How to get more google plus followers


New member
Aug 29, 2013
My question question might be out of date for someone but still new for who want to know get more google plus followers?
I want to know fast ways to increase google+ followers for my profile or page. Thanks in advance.



New member
Jan 22, 2015
Piece of cake, but this is for profile not page.

Find a popular person in your niche, make sure they get some engagement and they're always posting fresh content. Then follow everyone who has that person in their circles. The limit for Google+ is 200 follows a day, don't worry about being banned Google will let you know if you've reached 200.

You keep doing that everyday and you will get people adding you back. Make sure no one sees who you have in your circles so that they don't see you as a spammer or someone who just wants more followers.

The limit is 5000 on Google plus, just like on facebook. Once you've reached your limit you can use Circloscope to unfollow everyone who doesn't follow back and repeat the process.

Make sure your account is frequently updated with fresh content, that will increase the number of followers.

Another way is to engage in communities (groups), find active communities in your niche and provide some value and people will add you to their circles. G+ communities are really powerful and less spammy as compared to facebook and linkedin groups.

It's that simple, but it will take some time and effort. It won't be fast but it works.


New member
Nov 11, 2014
Here are some tips:

1. Fill Content
You cant promote something if its not ready optimize your google+ page and fill it with content before you start promoting it. when visitors land on your page they will have a rich, positive experience that engages them.

2. Promote on other Social Networks
Once your page is ready you can start promote it on other social network if people following you on facebook and twitter they already find value in the content you share there this will make them google+ followers too.

3. Blog
Write a blog about your google+ page what you have there and it will make readers follow you.

4. Google+ Button
Add Google+ Button to your website/blog it will allow your visitors turn into your followers.

5. Hangouts On Air
Hangouts On Air is a good feature live streaming video via Google Plus ten people can join video chat and unlimited number of viewers can watch it.


New member
Feb 13, 2015
Here is some of the tactics through which you can easily get more G+ followers such as:
  • Make a Personal Profile In Addition to Your Business Page
  • Treat Your Google Plus Page Like a Micro Blog, and Post Valuable Content
  • Add Relevant People and Businesses to Your Circles
  • Captivate with Other Users In a Meaningful Way
  • Look for Trending Topics to Find Out What Your Users Are Talking About
  • Hunt down Users You Want to Connect With
  • Figure the Optimal Time to Post for Your Audience
  • Get Familiar with Notification Triggers, and Use Them Wisely
  • Use Hangouts On Air to Build Your Authority
  • Make Events and Invite Your Followers
  • Tag other user in your post.
  • Use Hashtags to link your post to a certain topic.
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