How does Solo Ad work?


New member
Jan 28, 2015
I read some threads relate to Solo ad on this forum but I don't know how Solo Ad works?
can any one tell me what is its process?


New member
Feb 14, 2015
I read some threads relate to Solo ad on this forum but I don't know how Solo Ad works?
can any one tell me what is its process?
I love solo ads and buy them all the time, so I feel like I can answer this for you :)

People that have big email lists, anywhere from 4,000 - 100,000+ subscribers will allow people to promote their offer to their email list.

So, let's say I buy 100 clicks. (Different sellers have different packages for solo ads. Some may only provide 100 clicks, 200 and 300. Others may provide everything from 100 clicks to 10,000 clicks. Obviously, the more clicks you buy, the higher the price you'll need to pay.)

I will speak with the seller and we will schedule a date and I will provide them will my tracking link. (You always want to send the traffic to your squeeze page and then your offer.)

The seller will send out an email broadcast and by using a link rotator, will only allow 100 people to click on your tracking link.

Most people over deliver (OD) which means you may receive 110 clicks instead of just 100 which is always a bonus :).

That is the basics of a solo ad.

They can be quit costly sometimes, but trust me, going for sellers that provide high quality traffic (May cost more) will be better for you in the long run!


New member
Jan 21, 2015
May I ask, do you have an offer you want to share on solo ad websites or
do you want people come to your squeeze page?
If it is the second option, then I would say, check out udimi(.)com/
To create an account is free.
Let's say you have $150 and you pick 3 Marketers form udimi who have huge email lists.
Then you pay each marketer $50 and give them your squeeze page link.
And they will email their list with your link.
In about 2 weeks, find out who's list converts the best and scale it up!

Marx Melencio

New member
Feb 7, 2015
Direct Marketing Tactics


Since the posts above have nicely defined "solo ads", I'll share some recommendations here regarding direct marketing tactics...

1. If you're in MMO (Make Money Online) / IM (Internet Marketing) / Get Rich Quick niches, then I don't recommend purchasing solo ad spots from providers in these niches. Based on our experience with our clients who operate in these niches -- The best results in terms of RoI is to drive targeted social traffic and organic search traffic to your incentivized opt-in offer, in order to build your mailing list, through a balanced combination of paid campaigns like advertising in credible networks and online places that can effectively reach your target audiences, and through free campaigns like actively participating and initiating relevant discussions with value in directly and laterally relevant online places that are heavily trafficked by specific groups of people most likely interested in the value of those incentivized opt-in offers...

2. If you operate in other niches aside from those that I mentioned above, then I suggest making a list of credible, wildly popular online places in directly and laterally relevant niches. Then, prune this list into online places that are most likely heavily trafficked and actively participated in by your target audience. Next, prune your shortlist further down to online places that have opt-in offers and mailing list subscription sections. Then, directly contact the admins / Webmasters / owners of those online places, in order to negotiate mutually beneficial mailing list ad placement deals with them (or even paid ad banner / text link ad / advertorial placement deals and guest posting or content syndication arrangements with them). Based on the results of such campaigns that we execute for our clients -- This generates better results in terms of RoI, compared to going with providers that actively promote solo ad placement offers in niches outside MMO / IM / Get Rich Quick...

3. If you have a fully optimized sales funnel (incentivized opt-in offer, opt-in copy, top quality and timely onsite content, non-promotional follow-up emails and promotional follow-up emails with compelling recommendations of your own products or your affiliate products), then I highly recommend going with reputable list brokers that are authorized official members of fully licensed Direct Marketing Associations (DMAs) in accredited national trade organizations of the countries where your target audience is based. This often requires significant marketing investment funds, but based on our experience with our corporate clients for our inbound call generation campaigns in our telesales contracts with these corporate clients of ours -- This generates the best results in terms of RoI, compared to the other things I mentioned above, HANDS DOWN...

That's it for now. Cheers! :)


New member
Feb 24, 2015
As some people have already mentioned, buying solo ads in when you pay somebody to gain access to their lists.

There are three types of solo ads lists you can purchase:

1. A buyers list - This is a list build up by a person from people who have bought products that they have sold.

2. A Freebie Sign up list - This is a list that a person builds by offering free products, or by just giving people the option to subscribe to their list to receive free information.

3. A combination of 1 and 2.

If you really want to get the most bang for your buck, you should look for the first type of list. If you pay for a list that somebody built up by offering freebies, you can make no money at all, or have a very low conversion rate.


New member
Mar 8, 2015
Great post!!!

I agree about solo ads regarding make money niche and maybe even others the in most of the cases you just get fake clicks....

Since the posts above have nicely defined "solo ads", I'll share some recommendations here regarding direct marketing tactics...

1. If you're in MMO (Make Money Online) / IM (Internet Marketing) / Get Rich Quick niches, then I don't recommend purchasing solo ad spots from providers in these niches. Based on our experience with our clients who operate in these niches -- The best results in terms of RoI is to drive targeted social traffic and organic search traffic to your incentivized opt-in offer, in order to build your mailing list, through a balanced combination of paid campaigns like advertising in credible networks and online places that can effectively reach your target audiences, and through free campaigns like actively participating and initiating relevant discussions with value in directly and laterally relevant online places that are heavily trafficked by specific groups of people most likely interested in the value of those incentivized opt-in offers...

2. If you operate in other niches aside from those that I mentioned above, then I suggest making a list of credible, wildly popular online places in directly and laterally relevant niches. Then, prune this list into online places that are most likely heavily trafficked and actively participated in by your target audience. Next, prune your shortlist further down to online places that have opt-in offers and mailing list subscription sections. Then, directly contact the admins / Webmasters / owners of those online places, in order to negotiate mutually beneficial mailing list ad placement deals with them (or even paid ad banner / text link ad / advertorial placement deals and guest posting or content syndication arrangements with them). Based on the results of such campaigns that we execute for our clients -- This generates better results in terms of RoI, compared to going with providers that actively promote solo ad placement offers in niches outside MMO / IM / Get Rich Quick...

3. If you have a fully optimized sales funnel (incentivized opt-in offer, opt-in copy, top quality and timely onsite content, non-promotional follow-up emails and promotional follow-up emails with compelling recommendations of your own products or your affiliate products), then I highly recommend going with reputable list brokers that are authorized official members of fully licensed Direct Marketing Associations (DMAs) in accredited national trade organizations of the countries where your target audience is based. This often requires significant marketing investment funds, but based on our experience with our corporate clients for our inbound call generation campaigns in our telesales contracts with these corporate clients of ours -- This generates the best results in terms of RoI, compared to the other things I mentioned above, HANDS DOWN...

That's it for now. Cheers! :)
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