Content vs. Backlink 2015


New member
Feb 6, 2015
Hi guys, i would like to know this year 2015 I should focus on which, Content or Backlink, which bring more SEO benefits for my site?
Excited to hear your ideas



Active member
Jun 9, 2014
miken! Absolutely Content that brings you a lot of back-links, Magically. I think it is one of the best way to earn links not build links. You know, the good links are standing on PR. So think about user or customer, Because quality links are 100% earned naturally. If you are able to provide useful contents with targeted keywords to targeted people through your site then it is the best way to earn back-links. Oh! my thinking is not avoid to build links properly, Because after taking the content you should generate quality backlinks.

Some strategies which are still effective in the SEO world in 2015 :

social bookmarking
Social Media Marketing specially leverage Linkedin as well for writing and sharing blog.
Write some Guest posts and give some references through your websites or blogs links among the post and under the Author Bio.
Info-graphics and Video marketing
Quality Participation with some of your website or blog links in Forum discussion and Questions/Answers sites.

So dear, I think, you have read my mind?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
I'm all for content marketing, especially epic content posts which are aim to be a definitive guide on a specific topic... I've written really long blog posts like that exceeding 10K words and it pulls in traffic on a level that tit for tat its less time spent versus backlinking.... Although these days you dont actually need that many backlinks - just a few high authority ones to give a boost... Generally speaking backlinks which are easy to create are worthless and G knows that.... and so should everyone else for that matter...

Bijutoha nice effort..! However I disagree with some of it or rather I feel some of your points need further elaboration as not of all it is attributed to ranking on SERPs but can also bring traffic... Hence:

1) Social bookmarking - forget it!!! I would only use it on my tier sites with efforts to funnel link juice to my money site... and not directly to my money site... These links are easy to create and consequently G does not give a sh** about them....
2) Social media - well that's an alternative source of traffic to G... I think its great to diversify your traffic sources and not rely on G - but my view is that G's ranking algo does not directly attribute SERP rankings based on social signals... Its indirect cause of gaining backlinks as a result of social interaction which help.... I'm all for social as it mitigates reliance on G...
3) Guest posts - yes but only on sites which have good authority metrics and traffic... and dont make it too obvious with using sig author profile at end of article as G may pick up on that being a guest post and thus detect serp manipulation... These days article directories have been blasted out of the SERPs... They do nothing... Look at Ezine they now only provide nofollow links in order to stay afloat...
4) Info-graphics - yes if its good and people link to the image...
5) Video marketing - yes this brings traffic to your site - but keep in mind your video will be ranking not your site e.g. Youtube... The links coming from the description is nofollow so you wont get any link juice to your money site....
6) Forums - Well nofollow sig links will do nothing for your site if your aim is for backlinking and ranking on the serps... It will however bring in traffic should you genuinely interact and provide value...

I hope that helps!



Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
Why in the world would you only focus on one of them?

Good backlinks will bring better rankings than good content every single day. You can find plenty of sites ranking at the top of tough keywords with average content, but they are doing it with better links than their competition.

That being said, build and attract really good links to really good content. Focusing on just one or the other does not make any sense.

Content by Rhonda

New member
Feb 10, 2015
Think about this? Why do you personally go to any website? I go because I'm looking for how to do something, or how someone else is doing something, or to learn something about something I'm interested in. It's that simple in my opinion. I continue to stay on that site and search for other blog post if I'm leaning and find I don't want to leave yet.

Give people what they are looking for and they will come and you will get backlinks. It all hinges around good content in my opinion. Yes, there is probably a little more to it than that with social media, etc. But I still believe that thinking of the end user in social media, websites, whatever will help the cause greatly.

I feel this way because I've known a couple of people that started their websites out not knowing any techy stuff but gave the readers what they wanted in a niche they were hungry for and they have never had to search for ranking, backlinks, or anything else. Now I know this was probably dumb luck on their part, but it does make me think about my own sites and how I should go back to basics at times.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
That's all well and good Rhonda, but if nobody can find the content in the first place, it doesn't matter how good it is.

Running a social media campaign is great, but chances are it is not going to bring you targeted visitors in most cases. People are not searching for answers to problems on Facebook.

A solid AdWords campaign is great and will get you found when people are searching in Google, but most IM'ers are too cheap to run one of those.

So again it really comes down to finding a way to build and/or attract good links from relevant sources to get your content ranked in Google and other major search engines.


New member
Mar 14, 2015
Content is the king and Backlink is the army of SEO. So you can not get more benefit without this two parts. This two parts are equally much needed for benefit on SEO. Even though links are unquestionably an important ranking signal. Yes, quality backlinks can carry enormous weight and help bring your site to the top of a competitive. Content marketing is the cheapest and most effective way to do SEO these days. Not only does writing high quality content produce links at a quicker pace than building them manually.


New member
Mar 17, 2015
Content is king. Without content nothing can be done. keep on posting unique content on your site. For backlink building content is must. Post quality content and build quality backlink building.

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