I've been working on some marketing campaigns and I want to know the best option for me to promote my ads. I hope you can help me with this. Thanks! :thumb::wave::help::think:

There are many social media platforms out there that you can use in placing your ads at a very cheap price like Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc. Some of the Facebook users have reported spending $1 per ad. Before going into prices, you have to narrow down to the most appropriate social media by using the following three points:
1. Where your target customers are most concentrated (usage, groups, etc.)
2. Where your target customers are most accessible (preferred media, ad targeting, etc.)
3. Where your target customers most actively engage with ads.
After narrowing down then you can research on the different prices per ad and am sure you will find the cheapest. You can also create a channel on YouTube to advertise your own stuff and encourage viewers to react on your ads.
Go easy on the emojis though