The Most Important Google Rankings Factors In 2021


New member
May 6, 2021
Search Engine Optimizations’ (SEO) main goal is to increase the quantity and quality of traffic to your website organically. Google algorithm considered certain metrics and characteristics to ranking the website.
Here in this article, let’s discuss the most important Google ranking factors that really matter in terms of SEO:
  • Backlinks
  • Site & Page Speed
  • Mobile friendly
  • User Experience
  • Creating Quality Content
A Backlink is a hyperlink pointing from another website to your website. It’s always has been the most weighted element in the search engine ranking. In 2012, Google updates its algorithm “Penguin”, after that important to acquire links from relevant sites. Google uses those links to measure authority and the quality of links would be a strong indicator of the quality of the webpage.

For effective link building strategies:
  • Creating quality content
  • Link Research
  • Analyze competitors
  • Guest post
  • Press releases
  • Cold outreach through mails or social media.
Site & Page Speed
Site and page speed plays a vital role in the ranking factor. So, a faster site means Google can crawl more for your site. The study found that “Time to first byte” is considered by Google for ranking the website. Page speed is also important for the best user experience.

To improve site speed:
  • Get rid of Plug-ins
  • Optimize the images ( smaller files, faster load)
  • Reduce redirect
  • Incorporate browser caching
Use these two tools for page speed test:
  • Pingdom
  • Google pagespeed insights
Mobile friendly
After the rapid growth of mobile users, in 2019, Google introduced the “Mobile-First Index”. If you see the data nearly 2/3rd of searches and up to 80% of total website visits happen on mobile.

To prepare your site for mobile friendliness:
  • Make Responsive CSS website
  • Implement AMP, PWA’s
  • Check Mobile usability in Google search console.
User Experience
It is all about how user experiences while using a website. Google has shifted to user experience because that is actually user want. In 2016, Google announced that pages with ‘intrusive interstitial materials’ might not rank as highly in the search engine. For example, if you visit the website and it has dozens of pop-ups, you just can’t find out what you’re looking for means a really bad user experience.

Make sure to check the following points:
  • Site Structure
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Internal and External links
  • Easy to access (Navigation)
Creating Quality Content
Google values freshness, accuracy, and relevancy of the content to determine the rankings. A study found that “Adding a blog to the website can increase its chance of ranking in search engines by 434%”. Created Content must be providing value to your target audience.

Review the following tips when creating the content:
  • Choose the topic and research
  • Create the content without the focus on intentional keyword
  • Expand the long-tail keyword into the title
  • Optimize images with Alt text
  • Insert the links strategically
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is evolving process and results for the above suggestions efforts take time. End of the day, it’s all about creating content for what searchers are looking for. Therefore, optimize the site for a better user experience that automatically redirects to higher search engine rankings.


New member
Apr 8, 2021
Wow, amazing post you have explained lots of things that can help to improve search engine ranking.


Active member
Mar 11, 2014
  • Site & Page Speed
Can you share any proofs that site and page speed will affect SEO, more people said this but I don't trust this more, because my site has low page speed but it is still on first page of Google.


New member
May 6, 2021
Site & Page Speed is necessary in my opinion, my site is recently got more number of issues especially related to mobile page speed and core web vitals score is in single-digit and got terrible traffic down (now working on my site) , you may very well know about the upcoming Google update, page, and user experience is going to one of the ranking factors,
apart from updates, I think speed is essential for every site, especially in this speedy & digital world! people can easily get distracted & deviated if they did not get what really want!


Dec 7, 2017
Search Engine Optimizations’ (SEO) main goal is to increase the quantity and quality of traffic to your website organically. Google algorithm considered certain metrics and characteristics to ranking the website.
Here in this article, let’s discuss the most important Google ranking factors that really matter in terms of SEO:
  • Backlinks
  • Site & Page Speed
  • Mobile friendly
  • User Experience
  • Creating Quality Content
A Backlink is a hyperlink pointing from another website to your website. It’s always has been the most weighted element in the search engine ranking. In 2012, Google updates its algorithm “Penguin”, after that important to acquire links from relevant sites. Google uses those links to measure authority and the quality of links would be a strong indicator of the quality of the webpage.

For effective link building strategies:
  • Creating quality content
  • Link Research
  • Analyze competitors
  • Guest post
  • Press releases
  • Cold outreach through mails or social media.
Site & Page Speed
Site and page speed plays a vital role in the ranking factor. So, a faster site means Google can crawl more for your site. The study found that “Time to first byte” is considered by Google for ranking the website. Page speed is also important for the best user experience.

To improve site speed:
  • Get rid of Plug-ins
  • Optimize the images ( smaller files, faster load)
  • Reduce redirect
  • Incorporate browser caching
Use these two tools for page speed test:
  • Pingdom
  • Google pagespeed insights
Mobile friendly
After the rapid growth of mobile users, in 2019, Google introduced the “Mobile-First Index”. If you see the data nearly 2/3rd of searches and up to 80% of total website visits happen on mobile.

To prepare your site for mobile friendliness:
  • Make Responsive CSS website
  • Implement AMP, PWA’s
  • Check Mobile usability in Google search console.
User Experience
It is all about how user experiences while using a website. Google has shifted to user experience because that is actually user want. In 2016, Google announced that pages with ‘intrusive interstitial materials’ might not rank as highly in the search engine. For example, if you visit the website and it has dozens of pop-ups, you just can’t find out what you’re looking for means a really bad user experience.

Make sure to check the following points:
  • Site Structure
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Internal and External links
  • Easy to access (Navigation)
Creating Quality Content
Google values freshness, accuracy, and relevancy of the content to determine the rankings. A study found that “Adding a blog to the website can increase its chance of ranking in search engines by 434%”. Created Content must be providing value to your target audience.

Review the following tips when creating the content:
  • Choose the topic and research
  • Create the content without the focus on intentional keyword
  • Expand the long-tail keyword into the title
  • Optimize images with Alt text
  • Insert the links strategically
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is evolving process and results for the above suggestions efforts take time. End of the day, it’s all about creating content for what searchers are looking for. Therefore, optimize the site for a better user experience that automatically redirects to higher search engine rankings.
Nicely explained! Thanks for sharing. This is useful.


Mar 25, 2020
Search Engine Optimizations’ (SEO) main goal is to increase the quantity and quality of traffic to your website organically. Google algorithm considered certain metrics and characteristics to ranking the website.
Here in this article, let’s discuss the most important Google ranking factors that really matter in terms of SEO:
  • Backlinks
  • Site & Page Speed
  • Mobile friendly
  • User Experience
  • Creating Quality Content
A Backlink is a hyperlink pointing from another website to your website. It’s always has been the most weighted element in the search engine ranking. In 2012, Google updates its algorithm “Penguin”, after that important to acquire links from relevant sites. Google uses those links to measure authority and the quality of links would be a strong indicator of the quality of the webpage.

For effective link building strategies:
  • Creating quality content
  • Link Research
  • Analyze competitors
  • Guest post
  • Press releases
  • Cold outreach through mails or social media.
Site & Page Speed
Site and page speed plays a vital role in the ranking factor. So, a faster site means Google can crawl more for your site. The study found that “Time to first byte” is considered by Google for ranking the website. Page speed is also important for the best user experience.

To improve site speed:
  • Get rid of Plug-ins
  • Optimize the images ( smaller files, faster load)
  • Reduce redirect
  • Incorporate browser caching
Use these two tools for page speed test:
  • Pingdom
  • Google pagespeed insights
Mobile friendly
After the rapid growth of mobile users, in 2019, Google introduced the “Mobile-First Index”. If you see the data nearly 2/3rd of searches and up to 80% of total website visits happen on mobile.

To prepare your site for mobile friendliness:
  • Make Responsive CSS website
  • Implement AMP, PWA’s
  • Check Mobile usability in Google search console.
User Experience
It is all about how user experiences while using a website. Google has shifted to user experience because that is actually user want. In 2016, Google announced that pages with ‘intrusive interstitial materials’ might not rank as highly in the search engine. For example, if you visit the website and it has dozens of pop-ups, you just can’t find out what you’re looking for means a really bad user experience.

Make sure to check the following points:
  • Site Structure
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Internal and External links
  • Easy to access (Navigation)
Creating Quality Content
Google values freshness, accuracy, and relevancy of the content to determine the rankings. A study found that “Adding a blog to the website can increase its chance of ranking in search engines by 434%”. Created Content must be providing value to your target audience.

Review the following tips when creating the content:
  • Choose the topic and research
  • Create the content without the focus on intentional keyword
  • Expand the long-tail keyword into the title
  • Optimize images with Alt text
  • Insert the links strategically
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is evolving process and results for the above suggestions efforts take time. End of the day, it’s all about creating content for what searchers are looking for. Therefore, optimize the site for a better user experience that automatically redirects to higher search engine rankings.
Good content dude! I like the flow and easy to grasp. Thanks for sharing.
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