Will someone help me? - Video Player Issues


New member
Oct 16, 2016
What I need:

To have a WP plugin or other method to make ALL videos imported into a website play in a decently styled player with NO YouTube, Vimeo or DailyMotion logo or link. And of course full screen capable.

Why this has proven difficult for me:

I need this to happen with the auto-fetch plugins I use and cannot find one that after importing, will play the video in anything except the standard YouTube player.

I've been trying to figure this out for weeks now and have become very frustrated. That's why I am asking for help. Normally I like to figure out things on my own but in this case I am running out of time and figuring out the required coding at this time is beyond me.

Even with the themes that have nice players that play videos with no logos or links and will play full screen, the only videos that play that way are the ones with demo data that came with the theme.

Once I auto import my own videos with my auto-fetch plugins, THOSE videos play in the standard YT player (or their respective source players) while yet the ones that came with the themes demo data STILL play in a nice player with no logos or links and in full screen mode.

I've searched the internet and have learned about the "modestbranding and fullscreen" commands and could figure out (in it's simplest form) how to mod the embed code to remove branding and enable full screen but that would still leave the ugly player (my opinion) and would also mean I would have to redo EVERY embed code that my auto-fetchers bring in manually. Sort of defeats the purpose of the auto video importers.

If worst came to worse, If I could come up with embed code that would include a very nice player, no branding and full screen, I could do that one at a time just replacing the video ID but I would much prefer an automatic method. I really, really like the players at videojs.com but could never figure out that coding on my own. That's part of my disability.

Maybe a small WP plugin or PHP script that listens for new videos being added, would copy the video ID and replace the videos embed code with a preset one including the video ID of the video being imported.

This has been a long post. If you made it this far, thank you very much. I really need to get this figured out because I am disabled now and can no longer work.

With the holidays fast approaching, I really do need to figure out this "how to make money with video websites" method. I think I'm on the right track, just going very slowly.

Do you have any ideas? Can you help me out here? If so and you need it, I would be more than happy to give you an unlimited webhosting account with all the bells and whistles, as long as it is used for WhiteHat purposes only. I've had this account for five years and have no plans of letting it go. So, as long as I have it, you are welcome to keep the account.

Thank you all for reading this long post and have a great day,

Central Florida


New member
Apr 27, 2016
Have you tried building your own HTML5 video player? Just thought I would ask.

I have a group of tutorials that take you step by step on how to do that using many different types of video files.
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