Make money online without investment


New member
Oct 27, 2014
Nowadays, on the internet more and more people looking to make money online without any investment and well understood. Sounds like a strange thing to start a business online or offline without any money put forward. But it depends on you how high you want to go and where to aim.

1/ First we will start with writing articles. Since when did Google Penguin updating to 3.0, which many of you may know, writing came to be a lucrative profession. Why? Because at the moment to promote a website or have a website ranked, you need quality articles on it, well written and unique content very important. And today all webmasters chasing writers to have unique items. So if you like to write can make a lot of money, then share different articles in article directories that will be paying for them, or simply looking for a job online as "content writer" and you earn on average $3/article. I was talking about above directories available on the net, you just need to search on google and you will find a lot.

2/ Second way to make money online is affiliate marketing, which consists in selling products for someone else and you get a percentage of the sale. In affiliate networks, you will have more opportunities to get products from providers in your niche such web hosting, ebooks,..etc). I've seen are people who earn $200 per day.

3/ Another way to make money online without any investment is from free platforms. Just register a blog on blogspot or wordpress, this is easy way to own your website without paying fees for web hosting or domain providers. The thing you need to do is start and write relevant articles on your blog, I wrote articles and seeing them getting more traffic from search engines. After you have a decent traffic then right time to put ads on your blog like Adsense, affiliate links, and more to get revenue.

I hope It was helpful and hope you will reach more money as high as possible.

Elphas Mdluli

New member
Jan 8, 2015
Nice share. Keep it up.


New member
Jan 18, 2015
Those are some great ways to earn money without making an investment. On top of that, I would like to add mailing list building. It's very easy to build a list nowadays. All you have to do is to offer a free incentive (lead magnet) and you will have hundreds of people joining your list every day. Afterwards, all you have to do is to sign up on an email distribution service like Mailchimp and create some nice campaigns with affiliate marketing offers.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
I find it really interesting that many people take the view of attempting to create an online business but are not prepared to dig into their pockets other than cheap hosting perhaps... For me the biggest investment is my time....

So my question to all concerned is how much do you value your time.... Is it $5 - $10, $20, $40, $100 per hour or more....??? If you're spending endless hours writing content, pursuing backlinks and other stuff - and not achieving much then its probably because you've spread your self too thin.... and have not invested in the right tools and not seeking additional help which can bring in a nice ROI... and to the extent that its sometimes better to go for ads when starting out with SEO and other stuff such as solo ads as a parallel strategy which overtime can replace the instant results, but at the same time allowing for adaption and learning from your mistakes... after all SEO is long haul and my best advice is to view things holistically with being pragmatic...

For me my biggest concern is my time and using it wisely with delegating as much I can to outsourced/freelance help... In the end it pays you back.... and allows me to pursue many projects... but that said its a game of patience when it comes to IM.... entry level as we all know is easy, but actually walking the walk does indeed take a serious investment of time, effort and funds in order to get the ball rolling... hence why it is easy to see that probably 95% plus fail for years with a small number that carry on thereafter before they find their own way...

So my best advice is to really think about how much your time is worth and with that realize that sometimes its cost effective to spend money in order to make it in this game.... and realizing that your time is in fact the most valuable asset and for me it is the bigger investment vs money!

That said I also realize that a lack of funds is a big issue... If that is the case then I strongly recommend that you find work outside of IM, whilst you build your online business....


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Indeed for new comers its tough... and thus why I mention not to quit the day job anytime soon ;-) Its always going to be a game of trial and error and some serious learning in the process.... IM is no longer a simple subject - I now compare it to that of masters degree once you really get into the nuts and bolts of it... However for those who pursue it with dedication and determination ... then the penny does indeed eventually drop ;-))


New member
Jan 18, 2015
I have to agree with you. Your primary job can be used as a money-making source that can help you with future investments to your niche idea. People who think that they should quit their job to start Internet Marketing are very wrong and when they realise it, it's probably too late.

The Overseer

New member
Jan 23, 2015
Nowadays, on the internet more and more people looking to make money online without any investment and well understood. Sounds like a strange thing to start a business online or offline without any money put forward. But it depends on you how high you want to go and where to aim.

1/ First we will start with writing articles. Since when did Google Penguin updating to 3.0, which many of you may know, writing came to be a lucrative profession. Why? Because at the moment to promote a website or have a website ranked, you need quality articles on it, well written and unique content very important. And today all webmasters chasing writers to have unique items. So if you like to write can make a lot of money, then share different articles in article directories that will be paying for them, or simply looking for a job online as "content writer" and you earn on average $3/article. I was talking about above directories available on the net, you just need to search on google and you will find a lot.

2/ Second way to make money online is affiliate marketing, which consists in selling products for someone else and you get a percentage of the sale. In affiliate networks, you will have more opportunities to get products from providers in your niche such web hosting, ebooks,..etc). I've seen are people who earn $200 per day.

3/ Another way to make money online without any investment is from free platforms. Just register a blog on blogspot or wordpress, this is easy way to own your website without paying fees for web hosting or domain providers. The thing you need to do is start and write relevant articles on your blog, I wrote articles and seeing them getting more traffic from search engines. After you have a decent traffic then right time to put ads on your blog like Adsense, affiliate links, and more to get revenue.
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to critique this post. It's in the best interest of the community here that I inject some facts into your OP. Before I begin however, it is important that you realize that your writing is very fragmented. This is probably because English is not your native language, but it is nevertheless important to write coherently...especially if you're trying to share information.

1. This is incorrect. An individual may start to write content for clients, but you offer no clear examples for new members to act upon. Let me help you with this one...

Problogger Job Board
Craigslist Writing Gigs
Webmaster Sun Content
Warrior Forum - Members Looking To Hire You
And that's just a start...but at least I've given clear examples.

2. Again, you are incorrect. You also give no clear examples about how a new member can make affiliate sales with no investment. Please do not create threads unless you have something of value to share.

If you explained that making an affiliate sale can be as easy as creating a YouTube channel and conducting video reviews of physical or digital products - and then placing an affiliate link at the top of the description box of said videos...that's one thing. That's a clear example that can help noobs.

3. Again, this is wrong. Using FREE platforms is the worst mistake a noob can make besides buying an expensive product from a guru. Free platforms give the user no leverage, no asset, and no control. You need to invest the small amount of money into:

header image

...if you're going to do this the right way. In the future, please make sure to give clear examples to illustrate your claims. Vague generalities do not add any value to the forum. Thank you.

The OP wasn't that great either. :sad_no:
Agreed. This post honestly has a lot of fail. It is quite misleading and not very helpful to any noobs. I hopefully corrected that by adding some clear examples...not these vague generalities.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Great tips here! ;)

I agree with you. There are a lot of people looking to make money online without making any investment.

Of course, it can be done. If you don't have money to invest, then you must pay with your time and efforts.

I also see a lot of people who want to make money online without any investments, but at the same time they do not want to pay with their time and efforts. A lot of people want to make money online doing nothing, and that is so wrong!!!

You have share awesome tips here! .. people need to understand this very well and know that it will take hard work and dedication to start making good money online. Just like with any other job out there. The only difference is the fact that you are your own boss!!

Good topic!

I wish you the best of the best!

Keep up the great work!

Cheers! :D


New member
Mar 9, 2015
Content is king and all that. Although, if you're a newbie don't settle for anyless than $5 per 500 words. I see new guys writing 500 word articles for a dollar and I can't get my head around it.


Mar 6, 2015
It is possible to make money without investment. It s how I got started its just going to cost you time. But in the long run you are going to invest some money at some point (website hosting, domain ect)..


New member
Feb 7, 2015
Sell something on Craigslist, make $50 and buy a domain, hosting and that leaves for little paid advertising to get your first few clients. From there you can invest money back into the your service-based business.

If you don't want to start with any money, start a Fiverr, or open a freelancer account. That should give you enough to start a website and sell a skilled service.

* Anyone can do this * It just takes effort.


New member
Mar 19, 2015
Have to admit that I was a believer in the money with no investment school of thought, I used Fiverr and other microjob sites to get business and was quite happy.

Now however I have started using solo ads to build a list and I wish I had done it years ago. Once you have a bit of practise and test and tweek your ads you can get to either breakeven or even making a small profit from your listbuilding. and The Warrior Forum are good places to find solo ad sellers. You should also search for Facebook ad groups.
The important thing is that your list goes on growing regularly.

Without a doubt that is the route I would recommend to anyone starting out. If you can spare $50 that is enough to get going, then just reinvest your returns. A list that you cultivate should be your first priority.


New member
Apr 29, 2015
Nice Share...very inspiring method. And I think if we need more income better to invest more and invest to other way to boost your income.


New member
May 7, 2015
Make money online without investment
I believe you should only consider starting an online business when you have money to invest that you can afford to lose.

Starting with no investment is a lot of work, and very difficult to scale.


New member
Apr 28, 2015
there's a lot of way to make money online without investment.
the easiest one, if you're from 1st tier country is to try some GPT sites. You can easily earn $4+/day without investment any money.
Or you can earn money from your android/ios by downloading app, make review, etc.

I don't believe in the term "You can only make money online if you invest money first"


New member
May 7, 2015
All the methods I have seen have advertised that it will be easy and I look into it and it involves sitting at home all day filling out forms and it's just a lot of hassle for little profit.


New member
Jul 6, 2015
Financial investment isn't always needed, but I think its important to understand that your time is a limited commodity and for me, its value is way more than money.

I'm always willing to pay for services that will let me reach my goal more quickly and this allows me to enjoy my life - I don't know anyone who wants to be tied to their computer all day.
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