How can you make money with WordPress?


New member
Jan 29, 2015
Just searching on topics about how to make money with WordPress on search engines, and really this is not difficult if you know where to focus on. And I can assure you that there are many people (including myself) from all over the world are searching effective ways to earn money with wordpress.

There are different ways to make money on the Internet with WordPress, some of these include affiliate programs, private advertising and advertising networks. However, the number one rule to generate money through your wordpress site is that it has the ability to attract visitors.

Once you've done this, you will be directed to your site to start generating money. A higher number of visitors to your site will allow for more effective advertising campaign in private and increased conversion cup in pay per click advertising.

You're probably thinking this sounds much easier than it actually is, however, is not. Here I present some of the simplest methods to generate money with your site.

Selling advertising: This is basically selling advertising space on your website. In this case no matter if advertising has a high rate of conversion, because usually this type of advertising has a flat monthly fee. All you need to do is send e-mails to companies that advertise their services in other blogs offering your rates.

Advertising networks: These are programs like Google AdSense, which paid based on the number of people who click on advertising found on your site. All you need to do is put your code on your website.

Affiliate programs: These may demand a little more work but are an excellent way to make money with wordpress. Similar to advertising networks, affiliate programs pay based on conversion to generate your ad.

Do you believe that I missed some ways and would you mind to add extra tips about ways to earn money with WP in this post?.

All your comments are appreciated!


New member
Jan 22, 2015
That's really good, but having banners only on your wordpress blog is not enough to make a stable income.

You missed out the most important which is list building so that you can easily promote your products and affiliate products as well. You can also offer paid guest posts on your wordpress blog and sponsored reviews to product owners. There's also In-text advertising.

You can even sell backlinks if you want to, which can harm your search engine rankings however it's also another way to generate revenue. But good stuff, Thnx for sharing.

Content by Rhonda

New member
Feb 10, 2015
:DOne thing that wasn't mentioned is that if your website or blog doesn't have much of a following yet many people won't spend money to advertise on your site. They want people in front of their ad and if your site doesn't have a good amount of visitors already it won't work, unless you know something I haven't figured out yet.

However, having said that you could send in paid traffic if your ads sales were more and you still have a profit. But if I were going to pay for traffic I would want to sell a product of my own maybe. Just thinking out loud. Thanks for this thought provoking thread. It's certainly something to think about. :)


New member
Mar 15, 2015
First of all, Wordpress user should know how to tune it for SEO. Some basic steps like sitemap plugin, setting up quality theme, managing page load speed etc will give A+ entry in the search engine and resulting in start of traffic .... Earning from wordpress is much easier .... Choose your niche, setup wordpress, post frequent, quality content for attracting visitor and you are on the way ..


New member
Aug 21, 2012
Selling blog post is one of best way to give you big revneue at this time, but to sell blog posts, your blog must be more popular, high rankings, traffic and having good PR.

More people are offing $100, $200 for an article on their blog for a month. It really bring you more profits if you can go with this way.


New member
Mar 7, 2015
Just want to give my suggestion. Always do blogwalking if you want to make more money with wordpress. This way you can comes to other people blogs and get their ideas on how they monetize their blog. I often read shoutmeloud (you can type on google to search this blog), to learn more methods of optimizing & monetizing wordpress blog.
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