How to Relax and feel Better after a Day's Work


New member
Aug 6, 2014
Stress is a common condition in all areas of practice, is that the thoughts of the individual who suffers constantly oscillate between the future and the past. Which causes never get actual rest. Therefore, here are five tips to unwind after a long day at work. Specially for people working online, feeling more stresses.

The reward when you get home after a long day of work, would be able to disconnect from everyday problems. However, this rarely happens naturally. Therefore, we took on the task of investigating some effective steps to achieve.

1. Read a book
How long have you not read in a place other than public transportation ago? A good way to relax is to spend a unique time reading without being connected to the Internet or watching television. Take a few moments to finish the book you left unfinished or read a new one.

2. Go for a short night walk
Sometimes the routine prevents us from seeing beyond our daily work. You go for a walk, exercise or a short night walk, change the perspective of your daily routine.

3. Have fun
Well say that laughter is food for the soul. If you have children you can take minutes to share some fun with them. And if you're single, you can find a fun activity that you like such as a chess game, video games or a good game of cards. Needless to spend three hours playing with 30 minutes to devote to such activities will sleep better and stress free.

4. Meditate
Meditation regulates blood pressure remains on alert to mind and enables who practice, have a longer attention span. No need to force your mind to go blank, starts just resting.

5. Take a shower
After a busy day, a struggle is the best relaxing, it will help you relax your muscles and rest better.

What are your ways to unwind after a day's work??


New member
Jan 25, 2015
I like to turn off all distractions ( Mobile phone, Laptop, ect ) and watch TV with a nice cup of tea, or if it's the weekend then a nice few cans of stout.

Although I'm nearly 38, I also like to play Fifa 15 on the PS4 with my 11 year old son! ( I need to grow up, I know lol )

I like this post because I do think it's important that we take breaks and remember that we do have a life and family and although making money is good, really good, it's also not as important as our health and families.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Hi JSmith,

Great Post! You should definitely consider entering the Blog Articles Contest - Award $50 to The Winner!

I find going to the gym definitely helps with feeling re-energized... also start the day with a max of one or two things on my to do list as too much on your plate can cause stress... Just accomplishing the smaller things step by step eventually leads to the big leap...

I also find that tidying up the place helps - as I hate working in an environment which is cluttered.... For some reason I work better when everything around me is tidy... Recently I've been getting into audio stories online just before dozing off... I started off with the Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy (radio version) and really enjoyed that - its way better than the TV series.... now onto short stories... its a great distraction from real life ;-)




New member
Nov 11, 2014
You might consider few things below

1. Bubble bath
You can have bubble bath it will relax your muscles.

2. Healthy Food
Eat healthy food such as soup or something which gives your body energy.

3. Music
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.

4. Watch Movie
You can watch movie for relax yourself or tv in the bed.

5. Sleep
You can go for a sleep after whole day work and return refreshed to face the world again.
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