EBook site Traffic


New member
May 18, 2016
I have a problem on how to spread the good news that I am selling my ebooks at the lowest price. Do you have any suggestions?? Pls

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Active member
Dec 21, 2015

For starters, please check the edit I made to your OP above and be sure to follow the rules of the forum from here on out. It would also help build trust from other users if you would post a HELLO message within the main section of the forum (NOT a necessity, but it doesn't look too good when your very first post right out of the gate is a "Hey, look at my site" type of post.


PLEASE NOTE: I am going to go a little off topic, but there is a point. Also, some of you may see this as a harsh post, but that is not the intent. I am just being realistic here and trying to provide sound advice...

You say you have "A" problem. I just visited your site and I see a few problems, not just ONE...

For starters, the price? $1.00? Do you realize how much MORE marketing you will have to do to make any decent amount of sustainable income? Seriously... You're going to end up spending more on marketing and promoting that you will be making in the end... Think about it realistically for a second. The PayPal fees alone are going to eat up 34% of your sales... THIRTY FOUR FREAKING PERCENT!!!

I realize you're trying to lure in buyers with the low low pricing tactic, but, that is not the way to go about it. You're training your buyers to expect bargain basement pricing from you and that is what they will come to expect, FOREVER... You want to provide value more than anything and once you do that, you can charge almost ANY PRICE you want...

Do you really want a customer who buys say 20 items from you a year, making you a whopping $20.00 ($13.20 after PayPal fees) OR a customer who buys just 3 or 4 $20 items, making you $80 - ($78.56 after PayPal fees)?

Do the math and it just doesn't add up...

Please understand, I am NOT trying to be a d*ck here, but as a reseller myself, I went down the same exact road you are and I have to be honest, it did not, and never would, pan out for anything good, I assure you. So, please do not take this as me bashing you or your attempts, take it as me explaining what I had learned the hard way, that's all.

Now, let's move on... When people visit your site and once they get over the whole "For $1.00 is that ebook really any good?" factor, they move on to visiting a product page, excited to see what the ebook is all about...

Oh wait, they can't... (LOL) You don't have any descriptions...

Before I spend even a mere $1, I want to know exactly what I am getting... Your visitors are not able to even do that... Before I put any money (and yes, time = money so even if you're taking the free marketing roots, it's still money in the end), I would definitely add descriptions to all of your product pages... And be as descriptive as possible. (Do you read the ebooks you're selling? If not, you should. You'd be surprised to realize how many of them aren't even worth the $1 -- I hate to say it, but that's exactly the case a lot of times...)

Next, actually, no, I am going to stop there. The problems addressed above should really be tended to before moving on, especially the description aspect. In today's marketing world, CONTENT is KING!!! and you're site has very little content. To draw people in, I would seriously consider changing things around...

Here are a few suggestions...

1. Make it so the shopping cart / ecommerce aspect is a BACK END part of your site. Setup a blog as your front end and post valuable, useful, unique content about the products you're offering. Come up with articles that you could tie into each and every product and then you could link to your shopping cart page... You want to entice your visitors, you want to get them excited, you want to explain things in a way that they can't find elsewhere... Then, they will happily shop... And, at the same time, you're building up a site which has tons of CONTENT...

If you want to maintain the storefront as the main section of your site, and even your home page, take a page out of Ron Killian's book. (Ron Killian is another member here on the forum.) His site has very descriptive descriptions for each and every product, BUT, more importantly, he has an integrated blog (which is what pulls in most of his traffic, I'm sure.) He uses the blog to write and post valuable content, and, whenever possible, he ties it in seamlessly to be able to promote a product within his storefront...

I do the same thing on several of my own sites, however, I keep the blog pages at the forefront and the storefront is more on the back end, but that is my personal preference... Both ways are excellent.

2. Change your prices. You COULD keep your sales prices at the prices you have, however, UP the regular prices and post a SITE WIDE SALE... Yes, visitors can purchase your products for the $1.00 and $1.50 "SALE" prices, however, present it as a special offer. Make them think you are just being nice FOR NOW... This will also create urgency in their buying decisions... The problem here, however, lies within the fact that people see right through the B.S. (again, sorry for the bluntness, just being truthful).

A better way would be to mark your prices up to $9.95, $14.95, $19.95, etc and offer subscribers and special visitors a discount code for a HUGE discount (thereby letting them by for $1.00 or $1.50), but, you want to make your customers understand you're not just trying to make the quickest buck you can even if it means selling bargain basement products at bargain basement prices...

Now, I think it's time to get off my soap box, and if I upset you with my post, please please please know I am truly sorry, it was not my intent.

I offer training to many of my clients, and these are the same principles I try to bestow upon them... Making a single buck is easy and fun, but at the end of the day, it's never gonna pay the bills...

Again, I am just trying to make sure you don't go down the same road that I, and many other marketers, have gone down.

Please take my advice as just that -- ADVICE. Take it from someone who has "been there, done that" LITERALLY and KNOWS first hand, that you are in for nothing but headaches and trouble...

If you want to make decent money, you NEED to charge decent prices, right from the start... And as for the marketing aspect, the first three things you need are CONTENT, CONTENT and more CONTENT.

As I said, I offer training on this exact subject. I started doing it because I saw so many $1.00 sites pop up all over the internet. 90% of the time, all you end up doing is devaluing some pretty decent products in the process. As I said, I did it myself. But, once I realized it wasn't worth it and that it took just as much effort to sell a $17 product as it did to sell a $1 product, I QUICKLY re-adapted and re-adjusted my tactics and it was SOOOO worth it in the end... If you would like to discuss this more, please PM me and I'd be happy to help you as much as I can.

With all that being said... if you're adamant about your pricing and your site, the way it is, I would suggest that you to build a second site, a blog perhaps, and post as many useful articles as you can... I would try to build up a huge FB and Twitter following and which you could then blast your ads to -- (WITHOUT spamming -- every 5 or 6 useful posts and tweets, you could send out a promo message.

Remember, the great thing about e-commerce sites is that you only need to post one ad somewhere and the end result is promoting ALL your products in the long run since they will be on your site and can look at the other products you offer.


New member
May 18, 2016
Hahaha.. I got your point dear.. Its my first time to start a site.. You are indeed helpful to me.. Love it!


New member
Dec 7, 2015
I used to own ebookweek.com and I sold it a few months back. Maybe try contacting them to see if they will promote your book for you


New member
May 18, 2016
I'm trying to change my site now. As part of my advise to myself and to all the beginners, know your mission/niche in the first place, love it and be passionate about it. In that way, you will find a good plan and an open mind. I am grateful to be here !!! Oh yeah!
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