I work from home, as a matter of fact I've never worked for somebody else, I decided to start my own online business and to be honest is the best thing I could have done. I love what I do and I love the fact that I don't really need to work my ass off all day long in order to make a profit, I work 2 hours a day and I'm doing great, I outsource most of my work so I don't get all stressed all the time as many people do in their day job, I spend time doing what I want when I want, this is all thanks to online marketing.
As to income I will quote something Bob Proctor once said and really made an impact on me.
The worst thing you can do to earn money is work
- Bob Proctor
I should explain what he means with this, if what you want is to earn a lot of money 'working' is the worst way to do it, if you consider what you do for a living working then it's probably not good for you, let me clarify this, in order to earn a lot of money is best to do something you LOVE, and you would do even if you were not earning a dime.
Finding your passion and making a living out of it is the best thing you could do, you will be more productive, happy, and goal oriented