Web 2.0 Blogs PBN and word spinning


New member
Oct 10, 2016
I would like to make a PBN with Web 2.0 Blogs. I have around 50 different Web 2.0 Domains ranging from 34 DA to 96 DA. But I have some questions regarding the linking and possible word spinning.

Obviously I should make my highest DA-Blogs my tier1 links, but how many should this be when I have 50 Blogs? I want to link the lower DA-Blogs togheter so they gain some PA and use them for my tier2 links.

I heard word spinning spares time when you use it within your tier2-blogs, but could I also use them for my tier1-blogs? What are the dangers? What is your experience with word spinning?


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
You do realize that the DA has absolutely nothing to do with how strong your links will be, right?

First of all, DA is not used by any search engine on the planet as any kind of ranking factor or judge of links. Second of all, when you create a new Web 2.0 blog, it is on a brand new page that shares no direct link path from the home page. In other words, your page gets zero benefit from the domain it is on. It would be no different than if you bought a brand new domain today and setup a new site on it.

As for your question about spinning, if you are doing it with software that you click a button and it spins a bunch of words, you are going to just spit out garbage content. Garbage content is a great way to get Web 2.0 sites you build deleted.

If you are trying to build a link pyramid, and you are not going to use original, un-spun content on tier 1, then don't bother building it. You are just wasting time.


New member
Oct 10, 2016
The plan is to write some articles around 5-10 and one of the articles links to one of my pages. Of course DA alone is not enough. Thats the reason I want to link them togheter and put some "high-quality" blog comments, so the PA increases.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
If you are going to do that, here is a better idea. Do it on domains that you own. Why bother messing around with a web 2.0? You could lose it at any time, and then that work was for nothing. They Web 2.0 site could also decide to change all of their links to nofollow without any notice. It has happened on several of the popular sites out there.

So if you are going to invest the time into building the authority of the pages, why not have complete control?
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New member
Oct 10, 2016
As far as I know domains with a high DA build faster and easier PA, which is actually relevant for a boost. I would have to buy some relative expensive domains if I want a 50+ DA domain, but many of my web 2.0 site have a DA of 50+.

You see? Of course they could be able to change the link to nofollow or even shut the whole website down, but using web 2.0 sites seems to be much cheaper and faster than buying domains with high DA.

I guess the best option would be a mix of our two suggestions. But before I buy a bunch of 100€+ domains, I want to build a foundation and earn some money before I invest hundred of euro.

Please correct me if any of my statements is wrong.

Marc van Leeuwen

Premium Member
May 29, 2016
I would like to make a PBN with Web 2.0 Blogs. I have around 50 different Web 2.0 Domains ranging from 34 DA to 96 DA. But I have some questions regarding the linking and possible word spinning.

Obviously I should make my highest DA-Blogs my tier1 links, but how many should this be when I have 50 Blogs?
It is unlimited links to your tier 2 and tier 1 if you can maintain the quality of links pointing to your web 2.0 and from web 2.0 to your blogs.

I heard word spinning spares time when you use it within your tier2-blogs, but could I also use them for my tier1-blogs? What are the dangers? What is your experience with word spinning?

Hope that helps!


New member
Oct 10, 2016
You are wrong. Or at least whoever told you that nonsense is wrong. A higher DA does not mean that a page will increase PA faster.
I just checked what you said and yes I didn't understood it right.

AND even if it did, DA and PA are not ranking factors. They have nothing to do with how Google evaluates a page.
"Essentially, the higher the DA score of any site or page, the more link juice and value Google will pass to the inbound links coming from that site or page.

According to Business2Community, 24% of Google’s ranking algorithm is based on the factors represented by this important value – the domain authority. This means that each of your web pages will return the same DA score."

Source: neilpatel.com/2015/05/19/no-link-building-strategy-is-complete-without-these-12-tactics/

I would say Neil Patel is a trusted source in SEO.

As far as I understand now the difference between PA and DA is, that PA is a strong indicator how good a single page will rank, whereby DA is a strong indicator how good a whole domain will rank, even if it has a low PA. That is also the reason sites like Youtube, Ebay or Facebook make it to the first page.

Of course PA and DA are not ranking factors, but they are indicators on how valuable a link from this domain/site can be.

To summarize it: It can be enough to build a strong DA (30+), but I should also focus on every single Page which I want to rank.


Sep 1, 2016
Well if to look at the situation more fundamental. DA is a parametr that was created by MoZ based on the theory that there is a list of authoritative domain sites with the highest level of confidence. And the sites to which they link directly receive most of "link juice" from it. According to this principle each level of remoteness gets less and less link juice.
That's a great old theory. But even if we assume that the theory is true. How objective can be DA if Moz have the data only 2-3 % of all sites (read links) that Google indexes. Also there are SEO services that have the analogue of DA parametr but have more data then MoZ. Ryand Frishkin is a great blogger and marketer. I am impressed how much he was able to impress the importance of DA to so many people.

I don't now frome were appears 24% of Google's ranking algorithm is based on factors contained within DA. Do you now somebody who know the full Google algo and can approve it ? Did Google official said something like that ? Maybe there are some cool experiments that confirm this?


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
I just checked what you said and yes I didn't understood it right.

"Essentially, the higher the DA score of any site or page, the more link juice and value Google will pass to the inbound links coming from that site or page.

According to Business2Community, 24% of Google’s ranking algorithm is based on the factors represented by this important value – the domain authority. This means that each of your web pages will return the same DA score."

Source: neilpatel.com/2015/05/19/no-link-building-strategy-is-complete-without-these-12-tactics/

I would say Neil Patel is a trusted source in SEO.

As far as I understand now the difference between PA and DA is, that PA is a strong indicator how good a single page will rank, whereby DA is a strong indicator how good a whole domain will rank, even if it has a low PA. That is also the reason sites like Youtube, Ebay or Facebook make it to the first page.

Of course PA and DA are not ranking factors, but they are indicators on how valuable a link from this domain/site can be.

To summarize it: It can be enough to build a strong DA (30+), but I should also focus on every single Page which I want to rank.
I wouldn't listen to Neil for much. He's a great marketer, but he feeds the IM'ers a lot of SEO white hat BS because that is what his audience wants to hear.

Anyone saying that 24% of Google's ranking algorithm is based on factors contained within DA is just totally full of crap. Nobody has that kind of precise knowledge of Google's algorithm to make a statement like that.

Essentially, the higher the DA score of any site or page, the more link juice and value Google will pass to the inbound links coming from that site or page.
This quote is just total nonsense. Linkjuice flows through pages, not domains. Just because you get a link from a brand new page on a site with a DA of 99 does not make it any stronger than a link on a page with a DA of 1. Both the pages are of little value or authority. Now if there is a direct link from the home page to the page your link is on, that's different. But no site like that is ever going to let you drop a link like that without paying hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And as far as DA and PA for judging links, even Rand himself has said you shouldn't use them.

You see advertised on all sorts of SEO forums especially the more aggressive, sketchy ones that a lot of folks are like, "Hey, for $99, we have this amazing package, and I'll show you all the people whose rankings it's increased, and they come from PageRank six," never mind that Page Rank is totally defunct. Or worse, they use Moz. They'll say like, "Domain authority 60-plus websites." You know what, Moz is not perfect. Domain authority is not a perfect representation of the value you're going to get from these things. Anyone who's selling you links on a forum, you should be super skeptical.

My question is to you what's the way to know which links are strong, which are not? What's the sign of strong backlink in your point of view?
Generally, if it is easy to get and it is free, it is weak or worthless.

Editorial links are the strongest links. Sidebar, footer, and blog comment links on a page will be the weakest.

If it looks like a link that the author made a well-thought out decision to place the link or research what they are linking to, that will be a stronger link than if they just randomly linked to "the best damn thingy of 2016".

If the page the link is on has a good link profile itself, internal and external, that is a good link.

I also like links from pages that are ranking well from the same and related topics. If a page is ranking well for "how to build a fireplace", and it links to your page about "how to build a brick fireplace" or "how to paint the brick on your fireplace", that is going to be a stronger link.

Just a few things I look at.


New member
Jan 16, 2017
The age old....does DA/PA affect Google ranking. The strict answer is "No", but that doesn't make it worthless. Even though Google employees may come out and tell you they don't use DA/PA, you can bet your bottom dollar that they have their own algorithm that does something very, very similar to what Moz is doing with DA and PA. They're great barometers to follow to build your own rankings and also to measure the quality of potential backlinks. Ever since Google abandoned PR, they didn't live us with much of a quantifiable number to use - so DA and PA will suffice.

To the question about spinning. I would never, ever recommend doing it on you Tier 1 stuff. Tier 1 is reserved for your best, and surely that's not spinning? A lot of hard work can be tossed down the drain by filling tier 1 with garbage.


New member
Jan 25, 2017
Word spinning with Tier 2 is fine limited submissions. Tier 3 with spin content works good and doesn't result in penalty of your main website.

My advice with Tier 2 and spinning content is okay but very limited submissions. I mean spin using wordAi and used it for 10 web 2.0 10 submissions; works pretty good.


New member
Mar 30, 2017
There is this site called textbroker.com that you can basically order articles and select the rating from 1 to 5 stars. It also features a plagiarism detector so you know that the content is original. If you select one star, then you should get a very low price/word.

Why not play it safe and not use spun content? Also, be sure to cover your footprints, and I mean all of them. Google is getting VERY smart at identifying PBNs. You are dealing with a massive tech-giant that doesn't seem to be losing to competition anytime soon.
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