Bing Search Engine Optimization Strategy


Jul 29, 2016
Hi Guys,

Can you guys share you valuable & Fruitful SEO Strategy to target Bing Search Engine. I realized that what we were doing for Google 4-5 year back is some kind of similar to Bing at current scenario as well.
But, Since Our 1st Target Search Engine is Google, and it has a different approach & strategy to optimize than Bing.
So If we'll optimize for Bing, we'll oppose some how the Google's guidelines.
So, please share your experience based strategy.
(Thanks in Advance, but please avoid the copy past answer from other sources, wanted to know the strategy or activities which worked)


New member
Mar 30, 2018
EMD(exact match domain) is working on Bing. I bought a domain 2 years ago and without building any backlink and making content on Bing it was on first page of results for that keyword. The only content related to the keyword was 3-4 phrases with no other pages, just index file. Once the site got indexed which took a while, starts to get traffic from Bing like a few hundred per month without doing anything. The competition was very low and my guess is what why he ranked so fast. That specific website in the same time was answering to the question of that specific keyword. So,

1. EMD is working.
2. Content > backlinks.
3. Low competition, you don't need backlinks. Make's sense.
4. Proper on page seo, the keyword in title tag, meta tag, h1 tag. Web crawlers needs to understand what a page is about so they really look to those tags.
5. The content must contain answers. The search box is a field where you input questions, search results are answers. This is valid for Google as well.

Anyways, clearly Bing has a different algo on rankings because the search results are completly different if you compare Google and Bing. It's also much slower than Google. however sometimes you find better results in Bing.

As I said before EMD, Bing also I found that is ranking better precise the words that are in the search box, for example. If you search in google "What is xyz" you will get results mixed with "What are xyz" or "Xyz - What is". Bing on the other hand is listing mostly what you typed so they clearly looking for "exact" matches.


New member
May 14, 2021
Bing like aged domains and put a lot of weight on these, they also like exact match anchor text. They also take a lot of consideration into social shares.

Also, onpage SEO is great for bing. Make sure you use all h tags, h1,h2,h3,h4 etc.
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