Benefits of a single niche site on SEO


Aug 1, 2017
Hello this post talks about how good it Is to maintain a blog on a single niche than working on a multiple niches


Here everybody wants lots of traffics coming to their sites or blog but don't consider how those traffics that comes to their sites can benefit their advertisers,

So many advertisers don't get satisfied or don't have enough impressions from the adverts they placed on your site, that's why they don't come again despite the number of traffics you generate to that site...

How can we stop this

So many bloggers get confused why they loose advertisers despite their traffics are really rich,

1. What do you offer:

This comes to the reason why so many advertisers don't get impressed in your site, Most bloggers are just desperate to get any kind of traffic just in the name of believing that traffic is money thats why you find them blogging on multi niches or topics, this can bring you traffic yes, but can this help your advertisers? "No" that's just the answers I have for you, then why is it no because you can be getting 20000 traffics to your site but those traffics are not focused, like the kind of adverts they see are not related to them in any way,

For example: you blog about dogs, music, politics, SEO, in one site and this niches bring to you 20000 traffics, then when you have an advertiser that wants to advertise about dogs, he already have it in mind that your blog traffic is nice, and will expect to get more impressions from your blog, So when advert is placed on your blog let's take it that 5000 of those traffics come because of the "Dog post" then out of those 5000 traffics 2000 can be interested about the advert because they really love Dogs, after all this reductions maybe 500 patronised your advertiser that had it in mind that atleast he will be getting maybe 10000 impressions out of your 20000 traffics to your site, so this can make the advertiser go for another sites that can give him what he wants...

This is where single niche sites comes in..

2. Blog about one thing:

When an advertiser have been disappointed with the type of traffics or impressions he got from a multi niche site with over 20000 traffics he will go looking for a blog that can give him what he wants, next thing his mind we go to is on blogs that talks about "Dogs" alone, here people that comes to that blog are real lovers of dogs that why they are subscribers to the blog because it talks about what they love..

Now let's take it that the blog gets traffic of 15000 to the site on dogs, now out of that 15000 dog lovers, 10000 will be interested on your adverts and atleast 5000 - 8000 will impress your advertisers, why won't the advertiser come looking for you next time...

That's is just it when it comes to advertisers how single niche sites benefits more than the multiple niche sites...


IN search engine optimization single niche sites benefits more than those multiple niche sites because,

1. Keyword: If you are working on a single niche site you are entitled to participate in the front page of search engines, when it comes to searches coming from users that typed your keyword on search engines, because your blog or sites have lots of topics related to that topic,

2. Backlinks : you get back links from other bloggers that are interested in your site because of the niche you provide, in this case a single niche bloggers is a bloggers for the multiple niche bloggers, why is it so a multiple niche blogger can't be perfect in all those niches he delivers to his sites thereby making him to go for single niche sites to get some tips to write his own topics or can even pay you as a single niche blogger to make a guest post in his site, looking at this you have been paid to even get back link from another site, and with this your site is ranking good and fine,


Sure knowing the niche you are meant to blog on, you should have to look into yourself on posts you have made that got enough interactions, with this you can determine how good you are on that topic, please choose a topic you love writing about, the things you love so much things you can read for long when researching and also have a way to make out your own post from it...

Thanks so much hope it this helps thanks


New member
Feb 17, 2016
Benefits of a single niche site on SEO:

Shorter time commitment
Money matters
Easier to cross sell
Rank higher on SERPs


New member
May 24, 2017
I don't think it really matters. For instance, I think both single niche and multi-niche stuff can draw in a crowd and advertisers. Case in point, I've noticed how off-topic discussion forums have a certain unique appeal, just like the ones focused on one topic - like web development.

Benefits of a single niche site on SEO:

Shorter time commitment
Money matters
Easier to cross sell
Rank higher on SERPs
I don't believe that at all. It's a myth. Note, it can be just as easy to write multi-topic articles as a single focused one. Also, a powerful website will have ranked articles, regardless.


New member
Nov 28, 2014
It is related to topic relevancy as well, obviously an advertiser should also need to do his research before making the decision.
for example If I'm seeing a blog which has multiple niches then the traffic has diversified as well.


New member
Aug 26, 2017
It's easy to hold on one topic website as well as it's very easy have unique content in very. It helps to add more search engine trust factor for that topic.


New member
Sep 2, 2017
Matt Cutts had a video awhile ago, and it is doubtful that Google´s philosphy has changed, that basically said that if all things being equal, an article on a niche website would have an advantage of an article on a generic website. For instance, an article about some medical herb would have more standing than a similar article about a medical herb found on a travel website.

The other really big benefit is finding sponsors for your site. If you are the point where you are thinking of moving away from Adsense, having a niche website should already give you some ideas about who to contact about sponsoring your site. One way to do this, not sure if Google would like this, is to see what ads Google is constantly showing on your site, and then contact those or similar companies to see if they might sponsor your site.
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