoo Answers and figure out how to answer a question, needs to get a job. With questions like the ones asked above, YOU WILL NEVER BE AN INTERNET MARKETER


You could have got your Answer by JUST GOING OVER TO YAHOO AND TRYING, a lot quicker then asking the questions here.


Nike had it right. JUST DO IT!

I actually wasted 5 minutes of my morning answering this. Thanks. I could've been helping someone with a real question.


New member
Jan 22, 2015

Oh ,my. You really need to chill dude. That chip is just about holding your head on. Not sure who you think you are fella but most of us don't come to forums like this to be met with the attitude you present. A moderator too.

The irony is that despite your incessant whaling on how 'easy all this', the basic of questions that you attempted to answer are wrong for Jan 2015. Try again smart arse. The worst 'How Should I Use Yahoo Answers As An internet Marketer' tutorial I have ever read. I'm glad you gave up because I wasn't learning anything.

Not sure why you are here or why you felt the need to answer if you feel so strongly against newbies. If you are so much better than the rest of us and this is all so easy then why are you talking it rather than working it. Why are you here? I wouldn't buy from you.

You did as expected and allowed your ego to take control and you answered (ranted) as expected. Remind me never to subscribe to your list.

Do you have a list? Is this how you communicate with that list? Do you have many unsubscribes?

As I said, you clearly do not 'teach', you rant. You have a superiority complex that you seriously need to kerb.

As a newbie I need my hand holding. if you where any good you would have noticed that. Newbies frequent places like this looking for a mentor or coach. As a marketer you should be holding my hand. That is what business people and marketers do for a living. They guide prospects by the hand through the sales process by being as informative as possible. They don't rant and rave and shout them down using 'UPPER CASE' to make a point. Did you miss that memo?

We all have a story to tell 'mate'. I'll just grab a violin.



Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014

For the record I am "chill" dude.

BUt please inform me as to how anything I said was incorrect. Nothing's changed in 2015. Infact yahoo updates are minimal and they really haven't improved much. SO what is this change you are talking about.

The point here is, you are looking at a very small aspect of IM (like a marble in a universe) and trying to get an in depth elaboration from something that is really not that complex.

It's literally creating a profile, asking a question in the search bar, picking a thread, and answering that question with your link in the content, with an answer worthy of sticking to a thread.

I don't understand what more you could want from that, or how that is not simple. Do you want me to type in the questions for you? Maybe then I can answer them for you too?

I really don't get your rant.

This isn't one method, it's a small contribution to help your methods out.

I don't have an attitude for noobs. I train them. But the ones that make it, are the ones that can think on their own and they don't have to ask questions like you've asked. Neither did I when I started. This stuff is really basic, just as basic as it was when I didn't even have a Twitter profile. When I say I knew nothing, I really knew nothing.

So don't try to make me out as a bad guy. I've helped many. I've also learned when helping people, that there are some you just cannot help. And those are the sheep that spend all their money on "Gurus" who claim to have the method to make you rich. Then you buy it and realize I've given more solid information in this forum then most of those "Guru" training programs out there.

I'm guessing you've signed up for many of their mailing lists, as you've already stated in another thread.

So yes, you are in the Gray area of IM where you have no idea which way is up and which way is down.

Build a website and learn how to monetize it.

Again, you need to build a wall. Start with brick one. Establish what that is first and then start applying "sub-methods" like the Yahoo Answers, to contribute to the ways you monetize your site.

If you try to learn everything at once, you are never going to do anything.

Pinpoint a goal and start working toward it.

Everyday I wake up and I do the same routine and set a new goal.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
That’s better. A little more civil and a lot less angst. Let’s try to keep it that way. Much more constructive.

The point here was that I initially attempted to highlight the specific needs of a newbie (post #9) in the hope of marrying those needs with the best and most relevant advice possible. You came along and under delivered in post #10 and #12 and I began explaining that newbies need much more than that. You have subsequently continued to bury your head in the sand because this should all ‘be easy’ and newbies should just get on with it. Your Wrong!

If you arent accepting of that and are incapable of delivering those answers then that is your loss. Chest thumping and UPPER CASING doesnt help your case. I am a newbie to this. You should be paying particular attention to what it is I am asking, saying and telling you during my posts. Do you get that? Can you not see the win-win benefits to that?

If I am asking for help on how to use Yahoo Answers, such was the OP and post #5, I am looking for a step by step process that eases me into using it correctly and helps me on my way. Despite your insistence of a newbie requiring to learn the hard way you are wrong. Smart people, regardless of being a newbie or not, follow success not failure. I dont want to learn from your failures. I dont want to fail. I dont want to stumble. I dont want to get it wrong. The key here is that I dont need to. I simply need to find the person who knows what to do. That could be another newbie. That could be a marketer. It could have been you. Asking questions on forums like this gets those answers. Newbies ask questions because that is how they learn and succeed. heading down the path that you send them down is how they fail.

As a newbie I am not looking for a generalisation and a blanket response such as that given by you. It may be sufficient for you but it isnt for most. As a newbie I have discounted your advice and I am already looking elsewhere. If you are selling that advice as a marketer then I aint buying it because I cant use it. Those who have read and who will read this thread are also unlikely to use it either if they have any sense. It is of no use to me or them in its current format. That is your loss. That is a lose-lose. Do you get that?

I am a teacher. I teach on a daily basis. I have been in the business of teaching for almost 30 years. I teach ‘newbies’ every day and I know what they need and how they should be given it and they need more than you are giving and they need it delivering in a particular fashion. I may be new to internet marketing but I aint new to ‘marketing’.

Yahoo Answer may well be a small facet of the marketing scope but to enter into it and be able to use it effectively requires quite a bit more than you are giving if people want it to work for them. You are leading them to fail miserably.

Sending a newbie into Yahoo Answers to conduct any form of marketing using your minimal ‘it’s easy’ advice would have them banned today and well before they even reached the 250 point benchmark required to post links. A bench mark that you have yet to mention. An imported aspect wouldnt you say.

I could delve into how wrong your responses are but I would be wasting my breath. I will simply raise just the one.

Posting links in the content will bring scrutiny and get you banned today. To be effective and to ensure that you remain on Yahoo Answers and in business and making money you must use the ‘Source’ area for your links. Yet your advice makes no mention of the ‘Source’ and tells newbies to add it to the content of their question or answer. That is Wrong and a very important aspect of using Yahoo Answers if you have any chance of staying active on it.

Newbies need that sort of detail explained to them using specifics to ensure that they are doing it correctly. Yahoo Answers is a time consuming marketing strategy that requires you to be smart. Simply telling newbies to ‘just do it’ wont help them and it certainly wont help you as a marketer. I can see chargebacks and PayPal account blocks for every marketer if that is the sort of advice they are giving in eBook tutorials…….and they are and you are. Is that the sort of advice you give during your own marketing?
Leading people by the hand = more £££$$$$$. The more hand leading you do the more £££$$$$ you earn. How many people using your advice are going to succeed over at Yahoo answers? How many people are going to listen to you again when they fail? Not a very good strategy that ‘it’s easy’ and ‘just do it’.! just sayin.



Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
Sending a newbie into Yahoo Answers to conduct any form of marketing using your minimal ‘it’s easy’ advice would have them banned today and well before they even reached the 250 point benchmark required to post links. A bench mark that you have yet to mention. An imported aspect wouldnt you say.
Explain this then: (luckily I had a newer account that wasn't above the threshold, didnt want to have to create a new one just tp prove a point)

Answers screen shot.jpg

See that?

Not only is it a link, but an affiliate linked and a cloaked one at that. Oooooooh somebody should tell on me.

You should be paying particular attention to what it is I am asking, saying and telling you during my posts. Do you get that? Can you not see the win-win benefits to that?
What you are asking was answered. I don't know how better it could have been answered. As I asked before, what more could have been included?

I think the question YOU need to start with is how to pin-point a profitable niche.

I answered your questions, if someone else has some magical fairy dust to contribute that involves steps other then those I've already outlined, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING. lol

Your problem is, you are looking at things from a very negative perspective and assuming the worst is going to happen. Your thinking to deep and again asking too many questions that don't matter. They really do not matter.

your really blowing this whole "Yahoo marketing" thing out of proportion. It's just answering questions thoroughly in a way to provide your link. That's all I do man. You're really blowing this up and it needs to stop.



New member
Jan 22, 2015
Do you really think I or others where born yesterday? FFS. Who are you kidding?

That may well have worked 5 years ago when you posted that link but it wont get you very far today in 2015. As I have already said, newbies need to know what it is the are getting into and how. 250 points and level 2 required. Basic stuff today but you failed to tell us that. Even then you won't last long enough if you kick the arse out of it and post links where they shouldn't be. Yet before a newbie can even begin to do any of that they need telling how it can be done, where it can be done and why it should be done that way. Not simply told 'it's easy' and 'just do it'. That will get them banned.

Newbies need relevant and current advice and guidance that is specific for today and works today regardless of how easy you believe it to be. Nothing is easy to a newbie, particularly for those who want to at least have some chance of success. You cant deliver that for them. You just proved you can't. I'm done here.




Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
You sir are a glutton of your own punishment. FYI the dates below the threads YOU ANSWER in Yahoo answers are the dates the threads were STARTED, and not the last post date.

You could've have just gone to yahoo answers and found the thread yourself but here it is


Go look at the date. You sir are a very pessimistic person. I am also going to ask you to stop invoking problems around the forum with your pessimistic views on the teaching angles of other marketers, because you "don't get it". I gave what I thought was solid advice and what has worked for me, and on top provided screen shots, and now the link to that yahoo profile. You initially discredited the value of my post which was very disrespectful. (I didn't slap the squeegee out of your hand when you were at work.)

All to prove what? That "Yahoo Marketing" is incredibly easy. Again, you go to yahoo answers, find a question, post an answer with your link.

What's your deal?


New member
Jan 22, 2015
We are getting there.
I know what the dates are. I know why you posted a link into a 5 year post. Seasoned marketers know why you posted a link into a 5 year post. Newbies need to know why too. It is just one of the many something's that they should be told about when asking how to post at Yahoo.

Has nothing to do with being a glutton for punishment. My point is being made for me with each post you make. We get a little bit more relevant information the more questions asked. I call that progress.
Post a link where it shouldn't be and you open yourself up for a ban. Newbies need to be told that.
Post on older threads to minimise the risk of getting a ban. Newbies should be told that too.
Post a link in new accounts in 2015 and you are likely to get a ban. Newbies should be told that too.

No deal here. Just searching for up to date information and the right answers on specifically how things are done. It is only 'easy' when you know how. Why would you feel the need to 'slap the squeegee out of my hand'? We are where we are. A simpler route would have been to describe the process in more detail as asked. You took the snerk route. I really don't mind this dance.



Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
Again, you are over analyzing the situation with your assumptions. Where are you getting your info?

I went and posted a thread just now below the "250 point threshold" still:


Has anyone else had a problem posting links? Because I just find questions and post links. Clicks are clicks in the long run. I don't care what isn't working today, it might be working tomorrow. Put your link on enough places in the right way and you can get tons of traffic.

PS: TIP heres how to do an effective search in any site when looking for questions, as an alternative search:


Here's one for you better



Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Bloody hell... This could well be the most viewed thread in all history ... lol....

I thought this might ease the tensions a bit during the commercial break, that is before we get into the 10th season and perhaps the final episode part II ;-)



Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
I think its worth pointing out that the mods here are all voluntary... and credit where its due to Eric for donating a significant amount of time and effort on this forum.... and Steve you seem to know your stuff, so I certainly don't see you as a newb... ;-)

That aside I see this conversation getting wrapped round the axel and its unnecessary, given that there isn't much to it....

Yahoo answers at the end of the day is used in the same way as other web resources for IMer's and that is to generate traffic (noting nofollow backlinks unless its on the profile page)....

Here is what I would do.... If you want to game it and don't have the time to create a profile with appropriate levels for posting links etc, then you can easily find folks on fiverr or other places who can do that for you.... Ideally you want to target a page that gets a nice chunk of traffic and is relevant to what you want to promote - you can check that with its backlinking profile, amount of engagement it gets with comments etc and of course if it is ranking on the serps... and as agreed by all concerned yahoo answers is a small piece in the grand scheme of things.....

Okay that's the commercial break over on my part......


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Apologies if this thread has offended anyone. Not intentional. Just trying to make a point and fly the flag for newbies.

Eric, I have no doubt that you know your stuff and it now comes natural to you. Pity you cant or wont deliver it as a newbie would need it. Sorry if you disagree with that but we’ll leave that for the newbies to decide. Can they go ahead and work Yahoo Answers using your advice so far given? I say not. You say yes. Any takers?

You were the only one who came to this thread and took part. I have appreciated that and so will any subsequent newbie looking here. Kudos for that. Thanks. It got a little anal and snerky but we give what we get.

This wasnt about me or you per se. It was about the information that newbies want, need and ask for and the information that they subsequently get. Often wrong, outdated, substandard, inadequate, misleading or downright illegal. It may also simply be good or bad, free or paid! Or in the case of this thread they got nothing until we arrived.

Newbies need answers and they are tired of paying for stuff that promises to deliver and it doesnt. They are tired of sending emails to marketers asking for further information and those emails being ignored. Difficult to get hold of a marketer at the best of times, particularly one that has been paid good money for crap information and who has absolutely no intention of honouring a refund. Charge Back and PayPal work for that folks but it shouldnt need to come to that.

So the only alternative is to go to forums. Often to be ignored, humoured, ridiculed and ripped off again. You have all been there. Perhaps that is the way of the beast. I hope not.

Yet here I am with a marketer who I can question directly and who is actually prepared to say something. He’s on the other end of a keyboard and we are toe to toe and no matter how many times I ask, how many buttons I push, how much of a simple list I introduce and no matter how many times I try to prize a full answer out of him……I still get dont get what I know a newbie specifically needs to know. I prompted, but it still didnt come. We were getting a little bit each post but I was still having to drag that out.

Yes, Yahoo answers isnt the be all and end all. I know that. But it is a place that can eat up a newbies time and efforts simply to get a ban when posting a very first link. You need to know how to avoid that. Knowing what that requires takes a little more knowledge than simply posting, answering and linking.

For those newbies who will read this, this is the reality. This thread highlights the difficulty in finding the answers you need. You can have a marketer in front of you and it is still like getting blood from a stone. So dont expect any marketer who sells you a duff product via email to answer you either.

Nuff said. Respect Eric.



New member
Dec 14, 2014
Hi everyone,

I realized that joining Yahoo! Answers it best way to promote website to everyone and drive traffic to my website if i provide a good content and put the links on post content or its sources?

Does anyone have some advice?
It will only going to be effective when your website going to be the answer of that question or somehow related to the question asked and if you want to start using yahoo answers for traffic make sure keep your activity low as your might get banned for spamming.
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