Advantages Of Google Plus for SEO?


New member
Dec 19, 2012
I'm having 2 google plus profiles because i want to connect more people on it also it's bringing more traffic to my sites when sharing posts.
I would like to know advantages of Google Plus for SEO?
Can it make my keywords get better rankings on SERPs ?


Active member
Dec 20, 2012
How Google Plus Is Helpful In SEO -

I'm having 2 google plus profiles because i want to connect more people on it also it's bringing more traffic to my sites when sharing posts.
I would like to know advantages of Google Plus for SEO?
Can it make my keywords get better rankings on SERPs ?
Hi Alex_smith, this is a very interesting question and I would like to explain it in details.

As per Google's latest developments and advancements in bringing Google Plus to the top with respect to other major players in Social Media, Google Plus engagements have lots of priorities these days in SEO. You will have following benefits from your engagements in Google Plus:
  1. Your Google Plus posts will act similarly to your blog post/ webpage because when people will search for your targeted keywords selected for a G+ post, it is more likely to come up on Google results faster than your blogpost/webpage which you might have shared on G+. So, while posting on G+, be careful with the hashtagged keyword used, title used and their relevancy with the link shared.
  2. As you know Google discontinued Authorship Markup , hence all our Google Plus profile pics disappeared from our webpage/blogpost listing on Google SERPs (Search engine Result Pages). Still , you can find the pics accompanied with the Google Plus posts when they appear on Google SERPs.
  3. Due to sharing on G+, your shared URLs will have better advantage with respect their SEO.
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