Best niches 2015 for internet marketing?


Nov 6, 2012
Hey webmasters,
Are you in IM and do you know what are the best niches for internet marketing this year 2015?
Please share me your suggestions



Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Hiya David -

For me its business as usual... with targeting evergreen niches.... such as: "how to make money online", "weight loss, dieting", "health", "home & garden", "hobbies, crafts", "sports", "arts", "software, gaming" etc ... and so on... as an affiliate and also venturing much more as a vendor these days...

Saying that if you are looking for new things in 2015 - then keep a close look out on big launches (check various JV announcement sites) as well as what is happening with current affairs... For example the next big samsung/apple, microsoft launch, the latest plant found in the amazon which solves weightloss, new games to be released, new anticipated blockbuster movie etc... Check G's trends for an idea and then see if there are any products which relate to that.....

A good example I can cite was when hunger games was released.... I found a survival product which I liked and linked the two together as an experiment on Youtube... Did really well for a couple of weeks as it was just before the movie was launched... from recollection my youtube video was called "the real hunger games blah blah on those lines".... and it got a massive wave of hits and some sales for relatively little work... However what goes up must come down and you'll see that what was in fashion, quickly goes out- hence evergreen niches has a much more value in the long run.... that said its still fun to find a niche which can churn and burn before it crashes completely lol....

If its specifically IM then nothing much has changed.... it always centres on getting more traffic... perhaps these days more focused on social media - but that said its not a niche which I am fond off as there are too many fakesters, so called gurus and one click solutions... unless you can personally vouch for using them successfully and know that it works then its something I would not consider promoting to other people...

I hope that helps! and best of luck!!




New member
Jan 21, 2015
Well, I would say: What is everyone always looking for?
Start with the evergreen niches!

1. To look beautiful, especially the ladies
2. Make more money, With the economic recessions, more people are looking for way's at the internet.
3. To become thinner, Fitness industry of course (Burn those calories)
4. To become more healthy, of what you eat, your lifestyle.
5. Evergreen products like Energy company, satellite tv
6. Personal development to create a wealthy mindset.
7. Dating service, like how to get your ex back / how to attract your soul-mate.


New member
May 24, 2014
There are many great ways to earn money online all which need much learning and keeping up to date with what's new. Many Webmasters take advantage of what's popular in the news. Both ends of the stick, being the on the positive end, which may include weight loss, looking beautiful, stock market going up, training pets or child behavior, etc, just things where the outlook is positive.

The negative end which some take advantage of are disease outbreaks, war, world end, religions, celebrity deaths, etc to make money. Doing most of the things that may or may not be controversial to the public, or morally questionable would fall under this category.

There are various niches that work most of the time which have consistent income, however, you have to at least pick only a few and have your focus directly on them for a period of time before you pick a couple more. You don't want to overload yourself to the point where you can't keep up with what's expected of you, as far as subscribers, client's and search engines goes.

Do your research. Learn the niches you wish to specialize in, know your competition and what some of their sites look like, create lots of your own unique content relevant to all of your niches and subscribers, and always be open to constructive criticism.

BUT the TRUTH of the matter is, and the understandable reality is... When asking a direct question about best niches to Webmasters, you aren't going to get a direct answer, because by giving up the very information that is making them money, will ultimately impact the saturation factor, therefore would result in a decrease in sales for them.

It's awesome that you're here, proving you're willingness to learn! Just make sure you do your very thorough research, and learn everything you possibly can on the niches you choose.

Best regards,
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Content by Rhonda

New member
Feb 10, 2015
Look for problems or embarrassments people have. They are looking for solutions to their problems. And usually where there is one with a problem there are more. The main reason people surf the web it to learn how to do something, solve a problem, or social media. Just my two cents worth.

Marx Melencio

New member
Feb 7, 2015
Re: B2C Alternative


Service outsourcing in the corporate B2B (business to business) level looks good. Selling B2B products like enterprise technology and modern office equipment also looks promising...

I suggest positioning your business in corporate B2B markets that want specific B2B products and services. I recommend focusing on B2B players with recently launched products and service offers for hot industries and niches in their target B2C markets...

What I mentioned above's an alternative to competing in B2C markets. With this model -- You close one contract with a significant corporate player, especially an annual service contract, and you get recurring profits that you can probably live on for the rest of the year (or more). For example:

If you sell the call center services of a company as their affiliate so as to get a 20% recurring commission for the duration of each contract that you close with a significant corporate B2B player, like say a $45K / month call center service contract for 15 sales and support agents with a retail software start-up, then that gives you decent monthly commissions that you can invest in other ventures...

Also, if you want to venture into the B2C market, then I think you should keep in mind that non-English B2C markets are fast becoming very profitable markets to promote products and services to. For example, it's only recently that the B2C markets here in the Philippines have started searching and buying products online...

That's it for now. Cheers! :)
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