They all lie. Even the ones that seem sincere are still trying to sell you a course or have affiliate links for some crap they are pushing on their followers.
I've only ever seen one video that was totally honest with the viewers. It was how they made $1000 a day with dropshipping, but then they actually broke down the numbers for marketing costs, product costs, shipping, platform & processing fees, etc, and what they actually earned was about 3 dollars....LOL.
It was quite an eye opening explanation of how things really are, but yet the "Make $1000 a Day" title is what drew in the views. People want to believe the hype, but the reality is much different.
If you want to earn anything online you need to get past the hype and look at what is really going on behind the scenes. Learn from your mistakes (and theirs) to improve your plan for success and just keep perfecting it until you get it right.
The reason why 97% fail is because the vast majority just make a half-hearted attempt at a couple of things that others have claimed to succeed at, and then give up. That never works. To succeed you have to WANT NEED do WHATEVER it takes to win the online "game" and just attack it with everything you can.
It's not an easy game, but nothing good in life comes have to TAKE it.