I agree, it's difficult to completely understand what your saying.
If your talking freelancing, that probably will always (in most cases), only make money when you get the work and get it done. One project at a time.
So, setting up something like your own product could be something that runs on it's own, long as the traffic is there, you could have daily money.
Or email marketing, could be daily money.
Guess you need systems that run on auto-pilot, or as close as you can get for the possibilities of daily money.
Like erocplotz said, most everything "can" make you daily money.
Most people will say going with something you know, or something you are passionate about. I don't disagree, but what your passionate about might not be a big money maker, if at all. And you also limit yourself. There are so many niches that we might not be passionate about, that are profitable. Plenty of things I've made money with over the years that were not my passion.
Not to mention, we can get a passion for something when the money starts coming in