Why is it so soo bad? Bad for you you mean right?
How do you know no new url's were crawled? Do you mean the url's on your site right sam?
If so, then that could be for any number of reasons. All of which would be relative I am sure.
Without knowing your site in question, and knowing about the site itself, how can anyone tell you what's going on mate?
In general, if your sites rank hasn't changed in two weeks and you have not seen any spidering of your site by any search engine in two weeks then there's a reason for that too.
First thing to do is, wait. Two weeks is not a long enough time to wait for Google to update the ranking of your site and any or all sites on the Internet.
You know how long, far and between Google can be before she updates herself.
You need to wait longer than two weeks. Wait another two weeks before doing anything drastic.
Secondly, Google is not just one but rather a collection of servers or data-centers and they don't all get updated at the same time.
Depending on what data-center is being served to you depending on your Geo-location dictates on the results that you see which are not the same for everyone else.
And if your site isn't/hasn't been/being crawled by any spider then this would probably be down to several things such as;
- Not enough do follow or no new do follow links to your site have been built thusly no spider can visit/crawl your site from that do follow link.
- No new content has been added to the site recently or if it has, no notification of that content (Ping) has been made thusly G doesn't know it's there to crawl anyway.
- If new content has been added but not pinged or shared anywhere and not yet at all indexed because of one of the first two reasons.
- Site is very new/small and has a very small backlink portfolio and doesn't have any or much authority for the search engines to actually want to crawl anyway.
It might not be what you wanted to hear and it can be a bitter pill to swallow, but that's about the big and small of it when you think about it.