Confidence creates Success


New member
Aug 8, 2012
To live and create the life you want it’s important to gain confidence in the areas of your life that will ultimately get you there. Confidence is crucial, because your goals are going to get challenging if they are worthwhile.
Why is confidence so important in achieving your goals?
Confidence makes you less afraid of socializing and networking with people. Confidence enables you to gain respect because you will be heard and acknowledged. Confidence enables you to muster up courage and resilience so you can be prepared for new situations; rather than retreat from them.

However, not having self-confidence sucks the fun out of life. Having little to no confidence makes you feel worthless or as though you’re not worthy to attain those high goals and dreams you may have. When you suffer from low self-confidence it’s vital that you do whatever you can do to change it.
There are a number of ways to do this:
1.) Exercise- when you feel better about the way you look and feel, confidence will follow. It’s not just a superficial effect, exercise elevates your health in numerous ways. The more fit you become, the higher the chances your low self-confidence will be eliminated.

2.) Write the Positive- Writing things down is possibly the most effective way to get things out of your system. Start by writing the positives out of every situation so that you can see it on paper…all the things you’ve accomplished. By doing this you will shift your focus from the negative and approach situations with a positive mindset.
3.) Be persistent- The more you see yourself getting closer to your goals, the more you will be motivated and excited for your goals. Thus, taking action every day towards your life goals will not only increase your self-confidence but also your self-esteem and self-respect.
4.) Fake it- Faking self-confidence may seem like an ineffective strategy, but this technique will sneak up on you and slowly but surely you’ll become self-confident. By faking self-confidence and forcing yourself to act confident; even when terrified inside, you’ll quickly become used to the experience of acting confident and will “train” yourself to be confident in any area in life, and in any situation.

By following this list, you can boost your physiology, and mindset to achieve a completely different outcome than the one you’re possibly generating right now. Confidence creates Success!


New member
Aug 9, 2012
This article is really a beautiful, short and directly to the point. I agree that confidence creates success.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
agree that confidence creates success. life needs that to get challenging and success


New member
Oct 5, 2012
Confidence is the most important aspect of life which drives us in accomplishing our goals....A person of high confidence get things done with perfection even though he is short of skill....Like success,accept failures in life and learn from your failures with confidence.Confidence is the best medicine to recover from your failure and achieve ultimate success...


New member
Oct 18, 2012
Yes, Confidence is one of the bill board to success infact it is the most important factor that many of us lack in us, Self-Confidence is a thing that allows you to take challenges and achieve that, now let us take a common example or a common fear that is found in almost majority of the audience in the world, and that is of "Stage Fear" or Lack of confidence in speaking infront of the audience, this is a perfect example of Lack of self confidence, many people often complaint about their lack of self confidence and a kind of fear they experience while talking infront of massive crowd, and that is common in many, so what is the solution for it?
Ok, Lets try something Philosophical, Now lets assume that you have a big group of friends and you are very happy and also very confident while talking infront of them on any topic, this is because you feel comfortable to speak anything with them with a very high confidence because you are known to everyone in the group, but when the same situation comes but with a slight change and that is of the people which were earlier of your group are now exchanged with the group of audience that is completely new to you say you are on to a presentation for some group of employees than in such a situation suddenly you are feared and you lack self-confidence, so, analysing both the situations we can find that we have to do a same thing of just speaking infront of audience on certain topic but, you see you had lot of confidence in the first case where you were talking to friends, but what suddenly happens that sucks all your confidence up when the situation is talking infront of unknown crowd, many of us will say that the reason is the change of crowd, but that is not the case at all, the main reason behind sudden change of this levels of confidence in you is only and only you and your thoughts.
Now you will ask how is that possible how can I be the barrier or the sucker of my own confidence?
The answer is very simple when you are talking to a friend or a group of friend you do not fear what they would think if you go wrong at a point, but on the converse part, when it comes to talking infront of an unknown crowd you are centered with the thoughts and fear of going wrong infront of them or fear of cannot be able to speak infront of them, what can you make out from this, It is only the change of your feeling and thoughts that drive you crazy while your are on to speaking infront of unknown crowd, when you are talking to a group of friends, you are lively, playful and happy and this feeling drives and boosts your confidence on the top similarly your thoughts in the mind are also positive and you know nothing will go wrong if you make a mistake there, but when you are forced to talk to unknown crowd what thoughts do you first get up? All of them are negative, "what if I make a mistake while speaking" this would be the first thought of doubt and negativity that comes up to your mind and then the other comes "what if I could not make courage to talk" and then the other and other and other and suddenly from the happy and confident mood you start to shift to a fearful and stressed mood, this change of your feeling is because of one negative thought that you allowed to enter to your mind and that was followed by chain of negative thoughts suddenly changing and making your situation worst.
So, whats the solution for it, it is simple, when you are going to get yourself ready to speak infront of unknown crowd continuously speak and tell yourself all positive things, that you are gonna rock the presentation tommorow, You are going all in a right direction, you can do it quite easily, If You can speak to your friends confidently so can you do to the public, continuously frame positive statements and feel well for the thing what you will fear for, what will this change in you, the change will be, you will be feeling motivated, enegetic, lively and you would not fear for doing mistakes, this positive force will drive you to the feeling of love towards the presentation which earlier you hated because you were feeling all negative vibes and having all negative thoughts about, suddenly you will see a change in you while presenting yourself to audience and that change will be surprising for you.
Concluding this I will say: All things revolve around the way you think. The Mind is everything What You Think, You Become


New member
Dec 11, 2012
i like the article.confidence is very important in life but not overconfidence.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Great article, confidence is must to achieve our goal :eek:


New member
Feb 4, 2014
Confidence is very essential for every success in life. Success is not possible without confidence.If you have no confidence in any work i am sure you will not success in your life. So i told that confidence creates success.
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