An Effective and Simple Way of Finding and Poaching Fans/Members for your FB Page/Group


Active member
Dec 22, 2015
If you're looking for REAL fans/members for your Facebook Page or Group
Then this is a simple and effective way to go about getting them!

This method is completely white hat and legit and ethical.
This method will guarantee you new REAL fans to your page.
There is not really any limit to how many times you can do this.
Depending on how in demand your product/service is and how many people there are on FB interested in it.

There is nothing particularly sophisticated about this although savvy people will do better at it than others.

This method simply involves you adding the members of other Pages/Groups in your niche as your friends on Facebook.

These Pages/Groups could be Pages/Groups that are RELATED to your niche or business, product or service for example.

Even your competitors Pages/Groups of course which might already have many more fans and users/members than yours does and you want some of them right!?

Well essentially, to get them as YOUR Page fan or Group member, you will need to connect to them somehow.

The best way to connect to people on FB is? Add them as a friend of course!

And then what? Well, from here first they need to accept your friend request.

Should they do so, you can then write on their profile or send them a message to say thanks.

Say something like hey thanks for the add, I saw you was interested in blue widgets have you seen my page about the latest red widgets? I though you would like it!

Of course, you can use clever ploys on their emotions and come up with many angles to come at it with a message.

But don't force it! Remember that as your friend, they will see your updates in THEIR timeline!

So make sure you're posting your Page/Groups posts etc to your own profile as well so your new friends can see it.

Chances are if they click on your page/group link, they will end up liking it as a fan or joining as a member because they are people who were/are already interested in that thing.

Plus if they was already interested in that kind of thing from the start, they're more likely to click out of curiosity as well.

You're putting fish in front of people that are looking for fish. It's not like putting fried frogs legs in front of people looking for IKEA tables and hoping they are interested.

On average, a high percentage of people will click your link and do so if you just politely ask them! It helps if you have an attractive profile photo though! ;)

Now I know this seems like a lot of work! But these people are your bread and butter!

You have to realize, these people are already interested in the same product as yours, except they're just temporarily someone else's fans/members.

You cannot find potential clients like these in real life unless you pay for market research first.

Some things to note / some tips to follow

  • These days, not all people allow friend requests.
  • But you can follow them instead.
  • Some people don't allow following.
  • Don't add too many people at once.
  • Don't use your own main personal account (the one you have your page/group with).
  • Pose as just a member of your Page/Group rather than saying you're the owner.
  • You can but its better with a specially crafted account.
  • Use an aged established account that already has friends.
  • Female accounts always do better than male accounts (go figure).
  • Blondes do better than brunette profile photos too. Yup!
Now I haven't really expanded in detail more the various parts of it all.
Nor gone into much detail about how to go about it but I hope you get the gist of it!

If you want me to explain any more parts in detail about how to be subtle and covert about it let me know but I'm sure you can use your imagination!

That's about it. It's a sure fire and effective way to get REAL fans that actually are already interested in YOUR product/service etc and more likely to convert for you!

It can take quite a while to do and can be a bit of work but it's not that hard to do and easy to stay safe and ethical while you do it.

There is nothing spammy about this method at all. Adding people as friends on Facebook and connecting to them is the whole reason Facebook started in the first place.

Some final things to say.
  • Think outside the box!
  • This can be refined, optimized, upscaled and outsourced.
  • You can do this yourself, or hire freelancers to do it for you.
  • Don't think you can't make a significant impact doing this yourself.
  • On a typical day you can get up to 10-20 new members/fans a day doing this yourself.
  • Don't strain yourself, take it easy, in time you can build a large user base this way.
  • The best time to do this is in the morning between 7-9 AM and in the evening between 5-7 PM.
Well that's it! I just wanted to share this with you because I've been doing it myself lately again and it quite simply, it works!

By the way in case you're looking for some great Social Media promotion services check out my threads here.

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