SEO for E-commerce Websites?


New member
Jul 18, 2016
At the moment I am having an online shop built based on Wooecommerce + Wordpress, I need to take care of every aspect related to it. While making sure to market quality products, with prices in line with the market and using a responsive template, which adapts to every mobile devices, there's an important point I want to care for getting traffic to it is SEO. An important factor that could not underestimated, in fact, is that of SEO for ecommerce, crucial to get a good organic ranking on SERPs and to be found in a more simple by users. What do you guys share any tips for SEO for E-commerce Websites?

Ron Killian

New member
Dec 3, 2015
Sorry, I don't get these kind of threads.

How is SEO for a Ecommerce site any different from most any other site?

Am I missing something?

Hugo E.

Active member
Sep 8, 2014
Sorry, I don't get these kind of threads.

How is SEO for a Ecommerce site any different from most any other site?

Am I missing something?
SEO for a Ecommerce site is not like doing SEO for a blog or normal websites because your site could have duplicated content with other sites (product name/price/description/...) unless they are your products and they are unique.

At the moment I am having an online shop built based on Wooecommerce + Wordpress, I need to take care of every aspect related to it. While making sure to market quality products, with prices in line with the market and using a responsive template, which adapts to every mobile devices, there's an important point I want to care for getting traffic to it is SEO. An important factor that could not underestimated, in fact, is that of SEO for ecommerce, crucial to get a good organic ranking on SERPs and to be found in a more simple by users. What do you guys share any tips for SEO for E-commerce Websites?
You can explore five suggestions that I think they will work well in SEO for ecommerce websites and avoid mistakes that could make your sites decrease positions on search engine results.

1. Adding description to the product
Number one rule for ecommerce SEO: Be sure that you will NEVER leave an empty description of the product that you are selling. How can a person interested in what you sell, trust your shop if you do not provide a minimum of description? Keep in mind that a person who chooses to buy your products does not have the ability to reach out and touch your product, to measure it or wear it. As a result, more details you provide the more chance you will have to respond to every possible request.

If, instead, to do first, you're thinking of duplicating the descriptions of your products because "they are all the same", stop right now! You may come across as nothing in Google's Panda Update. Consider the possibility not to index the pages so you can not write unique content and value rather ... but our advice is still to strive and create the unique content and quality.

2. The use of keywords
When you fill out your product, make sure you enter the relevant details in each part of the text. This means that, in optical SEO for ecommerce, the ideal is to provide both users and search engines the most important keywords . How to do? Simply by adding them in the title tag, h1 or h2 in subtitles, in the description and image. Take care, not to make the keyword stuffing and then not to repeat like a robot keywords, but enter them with sense and logic. Work with the inclusion of the brand, the most widely used name for your product research and fundamental details that distinguish it.

3. Unique content
It is important, in order to ensure a good organic position, make sure that content created for each product are unique and different. It is obvious that in certain contexts, to do SEO for e-commerce is more complicated: we think of the shops that sell the same product but with different sizes or colors. In any case, the effort is required to differentiate the texts within the pages. In particular, it is essential that the title of the page are different from each other.

4. Creating friendly URL with search engines and your visitors
You know the classic URL composed of a cluster of letters and numbers that only the machines are able to understand? Here, forget them. When doing SEO for ecommerce, URLs are switching to optimize from the beginning point. As for the descriptions and titles, it is important that they are unique, clear and contain the keywords related to the product. A friendly URLs will not be only for Google, which in any case will be appreciated and will help you in improving positin in Google, but it is also pleasant to the eyes of your visitors. Remember that your potential customers are hiding among them, also keep in mind that most people now have much confidence with online shops and their eye very often jumps on the URL of the page. So, give them the opportunity to read even in the link that you are seeing on your shop and leaves aside incomprehensible numbers and letters!

5. Usability and clarity
The SEO for ecommerce is not made of keywords and meta data. The usability of an online shop is critical to the user. Make your ecommerce intuitive and easy to use it will reassure users and will help them in their navigation path within the shop. If to achieve a product that takes 5 clicks ... maybe there's something wrong. Tries to reduce to a minimum the steps and make the simple and fluid exploration for your visitors. We recommend an interesting insight into the difference between UX design and UI design that maybe you can help us better understand the issue usability.


New member
Nov 17, 2016
First follow main seo terms create good meta for particular product which you are targeting.

Then find some good product listing website. In that put that product and use keyword carefully and also some sites are gives space to add link also.

That will definitely work for e-commerce web site.
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