I'll Create & Publish YOUR VERY OWN Information Product on JVZOO!

The Overseer

New member
Jan 23, 2015
Hey all,

If you'd like to own your very own IP {intellectual property} and cash in on some digital real estate, then my Digital Product Publishing service is something that you should strongly consider. Why? Because I am the most competent and most reliable publisher that you will find.

My only known competitor charges TWICE the amount that I do, and I have it on good authority that they only recycle PLR content while charging thousands of dollars. Just look at the junk Clickbank has been up to? Charging $10,000+ to whip up a crappy ebook and put it on CB! Bad business!

With my publishing service, I will personally work with you to create your very own information product and get it launched on JVZoo! What's more? Everything that I create is of outstanding quality and you will be happy to have me working for you! Here's what we will accomplish together:

  • Figure out what your skills, talents, experiences, or expertise is so we can package and monetize it.
  • Discuss what kind of product it is going to be. Is it gonna be an eBook? Membership Site? Video Series? Email Series?
  • Consolidate your resources to see if you have existing content we can use to create your product.
  • Plan the organization, scope, and depth of your product.
  • Buy a domain, set up the website, and make it look sexy.
  • Create the actual product in its entirety.
  • Configure the sales funnel to maximize profits.
  • Create the sales presentation with my expert copy writing skills.
  • Set up JVZoo as the retailer of your product.
  • Plan and execute the distribution of your digital product.

I'll do all of this FOR YOU and you will own all of the rights to your product. You won't owe me any royalties or anything. If you'd like to learn more about my publishing service and create an asset that can produce residual income for you and your family - then send me a message and let's talk.

-The Overseer
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