Is Tracking Peoples Surfing Via Web Proxy The Answer ?


New member
Jun 18, 2017

I'm planning on running a public web proxy that would be a publicising service. A publicising tool for the public.

So, if you ever want to publicise what you are browsing to any of the following groups then you use my web proxy that would be open to the public. It would not be a private web proxy.


* Family

* Friends

* Work Colleagues

* Public (public domain)

* Commercial Companies

I want to know from you, since I want to run a public proxy that would not be a service that allows you to surf the internet anonymously but it would be a service that is opposite to this (would be a publicising service) then would I attract the bad crowd (bad users) like criminals such as fraudsters, spammers, hackers, virus spreaders (virus uploaders), paedophiles, porn viewers, etc. if I undertake the following measures ?

The following are the steps I am taking to ward-off trouble makers. Do you mind checking if they are safe & sound or not ?

If I will attract unwanted users or guests, then how to prevent all this from happening ?

Criminals (fraudsters, spammers, hackers, virus spreaders (virus uploaders), etc.) usually hunt for proxies that would hide their ID. Since my service would publicise their ID along with what they're browsing then I guess these unwanted guests would run a mile away from my service. Correct ? If not, then give your opinion if you think the following measures are good enough to get them to keep the hell away from my public service or not.

Btw, you maybe wondering why any user would want to publicise their internet activities. Well, let's just say 4 groups of people have good reasons to do it.

Publicising Groups of People

1. Attention Seekers - These are people who want others to trail them online just like fans trail their celebrities offline on the streets. It makes them feel "good" and they'll only publicise whenever they're in the mood to feel like a celebrity.

2. Group Shoppers - Imagine your sister is getting married and you all siblings need to go high street shopping to find the perfect bride dress for her and each of you need to see what the other is browsing so you all can give your opinions whether that one should get more looked-into or get passed-by without wasting any more time. But unfortunately, you're all living in different parts of the country and/or world.

Now, you can go group shopping online through the publicising web proxy. This is where each of you can see which dress and which webpage each of you are viewing. (In this "Family Group" session, the publicising web proxy only publicises your browsed pages to your group only. In this case the group is: Family).

3. Bargain Hunters - Imagine you are searching for a Samsung Galaxy. If you google you'd get 100 pages with 1000 links. The top 10 links might not have what you're searching for or the prices might not be right for you. Now, you don't have time to go visiting a 1000 link. Best you not go to the shops. Best they come to you. That way, you save time.

Now, you can go bargain hunting online through the publicising web proxy. This is where you'd type your chosen keywords and your min & max budget and your locality and the publicising web proxy would alert all those websites advertising under your chosen keywords and they'd be given an opportunity to browwse your browsing history and trail you online LIVE from their competition website to website to understand your shopping needds and message you offers. Each competitor would be able to see what the other is offering you in order to start a reverse bidding type of offers for you to get the best price. You'd go to the one who offers you the lowest price.

(In this "Bargain Hunting Group" session, the publicising web proxy only publicises your browsed pages to those marketers who got what you want to buy. In this case the group is: Marketers).

So you see. There are groups of people who have good reasons to publicise their browsings to certain groups of people. I just gave you 3 examples. But, there are more.

Now, let's talk-about what measures to take to draw-off the bad crowd from signing-up to the service. To get my venture up and running, I thought I need to track people what they are viewing and then publicise their browsings to their chosen group. Now, in the past, you tracked what your users are browsing by showing them their chosen pages on the bottom frame and you track them via the top frame on your website like searchengines do. But, nowadays ith php 5, frames & iframes are rendered useless. And so, I find no other way to track a user unless via a web proxy or cache proxy.

Yes, I know. I can build my own web browser and track my ussers browsings and I have already done that. But people are ary to download & install unknown or less known brands. But, people are not that fussy when it comes to signing upto a service online such as a social network or web proxy. My web proxy would give users accounts and track their browsings through their account usernames.

Yes, I've been suggested to build browser plugins and track via them. But, I'd rather not build plugins for 3rd party popular browsers.

And so, if you have any better idea on how to track my peoples internet surfings (other than run a searchengine and track users via that) then let me know.

1. Not run an SMTP. This is to prevent anyone using my mail server to spam;
2. Publicise the user's IP along with the links he visits to prevent anyone from daring to view illegal sites or upload anything malicious or download anything illegal;
3. Force the user to open an account under a username that matches his domain name and log his username/domain along with the links he visits.

Time|IP|Username|KW Searched|Visited Page
02:59pm|||php 7 books|

During registration, I would get the php script to prompt the user to submit an email address under his domain name. The email would contain his account activation link. That is how I would make sure that it is Tom Boy who is submitting [email protected] and not any Tom, Dick & Harry.

4. Added a Banned Words Filter that checks for banned words on a proxied page and prevents loading pages that contain banned words.

5. Add a php function in the proxy script to block file downloads. That should prevent anyone downloading anything related to illegal stuffs.

Example, the proxy would replace .mp3, mp4 extensions from links. Change:


That way, any link containing a downloadable extension would not be fetched by the proxy. Block downloads altogether.
Do you think this tactic would work to prevent downloads ?

6. Add php function(s) in the proxy script to block audio/video streaming. That should prevent anyone downloading or uploading or viewing/playing any files related to illegal stuffs. Block streaming pages altogether.
Do you think this tactic would work to prevent anyone watching streaming videos ?

7. Add php function(s) in the proxy script to block uploads. Block uploading altogether. That should prevent anyone uploading any files related to illegal stuffs.

Do you think this tactic would work to prevent anyone uploading viruses, send-out spams ?


Q1. So, what is that php function that blocks downloads ? That should prevent anyone downloading malware/viruses, etc. using my proxy ?

Q2. And, what is that php function that blocks audio/video streaming (downloading) ? That should prevent anyone viewing video streams using my proxy ?

Q3. And, what is that php function that blocks uploads ? That should prevent anyone uploading malware/viruses, etc. using my proxy.

Q4. And, what is that php function that blocks audio/video streaming (uploading) ? That should prevent anyone uploading viruses infected video files, etc. using my proxy.

Q5. And, what is that php function that prevents the user's browser from playing any audio/video files on a website ? Eg. Prevent playing youtube vids, vimeo vids, metacafe vids, clickbank vids, etc. ?

Q6. And, what is that php function that records bandwidth usage (uploads & downloads and audio/video streaming) ? I might aswell give each account just enough data limit for them to browse text pages but not enough limit to view or listen to audio/video pages (like youtube vid pages).

Q7. Any other features to add to prevent anyone abusing my public proxy service ? If so, which php functions should I use to add them ?

Thank You!
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