How to keep readers coming back to your blog


New member
May 12, 2013
I would like to hear your suggestion on how to keep readers coming back to your blog?
what should I do?
I appreciate all your comments and suggestions


New member
Jan 22, 2015
You can do some good SEO for your blog and search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc will bring you traffic on a daily bases. Option 2 is to have an rss feed on your blog, all those who subscribe will get an update each time you add a new blog post. Use a subscription form as well to increase rss optin rate.

Option 3 is to use email marketing, but you'll have to do a lot of testing if you're using email marketing to promote your blog posts because most people might unsubscribe due to getting a lot of emails. The best thing you can do is to offer great content that will keep them looking out for more emails from you.

Option 4 is video marketing, if you can get your videos to go viral on sites like Youtube then you can add your link in the description and encourage people to visit your blog in the video script.

Option 5 is my favorite, social media. This will require you to have fresh content on a daily bases. The more content you post daily the better chance of reaching people in different time zones.

Option 6 is to use guest blogging. Find related blogs that will allow you to guest post in exchange for placing your blog's url. You can even search for blogs that are popular in your niche but no longer have fresh content and offer them content in exchange for a link to your blog.

Option 7 is blog commenting. Search for blogs that are frequently updated and make sure you're the first one to comment on each new post. Old blog posts don't usually bring traffic, even if they do it won't be much traffic.

Option 8 is forums, you can use popular forums by offering value and place your blog url in the signature section. Don't use old and dead forums, search for active forums.

Hope that helps :)


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
Nytshade - some good options buddy! Nice one ;-)

Just to add... Ask yourself this question.... How many times have you visited an awesome website and never returned to it? - Even if you have bookmarked it... If you are like me and many others then it happens quite a lot... So unless you are a big, popular brand then you'll find that most people will visit once, maybe a couple of times and that's it... So my best advice is to focus on methods whereby you can capture visitor details and get them back on your site when you post new content or have special offer etc...

Therefore I would focus on:

1) Email marketing:- Its tried/tested and still endures and in my opinion is #1... For that offer a great incentive to join your email newsletter, offer great value and informative helpful info... In otherwords build your community...

Building a community around your blog does not stop there... Think about these:

2) Social networking presence... Rinse and repeat with getting followers, interacting and providing great value on these channels... Use that to funnel traffic to your blog e.g. latest article etc...

3) Video marketing - get folks to subscribe... With every article why not create an accompanying video?

In sum figure out where your target audience hangs out, create your own groups or join other groups (incl. forums) and get them to follow your website... For me the best way is to funnel all of that to the email newsletter with using the bonus bribe and offer to provide exclusive info which is only accessible as a news list member...

Best of Luck!

RDO Servers

New member
Apr 3, 2015
Have quality content!

If you have good material that people want to read, their more likely to come back. Poor content with all the SEO tricks in the book, won't make people return


New member
Apr 27, 2015
If you want to engage readers on your blog then you should need to make it fully informative so that readers can get some good info from it.

Ben Hartsuff

New member
Oct 8, 2015
The thing that gets visitors to keep coming back to your site is when they feel some kind of connection with you. This is why video is so effective because they can see you and hear you. The other thing you have to know is that you need new content frequently. This will give visitors a reason to come back to your site. If you can position yourself as an expert in your area this will also help and last you have to have interaction with your visitors that is why social media is so effective because your visitors are able to interact with you and it gives the visitor a sense of being part of a community which is a very primal feeling.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
I think quality and consistency is a great way to attract visitors and convert them to your blog loyal and regular readers.

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