How did you make money with your blog?


New member
Jan 23, 2015
First of all, I would like to say that I do not earn money through blogging but I know, someone here is interested and doing this. There are 3 main methods to make money with blog:
- The Advertising
- Affiliates
- Create your own product

To create a blog, you must first find an idea, why the best is to leave on a passion and then see if that passion to the potential, the best is to see if there are products on sale related with your passion and if this passion generates money. :D

Then you need to create content on your blog, articles, podcast, videos, after creating contentm you need to promote your blog on social networks and build your prospect list, in general it is best to give a gift in exchange for the name and the email of your readers, you're going to offer a VIP thing to your readers, something he can not get if it does not fit in your newsletter.

Once you have captured your subscribers, this will allow you to contact them anytime, understand their desires, their envy and offer them what they need.

Let's say your blog is about how to make money online, you will have your ebook to offer for free, you can make a review for this ebook on your blog and put your affiliate link/ buy now button below, It is good way for you to build a relationship and trust to readers, they will buy through your link and you earn a commission or solid revenue.

Thereafter, you can create your own product, the top is to create an information product that can be a series of video, ebook, podcast and sell it to your followers

If you are interested in blogging, so Google is your friend.

What about you? How did you make money with your blog?

The Overseer

New member
Jan 23, 2015
What about you? How did you make money with your blog?
This is what I do for my home website/blog. It's not theory, I actually do this and it works pretty well.

1. Selling Services {IM strategy, Copywriting, Digital Publishing, Consulting}
2. Affiliate Marketing {Recommendations, email promotions}
3. Product Publishing {product sales}

I could add advertising or product reviews to my arsenal but I think it will detract from the quality of my site in terms of both SEO and overall trustworthiness.


New member
Jan 18, 2015
I make money through Email Marketing and Affiliate Marketing mostly. I setup a splash page for the affiliate product and include up to 5 free reports for people to download in exchange for their email and name submission. This way I am building a list and I can market the primary offer to them.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Most of the money I make is from my product and the rest with other people's products as an affiliate. All the traffic comes from social media sites and search engines straight to my blog.

I only use an optin form below each blog post and it generates 4+ subscribers a day. I haven't updated the blog for about 2 weeks now and I'm relying on search engine traffic. Once I add more blog posts and post on social media sites I can push the subscribers to 10+ a day.

I also review amazon physical products, which doesn't make much but it's something. I also offer a service, which is high priced, and get about 1 or 2 buyers every month.

That's how I make money with my blog. But it's time consuming, these days I prefer launching a product and running a jv contest. I simply keep my blog because it's something I'm passionate about so I love talking about it, it's no longer about making money for me.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Great tips man!!

Right on! ;)

I have earned money blogging the same way.

I build a niche blog, then I monetize it with affiliate products.

I implement many internet marketing strategies to build up the daily traffic flow to the blog.

Here are a few of the internet marketing strategies I would use:

– Article Marketing

– Video Marketing

– Content Marketing

– Audio Marketing

– Forum Marketing

– Social Media Marketing

– Blog Commenting

– Guest Blogging

I also offer a lead magnet on the blog. I capture targeted leads, and build up an email list from the blog.

I follow up with the list and send people back to my blog. I don't really send affiliate offers to my list. I have learned that sending people back to your blog posts, will help your blog's rankings and it will help you increase the traffic flow to the blog.

People who wants to buy any affiliate products, will do it on my blog, not on an email I send.

I want to build good trust with the list I build from the blog - so I don't blast them with affiliate offers at all.

I lead the list with value and in return they help my blog get better rankings online! :)

This is a simple formula to follow!

Great topic!!

I wish you the best of the best!

Keep up the great work!

Cheers! :D


New member
Jan 21, 2015
My online business is divided into 2 websites: One for hosting WEBINARS for entrepreneurs and business owners.
The type of customers I'm looking for are the ones with a Digital product on a website and a newsletter list.
Why? Because when mailing 100 subscribers, only 2% will purchase your product.
When mailing the same 100 people for a webinar who also subscribed for the webinar 10% will purchase your product.
And my other site is a review website about Affiliate products. And even with free video courses.


New member
Jan 23, 2015
Most of the money I make is from my product and the rest with other people's products as an affiliate. All the traffic comes from social media sites and search engines straight to my blog.

I only use an optin form below each blog post and it generates 4+ subscribers a day. I haven't updated the blog for about 2 weeks now and I'm relying on search engine traffic. Once I add more blog posts and post on social media sites I can push the subscribers to 10+ a day.

I also review amazon physical products, which doesn't make much but it's something. I also offer a service, which is high priced, and get about 1 or 2 buyers every month.

That's how I make money with my blog. But it's time consuming, these days I prefer launching a product and running a jv contest. I simply keep my blog because it's something I'm passionate about so I love talking about it, it's no longer about making money for me.
Nice story, I would like to hear about the result if you have run a jv contest for your product?

My online business is divided into 2 websites: One for hosting WEBINARS for entrepreneurs and business owners.
The type of customers I'm looking for are the ones with a Digital product on a website and a newsletter list.
Why? Because when mailing 100 subscribers, only 2% will purchase your product.
When mailing the same 100 people for a webinar who also subscribed for the webinar 10% will purchase your product.
And my other site is a review website about Affiliate products. And even with free video courses.
I learned more from your experience. Thanks for sharing!

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
From advertisements on my blog and links in my posts. Pretty regular stuff. Nothing that different.

But my blogs are really backends for a main site. They are there to push or drive traffic to the main site. Blogging alone is not the main intention of a given site.

Course, blogging also has had many side benefits, ones that do not relate directly to making sales. It's been great for networking, making connections, getting guest blog posts, building more social sharers. Not direct money, but helps in a round about way.


New member
Dec 12, 2015
I'm making money by 1. advertising placement, 2. affiliate marketing
online shopping is the trend so affiliate marketing is the way to go.
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