Best ways to earning money from home?


New member
Jan 22, 2013
Hey Guys,

Please suggest me any better ways to earning money from home,
Here are my ways to make money online but some need more effort
- Sponsored post
- Freelance writing service.
- Affiliate program
- Paid guest post
- Google Adsense

What are your ways?

Adam Yunker

New member
Nov 4, 2015
Hey there,

There's actually multiple ways to make money from home. The internet has massive leverage to pay very little and offer your services to people at a real low cost which is great!

So I'll give you my favorite way that's nearly 100% automated and then I'll give you my more hands on way that you can start doing immediately. Both of which fall under the affiliate marketing category.

The Hands On Way: When I first started I didn't hear much about this way, but my niche was and still is "Internet marketing" or "Making Money Online" so what I did was go to forums and find the people who were completely new to that niche and offer to coach them completely for free! Then when they said yes I would let them know the only thing I would like for them to do is when they are at the point when the need to purchase something (Hosting, Domain, Autoresponder) I would ask that they purchased it through my affiliate link or affiliate coupon.

99% of the time they said yes, since it didn't cost anything extra. So that's what I did. I coached them and once they had there free giveaway product and followup series done I would give them the links to signup for the hosting, domain, & autoresponder.. The hosting and domain was a one-time payout, but the autoresponder was $5 every month from them (I still collect money from that) and once they were done I'd receive residual income from it.

The Automated Way: I would just create a free product and a squeeze page to collect emails. I would then change my "Thank you Page" to either a more advanced eBook that they can buy for just a couple dollars or an affiliate course. Then I would create the autoresponder series just 5-10 emails long of helpful content that leads up to a sale. Then I would purchase solo ads making sure I made $2 for every $1 I put in.

Once I made enough money I hire and email copy writing expert to rewrite the emails for max open/click through rates and also hire a CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) to test and redo my landing page. Then I would make the series more advanced so if they purchased between the 5-10 emails it would then take them to my 2nd followup series for a more advanced product.

That's my 2 favorite ways..

I hope this was helpful :)



New member
Nov 25, 2015
Hey Guys,

Please suggest me any better ways to earning money from home,
Here are my ways to make money online but some need more effort
- Sponsored post
- Freelance writing service.
- Affiliate program
- Paid guest post
- Google Adsense

What are your ways?
Well it seems like you have some options that you are utilizing right now to make money, but you just want to make more. This is not easy to answer without knowing a few things.

1. What skills do you have/ what are you good at?

2. Do you have money available to invest towards earning more money?

3. How much time are you willing to spend to make what you are seeking?

Without knowing these and a few other things, it would be hard to say what would be best for you.

Do you have any skills other than you listed, that you can sell as a service? If so, there are several places to earn some extra money. There is product marketing for yourself and others, freelance services such as content creation for websites and blogs, design services if you have the skills and some other things, depending on your abilities.

Have you considered domain investing (domaining)? If you have the time and a little money then you could do some research and invest in some domains, then sell them for a profit. This isn't always as easy as it seems or as many people think, but with the time, research, effort and some investment, you can make some nice profits.

I guess what I am saying is that there are many ways to make more money from home, it just depends on your abilities and the resources you have.


Nov 21, 2015
Hey, you want to make money online. Affiliate marketing is definitely the answer, as they have suggested above. But, if you want to be paid while learning affiliate marketing, Jeremy Schoemaker can pay you while learning the basic. Go check him out.

Disiclamer: not in anyway affiliated with him, but I think, his course is good, to pay you while learning.


New member
Aug 30, 2015
The best way to make money online is not to make money at all - capture customers. Learn to get super targeted traffic to download your FREE item (say an ebook on a specific solution to a problem). The ebook can then introduce them to a few small purchases which you then turn into bigger purchase offers.

Anyone can do this and build a sizeable mailing list for Affiliate marketing and/or market your own products.


New member
Jan 17, 2016
What are your skills?

Probably the easiest way is to become a freelancer...Then it would be to sell on Amazon, then affiliate marketing.


New member
Jan 22, 2013
I don't think it is easy to become a freelancer because it required you have better skills than others to serve for your work...Have you built an affiliate site and offering Amazon and other affiliates on it?


New member
Jan 4, 2016
Affiliate Marketing with out a doubt

I have had massive success with this ,Once you start to see good results with this

You can go into product creation to attain the tag of Guru Status

Affiliate marketing as there is no entry level barrier and anyone can become an affiliate to be honest

Super Affiliate


New member
Jan 19, 2016
Hey Guys,

Please suggest me any better ways to earning money from home,
Here are my ways to make money online but some need more effort
- Sponsored post
- Freelance writing service.
- Affiliate program
- Paid guest post
- Google Adsense

What are your ways?
- Freelance writing service.
-And blogging is the best way to earn.


New member
Jan 30, 2016
My way is affiliate marketing i'm affiliate marketer for last 5 years and when i was starting off it was really hard work and i was failing and not making money but with the time i learn from my mistakes and find myself a mentor that start guiding me and from then on my life changed so can yours if you know the few principles.

You need to master :
and traffic generation

With affiliate marketing you can do really really well.

I really love your post and i like to see other people that are in the same affiliate marketing space and to see positive responses on that one ;-)


New member
Jan 24, 2016
Hey Guys,

Please suggest me any better ways to earning money from home,
Here are my ways to make money online but some need more effort
- Sponsored post
- Freelance writing service.
- Affiliate program
- Paid guest post
- Google Adsense

What are your ways?
All of those processes are inbound techniques which depend on other people. I am probably an odd ball for saying this but one of the best ways to make money in any way is to offer the most useful thing you can to people around you physically. Sell to them cheap and take care of them well. Build a solid reputation for being useful and strategic.

You cannot capitalize on any of those opportunities (and make a decent living) without having a large following of engaged, relevant people. You will either have to have a large advertising budget or a strong network of people who already have a large following.

That being said, guest posting and / or sponsored posts that you contribute to have the most variable price. Its value is the back-link to your site which will be the river to lead to all other sales and where I would personally invest most of your time in - getting those organic value-adders.

If you'd rather sell your services of writing, you will need to do this anyway unless you're prepared to put your sales hat on.

Phil T

New member
Feb 6, 2016
Hey Guys,

Please suggest me any better ways to earning money from home,
Here are my ways to make money online but some need more effort
- Sponsored post
- Freelance writing service.
- Affiliate program
- Paid guest post
- Google Adsense

What are your ways?
Did you get the answer you were looking for?
A lot can depend on your goals/visions and what kind of time scale are you willing to sacrifice daily? Affiliate programs can offer flexibility and freedom and earn while you learn packages can be a huge advantage if start up capital is a problem.....
I'd like to help you more just PM or Email me if you need further assistance
Cheers Phil.


New member
Jan 30, 2016
See what exactly you have worth for selling? If you are developing applications/softwares, sell them. If you are developing games, sell them. If you have market, try selling goods online. The Easier ones: Work as a freelance. If you just have a great content and a website with lots of traffic, Choose AdSense. Set back and watch how you earn with AdSense without any clicks.
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