5 Tips to Become a Better Leader


New member
Jan 23, 2015
Someone said me that "a leader can be anyone who influence others within a social context, a team or an organization". This definition opens a panorama to understand that everyone has leadership potential is only necessary to develop certain skills, some of which are mentioned below.

1. Takes the lead with creativity
Creativity can be applied to a constant search of small changes that make your work more efficient. Remember to be open to change, it is a great benefit for your personal brand.

2. Authentic
Never pretend to be someone you are not. Use your strengths and personality characteristics to develop a unique style of leadership.

3. Faces challenges
Honesty and courage are key elements that will help you cope with everyday obstacles. Keep in mind that effective leaders openly accept these challenges and tend effective lines of communication with your team.

4. Strategic Vision
A leader has the ability to quickly understand the changing trends of the environment, identifying opportunities and making precise actions. All with the sole aim to anticipate market demands, in which it is immersed.

5. Acts consistently
Not everyone is having a good speech. The consistency should be the flag of a leader, if you want to become one, there must be consistency between what you say and what you do.

what are your tips to become a better Leader?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Hi Stanton! Nice post... You should consider entering the Blog Articles Contest - Award $50 to The Winner! ... If you want to enter this you can either move this post or copy/paste the article into the blog section and then remove the contents on this thread with supplying a link... If you do so, perhaps expand the article on a few points.... meanwhile I'll be think about any further tips re: your post ;-)


New member
Jan 25, 2015
Hi Stanton

Good post!

I will add my own thoughts if that's OK?

Motivation is a good leadership quality to have. If you can motivate those around you who are sceptical about a certain topic or strategy, then this will work wonders for enhancing yourself as a leader. If you can get people to change there cautious views with your examples, speech or copy, then your showing true leadership qualities.

Another way to become a better leader is to use the positive feedback you receive as a confidence booster. Just don't throw it up on your blog/ sales pages to look good, use it for what it is - a act of approval that someone finds what you do as being very good and helpful.

There saying your someone to listen to, so use this to build your confidence, which leads me on to another important aspect of a leader.

Confidence - all leaders have confidence in what there saying and what they are doing.

How do you get this?

By continuing to impress people with your knowledge and up to date information. Never stop learning your niche. The minute you stand still is the minute you know less.

True leaders are those who are at the forefront for new ideas and strategies.

Not everyone can be a leader as it takes balls to do it, but if you want to be a true leader then get out there and do it. Nothing is stopping you but yourself.

Hardwork and knowledge will shine through, people will see you as a leader if your work, effort and ability are top drawer.


New member
Nov 11, 2014
If you want to become better leader Consider the following tips:

1. Leadership Style
Access your strengths and Weaknesses you will know areas that need some work, you will find ways to improve your leadership abilities.

2. Role Model
Be a Role Model for your team members they way you talk, walk and work that should encourage your followers.

3. Communicate Effectively
Communicate and listen to your team carefully so that they can feel you care and concern for the members.

4. Positive Attitude
Positive attitude is a source of inspiration for your followers. stay positive even when things not going good.

5. Motivate Followers
Motivate followers and encourages them to get in action.


New member
Feb 12, 2015
I would also like to add pulling the effort to engage with your followers and learn what they like and don't like. I mean, communication is always key to success, so if you want to be an effective leader, you should know how to communicate with them. :)


New member
Nov 30, 2016
A good leader should have below mentioned 5 qualities
1- Good decision making sense
2- Bold
3- Devotion towards the country
4- A good listener
5- A good speaker
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