How To Make Your First $300 Online


New member
Jan 22, 2015
$300 Online.jpg

Today I would like to share a really neat technique that will help anyone who takes action to make their first $300 online. You're the one who'll determine how long this process will take, it can take a week or month but it shouldn't take more than 30 days for you to reach $300.

The technique is really simple, this is simply based on CPA marketing but with a twist obviously. I'll show you how to use blog posts with facebook Ads to promote your CPA offers and build a long term business.

The great thing about CPA marketing is that you can start with a low budget, you don't need your own product and the best part is that you don't have to sell anything all you do is give away free stuff and make money.

It's not as easy as it sounds though, there's some hard work involved but once you have everything up and running things become a lot easier. Your system will also run on autopilot, giving you more time to focus on other stuff.

But before you start building anything you'll need to choose a really good niche. To make things easy for you I'll give you a list of niches that work well with CPA marketing. No need to worry about competition when using my technique, the more competition you have the better.

Good Niches for CPA

Mobile Apps
Health & Fitness (Health & Beauty as well)
Forex & Binary
You can do a whole lot more research online especially on how to find CPA networks and tips for getting approved. I won't talk about choosing a CPA network, getting approved and niche selection because I just want to share the strategy so you'll have to do some research about that on your own.

The Funnel

Once you've chosen a niche, joined a CPA network and approved, you're going to need 3 things to build your funnel. You'll need a blog, an autoresponder and a facebook fan page (you'll find out why below).

You'll be using your blog mainly to build trust then send your visitors to a CPA offer that you're promoting. Make sure that your blog post is closely related to the offer you're promoting.

The blog post could be anything that is informative, entertaining, political, controversial or even news but make sure that it's something that's worth sharing. Share things that tend to go viral, it could be a video, infographic or plain text, whatever that you think will work well to promote your offer.

For instance, if you were to promote the free $100 Uber Voucher a great story to share would be about An Uber driver in Southern California who was pulled over last night and blew three times the legal limit. This story is going viral.

Then at the end of the post promote the free voucher.

You can promote your offer in the middle and end of the blog post, also have some banners of your offer within the blog but make sure you don't clutter your blog with too many banners. In-context banner Ads always work well but don't go over-board, have 1 or 2 on each post.

Create a professional looking blog with a few more posts that are related to your niche & offers. Add social sharing buttons on your blog as well to make it easy for visitors to share your content online.

Finally, make sure you have an optin form with a freebie (related to your CPA offer) below each blog post and the sidebar as well to capture emails. You can use the email list to promote more CPA offers but mix your promotion emails with some valuable content, don't just spam people with offer after offer they'll unsubscribe.

Also monetize your "Thank You" page and autoresponder welcome message to maximize revenue.

Facebook Ads Strategy

All you need to reach your first $300 is facebook Ads then you can try other traffic sources and expand later once you know that you have a working system. Using FB Ads is the simplest way to get your content to go viral and have your system running on autopilot.

Try 2 types of promotions, the first one will be a post with a short description and a URL. Use an eye-catching thumbnail, title and description for your URL post to grab attention.

The 2nd post will be a viral image, preferably a meme that is related to your offer then add a short description and a link to your blog post. Use memes that have few words or else it won't get approved on facebook. Funny short videos work as well and video Ad campaigns are dead cheap on facebook.

Promote the different campaigns (URL post, image and maybe video) then choose the one that brings a good return on investment. To build more Rep/Authority simply create a $10 post engagement campaign. With 10 bucks you should be able to get a minimum of 200 post likes, a couple of shares and some comments.

That should make it easy for people to trust and click your link, then you can spend the rest of your budget on a website click campaign promoting your blog post.

There's a lot of places online where you can find more info about targeting, minimizing your cost and other FB Ads tips so I won't cover that on this article.

Basically you run a facebook Ad campaign so that you can attract organic traffic and shares to get your post to go viral then let your funnel bring in the profits. Make sure you use Facebook Pixel on your site so that you can do some retargeting to minimize Ad cost.


Don't give up if you don't get it right the first time, try a different offer or go into a different niche. Remember, we learn from our mistakes or other people's mistakes, failure is the best teacher so don't give up.

The reason I say don't give up is because I know most people won't get this right the first time they try it, unless you have some online marketing experience. Also make sure that you don't spend time thinking about it just take action.

Fix things along the way don't try to get it perfect from the start. This is a big mistake newbies make, they want to get things perfect first. Let me tell you a secret, there's no perfect system. That is why even big companies such as Microsoft release a BETA version of windows first then release the final product after fixing the major bugs.

So just get started and fix things as you grow. Hope you found this post valuable and it inspires you to take action.

That's it folks, it's that simple, not easy but simple :)
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Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Interesting strategy and I'd think doable for most every one. Thanks for sharing.

Never did any Facebook ads, so I did not know about engagement campaign. Good deal for $10.

One thing, don't mean to be negative, but won't it be difficult for most people to get a positive ROI with facebook ads? Just curious.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
No bro, you're not being negative at all, it's a good question. Let me show you a screenshot for one of my campaigns then you'll see that getting a good ROI is not hard even for newbies.

FB Ads.jpg

As you can see, the post engagement brought me 336 post engagement (likes, shares & comments) for $10.99. Then for $36.58 I got over 255 clicks (the campaign is still going, ending tomorrow).

So even if my blog post converts at the lowest, let's say 20%, so 20% of 255 clicks is 51 people. That means even if you're promoting an offer that pays $2 per lead you'll still make a good ROI with a poor conversion rate. The conversion rate will always be higher than 20% because you're promoting a free offer and you're not selling anything, this makes a huge difference.

Remember, you'll be promoting something that has a viral effect so there'll also be some organic traffic as well. Another great thing is that you'll be building an email list as well, so getting that ROI is inevitable hehe :DD:

But I also have to be honest about something, you don't just get $0.14 clicks on facebook you need to know what you're doing, maybe this is something I'll share in detail in future articles. When you're just starting expect to pay around $0.26 - $0.36 per click and promote free offer that pay at least $4+ per lead.

Hope that answers your question :)
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Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
Some good stuff again :)

I've avoided FB ads and pretty much all PPC only, because it can be so risky. But you have to take risks some times to get ahead or find success, right?

You will probably know, but wouldn't even buying more engagement possibly create more organic traffic? Just wonder if it can also be a long term strategy as well. Just an idea.

As for getting lower clicks, that is kind of part of what I was saying, not only getting a positive POI, but also getting to the point of cheaper clicks. Obviously, that would be something that I am sure I am not the only one that would be VERY interested in knowing more.

And what about buying likes in this case?

Too many questions :)


New member
Nov 19, 2015
I can imagine that some of the niches you mentioned work really well for something like Facebook. I'm in one of those in particular but can't bring myself to spend money on ads. I'm just too cheap. I'm not just that way with IM. I'm that way with like everything. I really need to get over that. A number of marketers I know really like using FB ads, though (the gambling sort).



New member
Jan 22, 2015
haha... I feel you.

You can also use free traffic, platforms I would recommend for viral content are tumblr and instagram. I don't know any other platform where things get shared like on tumblr, things go viral pretty easy on tumblr. If you target the right hashtags on instagram your posts can go viral with little effort.

Feel free to use any traffic source but paid traffic just makes it easy to scale and grow your business a lot faster. Most importantly, run the business on autopilot. Remember, you're building a business not a job.

Maybe make a few bucks with free traffic then reinvest that money into FB Ads or your preferred paid traffic source.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
I've avoided FB ads and pretty much all PPC only, because it can be so risky. But you have to take risks some times to get ahead or find success, right?
I don't really think this is risky, unless you choose to promote something that doesn't have a viral effect (something that is not worth sharing). And I don't see how spending $50 is a risk, I really don't see any risk here.

Anyway, I did mention that you can use free traffic so there's no risk here bro, it's all in your mind. This is why at the end of the article I talked a bit about mindset, don't spend time thinking about it just act or simply don't do it at all.

My point is that, all the risk is taken out of the equation here, you're just creating the risk in your mind. You're not selling anything here, you're giving away free stuff. I mean, who doesn't like free stuff?

You will probably know, but wouldn't even buying more engagement possibly create more organic traffic?
It might, it might not. Buying more engagement is just for building the Rep/Authority as well as trust. But the shares will definitely bring you some organic traffic, it's just not guaranteed because it depends on who's sharing the content.

For instance, if your content gets shared by popular people it will go viral pretty easy.

Just wonder if it can also be a long term strategy as well. Just an idea.
I did mention in the article that this is a long term business. You'll also be building an email list, remember? This should also eliminate the risk you're thinking about. You can even promote other affiliate products to your email list to maximize profits.

There are thousands of CPA offers online, businesses will always want to advertise their products so they'll always look for publishers. I don't understand why or how you see this as a short term strategy, this is a type of business you just keep scaling up till Jesus comes back.

As for getting lower clicks, that is kind of part of what I was saying, not only getting a positive POI, but also getting to the point of cheaper clicks. Obviously, that would be something that I am sure I am not the only one that would be VERY interested in knowing more.
Easy stuff, just go to Youtube and search "$0.01 clicks on facebook", "getting cheap clicks on facebook" or anything along those lines and you'll find many webinars where people reveal their secrets. Another thing is that you also have to be hands-on, no thinking about it.

And what about buying likes in this case?
No I don't buy fan page likes, this is waste of your precious money because you'll still need to pay to reach those fans (actually it's stupid hehe :DD:). The fan page likes will come organic from both the post engagement campaign and clicks campaign.

Too many questions :)
To me it just seems like you're scared of the most important thing in life and especially in business, "Failure". Without mistakes or failure there's no learning. That is why there's a saying that say: you learn from your mistakes or other people's mistakes. But I don't blame you, this was engraved in us from school, when you fail you don't go to the next grade. In school when you fail you're considered a clown, so taking risks becomes a problem for us.

You just have to reprogram yourself and realize that even crossing the road is a risk but you just got used to taking the risk that you end up not realizing that it's a risk.

Hope that answers all your questions bro, but feel free to shoot more.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Thanks for the reply. Think you have me a little wrong. Iv'e been online since 1998, took many risks over the years. Big risk at the time I started. The mindset it there. Most times, we all have those days. :)

I totally agree that $50 is not a big risk, not at all. I was was referring more to the fact that some keywords can get expensive and i can be easy to rack up a bill if one is not careful. Plus if if your not getting the clicks cheap enough. Well, there are budgets for that as well, so I probably am thinking wrong. And sure can get in my own mind some times.

And I do see it as a long term, was just thinking long term as far as just organic traffic. Though obviously buying likes is not a good idea.

Defiantly not afraid of failure, would have quit a long time ago if that was the case, just don't like losing too much money :) But ya gotta pay to play, right?

Another thought, once you find a winning campaign, you could roll it out to other PPC sources.

One other question, what do you use to track everything? There are so many scripts and services out there.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
haha I feel you. Yeah, I agree, I have got you a little wrong there bro :)

I don't do much tracking in this case, all I have is a facebook pixel (tracks clicks and conversions for my email list not the CPA offers), I also have Pretty Links(wordpress plugin) to track FB Ads clicks and clicks for the CPA offers I'm promoting. To see how many leads I got for the CPA offer I'm promoting I use the CPA Network's dashboard.

The facebook pixel is another secret ingredient that helps me get cheaper clicks when I do retargeting, do some research about it, it's a great strategy. My getresponse account is also connected to my google analytics account as well.

That's pretty much it.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
Spot on with so many aspects bruh!!!! Good post man. We've been using spoof news for many reasons. People, if you are trying to make your first buck quickly this post is an awesome way to do it.

You just need to be a little clever. Spoof news is huge! Made a ton of money with CPA offers and this very same method. Of course I added a little twist. You know me, I'm always doing some black hat to decrease my CPA (cost per acquisition) in whatever ad network Im using. So here's something to add and a little twist I did.

Instead of going through all the work of creating blogs (I never can just do one niche or product, there's just too many incentives to push multiple products in multiple niches), I just clone authority sites with this site here:

It's a pretty cool site. I've freaked my mother out by cloning her local newspapers site (the FBI most wanted section hehehe) and edited it to make it look like my brother was wanted on drug trafficking charges. I know it was kinda mean, but the family gotta kick out of it :)

Anyhow, if you have half a brain you can really use this cloning site for CPA offers. I've already made publishers a bunch of money from legitimate blogs in the past. Not sure if I would try this being a noob that hadn't made legitimate money for the network yet, but for you Nytshade, you'd be Ok if youre on good terms with your managers. It's just as noobs your under scrutiny.

Ive already used this for health and fitness, as there's tons of authority sites in this niche, and less likely to get caught. Let me say I've never had this backfire on me.

BUT I am doing this with my own sites too, and just copying and pasting content from other sites. I set all pages on the site to noindex, nofollow and don't submit sitemaps or anything. I also use redirects and tricky shit to anonymize myself. I guess I feel kinda bad cloning sites to make money, and thats why I've began this, but I'm still copying and pasting someone elses content. lol

Whatever, it makes money. And quickly. Lazy man methods. But if you keep applying these "lazy man methods" all day and have 30 different methods going, its not really lazy. It's a lot of work with more reward.

Is there certain moral boundaries that maybe pushed here? Probably. But you know what, my daughter went to Disney World for spring break and the CPA networks are happy because regardless of everything else, THEY MADE MONEY. I MADE MONEY. And I and my family are living well. Isn't that all that matters in the end?

And Ron don't be afraid of PPC. Understand and study your arse of before you do it though. If you have a legitimate blog and target the right keywords you can earn a nice bit of money from click arbitrage as well. I make money from FB ad traffic that clicks adsense ads on my legit sites. Think niches with a high CPC. Lawyers, insurance, home repairs, etc.... Find a way to drive cheap targeted traffic from FB .30 .40 CPC and convert it for $10-$20 per click. There's tons of niches paying in the high CPCs.

Hope you don't think I'm hijacking Nytshade, just wanted to add a little as this is something Ive made a pretty penny from. It's why I haven't let the cat out the bag haha. But since you did it already I figured "wth I might as well add too it."



New member
Jan 22, 2015
Great post ma ninja and a nice twist to the original strategy I shared. That's what it's all about, people just want to take what I say or anyone then they want to implement everything exactly without putting a twist to it. You always have to take the strategy you're given then make it your own (give it a twist) and take it to the next level.

I like what you did ma ninja and I'm glad it's working for you as well.

... Find a way to drive cheap targeted traffic from FB .30 .40 CPC and convert it for $10-$20 per click...s
I don't pay more than $0.15 per click on FB, if my cost per click goes higher than $0.15 then I'm doing something wrong. Check out the screenshot below ma ninja :p


Yep, that's 1 cent per click ma ninja. I've pushed it to less than 1 cent per click in the past, I can't do it again though.

But I had to stop that ad campaign, as you can see it's inactive, because the app I was using just went bananas and was no longer collecting emails. So once I get that sorted it's back to 1 cent clicks and good paying CPA offers, it doesn't get easier than this.

So Thnx to laziness :DD:
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2014
You got that in US, UK, Australia, etc...??? That's good stuff. I've gotten my CPC down to .0025. That's 4 clicks to a penny. But that was in underdeveloped countries, like India, Philippines, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, etc....

I apologize now, as I only pay that high when focusing on the profit from the click arriving to my page and clicking a Google ad, and kinda got off topic with the whole click arbitrage thing. It still kinda fits, I guess. So on that, Im curious.............

Do you see any profit from click arbitrage if you are running in underdeveloped countries? I'm only basing these questions off an assumption. For instance, one of the areas that have been nice for click profits is home repairs. The CPC on that stuff is through the roof and the content isn't too technical, like other high paying niches. So an easier target for someone with minimal knowledge or vernacular. Now I obviously can't run traffic from india, the CPC and payout would be bottom barrel.

So I'm being very specific with the traffic I target. For instance, if I want to drive traffic to a page about window replacement, it would be irrelevant for me to run ads in cities that the CPC is low because its in less demand. And also, look to target the highest CPC paying cities. For instance Los Angeles and New York. Depending on niche, but window replacement is through the roof in terms of CPC. $20-$50+ per click in AdWords. But say I was running ads in the entire US and not focusing on specific cities, then my payout will be lower and a lot of the clicks maybe irrelevant.

With click arbitrage (which is when I was spending the .30-.40) I really want visitors that are going to click high paying Google ads once they get to my site. Obviously there's tricky psychological implementations that play on cognitive biases, and ultimately get the user thinking they want the product/service before they click the ad. Gets super strategic, but when you consider the source of traffic, as well as targeting features, its really just work and pretty much a no-brainer.


New member
Jan 22, 2015

That's a great guide, thanks you a lot. Do you recommend some CPA networks in particular ? And did you try Adwords for example, instead of Facebook ?
Cool, I'm glad you found it useful. No I don't recommend any CPA networks and you can try any traffic source, it doesn't matter what traffic source you use, just as long as you're getting positive results.

You got that in US, UK, Australia, etc...??? That's good stuff. I've gotten my CPC down to .0025. That's 4 clicks to a penny. But that was in underdeveloped countries, like India, Philippines, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, etc....
Yes bro, I don't target any 3rd or 2nd world countries. When doing CPA it's not easy to find international offers so I target any country that the CPA offer wants. Most of the time it's only 3 countries (UK, US and Canada).

Even when I'm promoting other stuff besides CPA offers I only target 1st world countries. I don't even target my own country when doing FB Ads ma ninja and I advise you not to add it as well, it might seem like a 2nd world country but it's not, trust me :DD: but it's not 3rd world either.

I've had bad experience with 2nd & 3rd world countries in the past and lost some cash. Especially India, I was not able to convert those people so I don't target them anymore.

Only first world countries ma ninja.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Great Guide...where can i get further details about Facebook Ads marketing??? any recommended resources?

I don't have 1 specific place where you can learn all FB Ads strategies I know. I picked up a lot of things by buying different courses from different marketers. This is why I don't recommend any particular resource because I don't know anyone who teaches everything I learned in 1 course/training.

You simply have to invest in some courses, do some research (specifically on youtube) and use common sense.


New member
Mar 16, 2016
I've literally designed my ad, basic, just to get likes on my FB page or even direct traffic to my site (for email list), and then stopped myself. Today!

Lol. I think I'll start campaign on a low budget for a few days, starting Monday. Thanks, man.

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Been meaning to read the new entries in this thread for like a week now :)

And Ron don't be afraid of PPC. Understand and study your arse of before you do it though. If you have a legitimate blog and target the right keywords you can earn a nice bit of money from click arbitrage as well. I make money from FB ad traffic that clicks adsense ads on my legit sites. Think niches with a high CPC. Lawyers, insurance, home repairs, etc.... Find a way to drive cheap targeted traffic from FB .30 .40 CPC and convert it for $10-$20 per click. There's tons of niches paying in the high CPCs.
Ya I know, I just need to get started. The plan is to get going in the next week. Just so many (as Nytshade says) ma ninja tricks I don't know about. Well, so many things in their area I don't know about. But only one way to learn, right?

Curious, do you guys think FB-> CPA is the best way to get started? It's been mentioned, just checking.

Can't see doing the cloning myself, out of my comfort zone and too risky for me. Plus probably don't know how to "hide" well enough.

Need to re-read this entire thread.

Johnny Nguyen

New member
Apr 28, 2016
Thank you for sharing!

You built a perfect system for how long? And the cost is how much?

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
I'll have you know, I submitted my first FB ad campaign. Retargeting campaign. Waiting approval. Fingers crossed I did not mess it up to bad and it gets approved.

And hopefully it breaks even or better, it makes a profit. :)

[EDIT] it's been approved already. Only like a couple hours. Wow.


New member
Jun 28, 2016
Well that's interesting but still it's incomplete. Well I made my first $4000 online with just a simple forum post with an affiliate link and that post was ranking number 1 on Google. Alas after one year the rankings of that forum dropped and I also got busy in offline stuff.

Cameron Hill

New member
Sep 1, 2016
Thanks for sharing man, like you said: Simple, but not easy. I think this should give people a good plan to start off with, and hope/encouragement as well. This stuff is possible guys! But like he said, don't give up! Keep on going no matter what. Decide what you want, and then go and get it, and don't stop until you get it. And be optimistic. You can and will do this. If I can do this, anyone can do this.
These are the keys to success here.




New member
Nov 25, 2016
Thank you, it's a good article. But my Facebook Ads doesn't work well. I get many visitors but no conversions.


New member
Dec 17, 2016

I'm starting my first MMO job for 10 days. I found it sometimes really stressful, especially when trying to build backlink. It's a very long way to go so let's keep patient and don't think so much about money then money will come to us. :rolleyes2:
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