Sudden Traffic Drop! What to do?


New member
Aug 12, 2020
Hi everyone,

I hope you all have been doing good and safe with the deadly virus. I will directly come to the main point.

This all started in July 2020 that my traffic drop was 5-10% every-day constantly. Every day I wake up and feel fear to even see the google analytics and sometimes I even avoided opening the website.

I had not made any changes before July so I can not even understand the reason why did it happen. I published 3-4 articles per week.

I could never know or understand what mistake I did or would have happened which caused an intense drop in my traffic.

I wish it never happen to any blogger rather they grow because this is the worst experience A blogger could experience, Ever!

I have this request to all of you that if any one of you has had such experience and anything turned out positive for you blog please kindly share with me. Also, if anyone more experienced and can just go through my website and can point out what is the main issue. I would be highly thanksful to him/her.

Also sometime I see a strange thing in analytics that the traffic showing in real time is different then the pages user viewing it almost more than 80% then the opened pages..

I am in such depression that I can not even express the whole feeling of me that how am I feeling nowadays after losing everything for which I struggled a lot and sacrifice many things of my life.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions that might help you to understand the cause more thoroughly.




New member
Jun 2, 2020
Wow. OK, I see that it is a coupon site. But, in order to see that I have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. I personally think that you should have an intro, a synopsis of what the site is about on the first page. Then, each page should individually have specific text as an intro/synopsis about that particular page under the header.

When did you add that huge image-only coupon block? Search engines can't really see images, so each image needs an alt tag explaining what it is using truthful, relevant keywords. But image alt tags only optimize an image. Actual textual content is more important.

In a sense, you are showing ads before textual content/info. Even if they are links to articles on your own site, they look like adverts, and that alone makes it look like your website is scraping the search engines just to show adverts.

There are other factors, as well, but having the actual text for that page in the footer means that all those images and menu items are pushing that text down.

But I do understand that the text in the footer is supposed to be footer text, too. The thing is, that means that there is no original textual content to appease the web crawlers. Every page should have a unique textual blurb that promotes the page or the product/service it covers.

This can be enhanced by using an even more brief synopsis in the description tag, which will actually address how your page will look as a search engine listing.

There are other factors as well. But it looks like you need to add textual content, make the user want to check out that page, read on, click the links, whatever, it's a marketing issue. So think of it as marketing your content. This should be right after the H1 heading which should be reflective of the title of the page, and each title should be page specific.

The H1 should follow the header (with your logo and stuff) in terms of code, unless you are doing an intro into the H1 heading, then you can use an H3 heading and sub text to intro the H1 heading, which is more specific about what you offer. Usually, it is done the other way around, though.

There are lots of other things that could be coming into play. Having a reliable and fast host is always a plus. But right now I think that is a good place for you to start. You just need content, and the content should market the page info/images/product/service that that page covers.


Active member
Nov 18, 2019
The algorithm update is the main cause of this traffic drop:
Google doesn’t hide away from the fact that it releases multiple updates throughout the year, some more significant than others. Unfortunately, trying to get solid details of the changes is quite frankly like trying to get blood from a stone.

However, an easy way to gauge whether your site may have been impacted by an algorithm update is to keep a close eye on confirmed changes from Google themselves

But, by far the easiest way to get information on algorithm changes is to make use of tools such as Mozcast – from and the SEMrush Sensor from SEMrush. If neither of those takes your fancy, Algoroo is another algorithm tracking tool available free of charge.

If you find that there has in fact been a recent update, I’d highly recommend spending some time analyzing the sites that have been affected the most. Try to spot any correlation between them and ensure that your site doesn’t suffer the same fate.

Wait and watch if the traffic and the ranking resumes.
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